The River Of Affluence


 The River Of Affluence

There is a long standing stereotype that wealthy people are distant, cold and aloof. They are portrayed as too concerned with their money to be bothered to care about other people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The passage of time has not diminished my experience, but the past year has been an awakening for me. I am communicating with more people than ever before, talking on the phone, sending emails and text messages. I am doing more volunteer work than ever before in my life and getting involved in community service projects in every part of my life: locally, across Canada and around the world where I can have a multiplicity of positive effects beyond just providing funds for initiatives.

I've been reading the writings of Dennis Altman and his excellent website, . You can read his writings in his blog and read other blogs by him and others here at FreeThoughtBlogs or check out the links from there to other websites such as Bob Duval's Blog. I am posting my first article in this blog (within a day of my writing it), because I would like to share with you some observations about the elite in general and the elite and people like me in particular. I hope that you will agree that the following article is accurate.

Some people are more elite than others. In a society where people are constantly in motion, there are many opportunities to meet a variety of people from different backgrounds, professions and life styles. Whats needed to be an elite person is not dependent on these backgrounds, but rather their ability to ingratiate themselves with the elite.

I have learned that everyone has at least one thing in common with those who have already become or are becoming members of the elite: They have tremendous motivation and ability to do what is necessary to achieve a good quality of life for themselves and their family members without being excessively concerned about material wealth.

Controlling of one's emotions is a crucial factor in being elite. I am not saying that the ability to control one's emotions is a prerequisite to being elite, but controlling one's emotions does make it easier for those who are developing their elite status to be effective in the competition for resources and power.

The other valuable possession which separates members of the elite from everyone else is that they are able to give up their lives for something that they believe and know will be extremely good for themselves and their families. Elite people are willing to do whatever it takes, short of force or violence, to achieve what they think will allow them to lead a healthier, happier life than would otherwise be possible.

The ability to be self-directed, as well as the willingness to listen to and pay attention to other's advice who are much more experienced than oneself, is a must if one is going to be elite.

I am learning that the wealthy of the world are not only willing but eager to share their knowledge with those who are in their social circles. Those who stand out from the crowd and impress their rich friends with their abilities will be singled out for special attention. Never underestimate your capacity for success. You have what it takes to succeed where you have never succeeded before.

I am privileged to have both a rich background and an elite background. My first post here was written by me in the midst of a personal crisis, so it is quite possible that some of my observations might be colored by that. You can read this article from the perspective of someone who has a very different life experience than I have. I am sure that there are many other people who would agree with the observations about the elite that I have posted here. It's just another way for us to find out more about each other and try to build better communities and world in which we all live in harmony together.

Personal note: The privilege of being born into wealth is not something to be taken lightly. I am so grateful for my family, education, opportunities and the fact that I wasn't born in poverty. I am very grateful to be able to enjoy life with the people that I love on this planet. I have chosen to give back to society in many different ways (even just by learning more about other cultures and using my skills) so that I can help make this world a better place.

The River of Affluence
by Dennis Altman My father was an affluent man during his lifetime. He had money in savings, stock accounts, insurance policies and real estate assets to support his single lifestyle as well as his young family. He was a son of privilege who came from a wealthy background.

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