The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Can Be Yours


 The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Can Be Yours

The subconscious mind is made up of your thoughts, memories and experiences from previous people and events. It contains everything you know and then some. With this awesome computer at your disposal, you can create a vision board that will guide you to success in a variety of areas or just see what successful people share in common.

This article will give tips on how to use the subconscious mind effectively by combining powerful visualization methods with guided meditation techniques. The first time I saw a vision board, was in a Psychology class my freshman year of college. The teacher assigned each student to cut out images from magazines and create their own vision board. The board was then posted on the classroom wall for everyone to see.

We were given pictures of fancy cars, big houses, prestigious careers, beautiful people and lots of money. The point of the vision board was to keep a visual reminder of this person's goals and dreams. The teacher recommended that we post them in our bedroom for self-motivation and success.

The first time I saw my own vision board, I was shocked by what it contained. My board was filled with pictures of strange things like old racetracks, old houses and baby animals. While I'm not sure how successful these images were at motivating me to be some random person on the street selling hotdogs to poor people,

This type of personal achievement art is the perfect example of how personal exertion can be put on display for the world to see as a way of drawing attention to your life accomplishments.

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When it comes to creating a vision board, remember the primary purpose of a vision board is to keep you motivated and help you reach your goals. Once you have achieved some tangible results, create a visual reminder of your streak or goal. The goal here is to have a consistent visual reminder of what it is that you're trying to accomplish in order to stay motivated and on track.

First, consider what type of accomplishment you want to create in your life and exactly how long it will take (if at all) for that accomplishment to become a reality. Once you know these specifics, visualize what it will look like once you achieve your goal or streak. This is really important because the subconscious mind takes this visual information in and it sets off a chain of events that will lead to your new habit or accomplishment.

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For example, if you picture yourself winning a bodybuilding competition and what it will look like to have won the biggest bodybuilding competition in history, this subconscious mind is going to recognize which kinds of exercise routines will help you achieve this specific focus for your life..

The subconscious mind will then create a series of actions that will lead to your success. This is why it's so important to visualize your specific goal and not just a vague idea of what it is that you're trying to accomplish in your life. When you have a well-defined goal, the subconscious mind can start working for you on autopilot without any effort on your part.

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One of the best ways to program the subconscious mind is through guided meditation. Guided meditation allows you to harness this state of relaxation and focus the mind on achieving something specific. This puts the conscious mind in a state where it's more receptive to change.

One of the most common guided meditations involves breathing exercises. For example, using a 4-7-8 breathing technique, you can slow down your breathing and allow your mind to focus on the current task at hand or your goals for that matter. If you still have trouble lowering your heart rate or concentrating on something specific, then try some of these other meditation techniques for beginners for more guidance.

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Another way to program your subconscious is through positive affirmations. These are positive thoughts that are repeated aloud in order to reinforce those statements or beliefs into your subconscious mind and lifestyle choices.

One of the most effective ways to reprogram your subconscious mind is through a positive affirmation journal. This journal is essentially a reminder of what you want to achieve in life and contains a list of specific affirmations that you can use to help push yourself towards your goals.

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The process of writing down these affirmations builds even more confidence because it allows you to see that you have already achieved something in your life and you can easily accomplish something else as well. Here is an example of an affirmation journal:

Goals: Improve my finances by saving $500 per month by June 30 th , 2015.

Improve my finances by saving $500 per month by June 30 , 2015. Affirmations: I am focused and determined to achieve these goals and may the universe help me.

I am focused and determined to achieve these goals and may the universe help me. Outcome: I have finally achieved my goal of saving $500 per month by June 30 th , 2015.

I have finally achieved my goal of saving $500 per month by June 30 , 2015. Benefits: I'm able to pay off more debt, afford more extravagant things, buy a new car, etc.

I'm able to pay off more debt, afford more extravagant things, buy a new car, etc. Examples: I have paid off my credit cards and am saving $1000 per month. I am so much more confident about being able to achieve any other goals that I may have. This has led me to buy a new laptop computer, a new car and some additional clothing items.

I have paid off my credit cards and am saving $1000 per month. I am so much more confident about being able to achieve any other goals that I may have. This has led me to buy a new laptop computer, a new car and some additional clothing items. Results: My family is living in an apartment with no debt, my savings are growing by the end of the year, etc., etc., etc..

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In addition to creating a vision board, keep in mind that this is part of a process that you're constantly evolving and growing into. Don't expect to be able to create an effective vision board in one or two attempts. It takes time, but over time you will become more aware of yourself and your goals. It's all about goal-setting and then getting down the business of changing the world.

You can use this goal-setting technique with a vision board as well as other personal development concepts like affirmations and positive thinking techniques as well.


Creating a vision board is a really fun and rewarding process. I've found that using this technique has helped me to become more motivated, confident, and self-aware of my goals. If you have any questions about the process or need some advice on the best ways to create a vision board for yourself, then feel free to leave a comment below.

(Featured image by PhotoWeb (Shutterstock) available through Shutterstock and Flickr)


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