The Prosperity In Gratitude


 The Prosperity In Gratitude

Each of us deserves to be remembered and honored in our time. We deserve to have this done without judgement or expectation. We deserve to be loved with no ulterior motive. This is our right, it is an honor bestowed on each and every one of us as we pass through this life, and if we do not do it for ourselves someone else will do it for us without the love that we should be lavished with.
As you read this I am enjoying my first vacation in 14 years. If I were looking back at all the thoughts, hopes and prayers of many people who have helped me in so many ways over these years I would be inclined to burst into tears. However instead of doing that, since I don't want to be a hypocrite much less an ingrate or a victim of circumstance, I feel compelled to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" for everything that each and every one of you has done for me during my time in Iraq and afterwards.
I could never have completed my mission without each of you thinking about me and wishing me well every day. I could never have been able to return home without the love and support that you gave. You are the ones who made this possible through your thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement and selfless acts of kindness.
I can only give a partial list here to show you what I mean but over the years so many wonderful people made my deployment easier in so many ways by telling me they loved me and sending cards, pictures and gifts.
My eldest brother, my Grandfather, Aunt Lisa and her family, Uncle Phil and his family in Florida (who were also extremely supportive), Leanne Hastings , Karen Bond , Patsy Ayer  and my niece Laura & her family have all been there for me.
I am blessed to have my sister-in-law and her family, Mike and his family, Billy Ray (my guardian angel), Bethany , Stephanie , Mary Ann , Kayla & Brandy . My cousin  Teresa , cousin Carla and family, cousin Kathy and family, cousin Joyce and her husband Tim, my second brother (who also gave me a free trip to Vegas), uncle Mark Mayfield who's influence changed my life more than any other person. I also want to thank all of the Green Family for everything they did for me.
I could not have done all this without the help of Meredith who has been my rock and my sanity for over a decade now. I also want to thank my big brother, Mark, for all the help he has given me since I have been home.
My sister-in-law and family, Johnny and his family (who have been extremely kind), and my friend Josephine for her incredible gift of love.
It is impossible to know how much this has meant to me or how much I appreciate it but I will try to show you in the best way that I can. 
Thank You!!!
** Below were the stories that were sent back with "Doc" **
I was in 2nd Platoon Charlie Company 1/24 when we got our first Army Doc on April 11th 2003. Doc was a fantastic young man who quickly became a beloved part of our team. 
It was customary for Doc to spend his day off in the AO with us, which usually ended up being an all day affair. While he and I were out on one of these excursions we were ambushed by a group of insurgents in Husaybah. The blast from the IED was so close that it broke Doc's arm but he continued to treat the brothers around him for their wounds and get them out of there under heavy fire. 
This act of bravery, combined with his willingness to jump into any situation where he was needed on the battlefield, earned him the respect and gratitude from every brother around him.
In the summer of 2003, Doc left to return home and was replaced by Doc 2. 
Doc 2 was a great Doc, who also became a huge part of our team. Unfortunately he fell asleep while driving one night and died in a car accident. Again we lost a brother to the war that meant so much to us. 
Doc 3 was next, but I don't remember anything special about him. He got out of the Army and went home as well. 
Doc 4 came onto our team in January 2004, and is one of my favorite people on earth. He stayed on with us until the end of the war and was a huge part of our team as we went out to fight. He took care of our stuff every day and we got him a desk at the motor pool so that he could use his alarm clock everyday. He was such a great man and will be sorely missed.
Doc 5 , Doc 6 , Doc 7 , Doc 8 , Doc 9 , and last but certainly not least, Doc 10.  Our newest Doctors were all fantastic, with Docs 11 & 12 being two extremely cool guys who will be greatly missed. 
These men helped us stay alive and sane everyday, but most importantly they became a part of our team. They became friends with us and we will always remember what that means. 
Doc 6 , I don't think that anyone will ever forget the time you shot a little kid in the face  to relieve some stress, or the time you smacked an Iraqi prisoner in the face to teach him a lesson. Doc 10, you were our hero when you took out an entire group of insurgents with an M203 grenade launcher one night after being ambushed by them. Your actions that night were truly amazing and we owe our lives to them. 
Docs 11 & 12 were two brave men who ran head first into danger everyday to keep us alive and they will be greatly missed. 
I really don't know what I would do without my Brothers. They were all great guys who put their lives on their line every day to make sure that we could carry out our mission and continue in the fight against the terrorists. These men gave everything they had, but they will never fully realize what they have done for us because of the fact that this war ended before any peer reviews can be done.  It is not right, it is not fair, but that's how it is and we have to deal with it until the political winds are in our favor again. I can't tell you how much these men meant to me. I was honored to be their Brother and I will never forget that.
With a Great Heart, Doc 10 (RIP)  -SGT US ARMY RETIRED -Photo credit:  Nick Dzierzanowski I remember the day we lost our DOC. It was the 18th of February 2007, my company had been in An Najaf for two weeks. We were on patrol and came under heavy fire from a Talib. As we engaged with him, two other Talibs appeared from behind us, ready to take us down from behind.

Conclusion: To my Brothers , you are all Sons of God. You are all in the Army of Christ. You are all part of the angelic host. None of you have to be here, but we need you . You are our angels, the angels from above, the very best there ever was or ever will be.
 Keep fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves because it is not your fight alone . Your brothers and sisters on the other side need you, so keep on fighting knowing that you truly did not fail us when we most needed you to  fight with us and win more victories that will allow us to go home again.

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