The Purpose Of Life And The Power Of Eve


 The Purpose Of Life And The Power Of Eve

This article explores the idea of the eternal conflict between good and evil in relation to the purpose of life. It is a common idea that we are created in order to do God's work on earth.

This post is an extension of (or you can copy it)

It highlights one person's opinion, which is that "good" and "evil" are inseparable concepts and if there is no evil then there is never any good. This post is in response to the previous post linked above.

In that post, I state that: "when understanding the purpose of life it is important to discuss the Power of Eve." This is a discussion about the power of Eve.
I think that your new article has some good points, but I do disagree with you on some points.
The article was titled "The Purpose Of Life And The Power Of Eve" . The purpose of life and the power of God is to eradicate evil from this world and Satan's power over humanity. Jesus Christ said: "He who does not gather with me scatters" , Matthew 12:30 . God's will is to destroy evil. These are the points that I disagree with, but the post overall is a very good one.
Philip, since you say you've studied Koine Greek and Hebrew, I was wondering if you knew that the terms used in Genesis 3:15 actually mean "to crush" , "bruise", or "strike down" and not "rule". This verse shows that God was going to come and destroy evil (through Christ) because Adam and Eve chose Satan over God. The reality is that there was never any other way for the physical world to be made except through Eve's sin, because it showed how evil works . It took a physical act to show the veil was so thin that Satan could deceive both Adam and Eve.
God never ruled over this world as though he were a dictator, but he used certain evil people to rule over other parts of the world, because that is how the evil rulers of this world work. Jesus said: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness" (Matthew 23:27), if you read Matthew 23 you will see that Jesus was very angry with those religious leaders. The more I research the New Testament, the more I think that God was very angry with those people who were considered religious leaders in Jesus' day.
Jesus told us to "be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48), but perfection doesn't mean sinless perfection. God created this world, not as a perfect place for sinless people, but rather the imperfect world that we live in today. It is after all, a world that we live in.
Jesus came to "destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8), but it was through Jesus' death and resurrection that God's anger was poured out upon Christ. This is something like an overpowering of evil, but it does not mean that evil will be eradicated from this world. It just means that Christ's death and resurrection showed a greater power to overcome evil than the previous rulers of this world.
Philip, what are you saying when you say: "Adam and Eve would've still consumed from the Tree of Life had they not sinned against God. To say that Eve's disobedience is the reason for Satan being able to rule this world is misinterpreting the story of Genesis 3:15 as though god had already created a world where Satan can 'take power over' humans."
I believe that you misunderstood what I wrote.
The devil or Satan could not have taken "power over" humans because Adam and Eve would have been in heaven with God, if they obeyed.
This was the purpose of God creating the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:26). It was to create a place for Adam and Eve to be together forever.
Jesus said: "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). You see that it was Jesus' death and resurrection that allowed God's children to take over this world. We do not inherit this world because of Eve's sin, but rather Eve's sin showed how evil Satan is and how easily he can deceive people. The purpose of Jesus' death and resurrection was to show how evil this world is and how we are meant to overcome it.
Jesus said: "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work" (John 4:34). The purpose of the bread and wine that are used during Communion is to remind us of Christ's sacrifice (1 Corinthians 11:24). Jesus says this because He came to destroy evil and it is through Christ's sacrifice that we have received a share in His victory.
I am very sorry if I am wrong, but the Bible tells us "that the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will but by the will of Him who subjected it in hope" (Romans 8:20). God's creation was meant for good or for evil, and we see that evil has ruled over this world for some time.
You can read why the Bible states that this creation was subjected to vanity here .
Though I would not take one word from you against my own opinion, since evolution has been proved wrong, I have no problem with your opinion that Adam and Eve's disobedience did cause Satan to conquer them. Perhaps you are right. Either way, we should sin not just so that God may destroy evil, but also because we are sinners and need Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins and for eternal life (1 John 1:9).
The Bible shows us through Jesus Christ that God is a happy God who loves those who love Him (John 14:21). God's will is to destroy evil, but we need to remember that Jesus Christ is our Lord. We do not rule over this world, but rather it is God's world that we live in. Our purpose is to help others as Jesus did (John 13:34).
Philip, why am I supposed to believe your opinion on this topic? Do you have any proof or sources for what you wrote? If so please give them here. I'm sure you'll never tell anyone where they can read your comments because of the evil haters who would just tear you apart and call you crazy or even worse (like they do on the forums).

I realize that this was a long article, but it was necessary to show what the purpose of this world is.
I am convinced that most people do not like to read long articles, so I decided to write it in three parts.
I will probably never respond to you again Philip, because you run away from your mistakes and cannot accept the truth when it is shown to you. This is why we are told "not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 7:21). I hope that the Lord Jesus Christ will forgive me for ever appealing to your false understanding about Genesis 3:15 and for ever believing it myself.

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