The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 21 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 21 )

The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 21 )

1.  “Eat well to stay healthy, move often to stay in shape, work hard to be successful, rest enough to stay happy; if you do these four things you will lead a healthy life and succeed in all that you do.”- Maddie Ziegler 
2.  “You have everything within yourself already as soon as you forgive yourself. When we take responsibility for our part of the picture and assume the best in others rather than the worst, we break through stuck places where it feels like nothing good can happen and set ourselves free from unnecessary worry or self-criticism.- Marianne Williamson 
3.   “We have all heard the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." But I cannot say that it has ever seemed to me so true as the reality of today. There is not a grain of truth, wisdom or understanding on display in the entire mass media about anything other than spending more money. If there is any message I am trying to convey it is this: - The best things in life start from within and can't be bought with money. They only come from good character, hard work, cooperation and good education and are available to anyone who will take the trouble to seek them out."- Anthony Robbins 
4. “Happiness is not something that just happens by itself. It only happens when you are working hard to make it happen.” - Robert Schuller 
5. “It is easy to be happy, if your happiness depends on the good opinion of others, but if you wish for happiness which is within yourself, you will have to strive for it.” – Seneca 
6. “We can find in the very midst of our greatest sorrows those tiny seeds of joy that are not apparent at a casual glance.” - William James 
7.  “You will have wonderful friends in life, but don't worry about them because they won't ever be as important as you are.” - Oprah Winfrey 
8.  “Wherever you find yourself, there is always a way to improve.” - Anthony Robbins 
9. “When we want something we are willing to pay the price for it, but when we are in possession of something that we don't need, which we don't want, or doesn't make us happy, then it seems to be a given item in our possession. It is the premise of this book that many people are in possession of a lot of material things they don't want.” ― Michael E. Gerber, The E-Myth Revisited 
10.  “The issue isn't what we get but what we assimilate; how wisely we employ our energies; how gracefully we arise after each fall; how much higher we bounce when defeated than when merely winning--in other words, our capacity for renewal, regeneration and rebirth.” – Richard Bach 
11. “You are always on your way to greater awareness or you wouldn't be here at all.” ― Charles W. Fillmore
12. “What is success? It depends on what one considers important. If you are an athlete, you can be successful if you win a gold medal for the country in an Olympic Game; if you are a musician, then it is to play the most beautiful and soulful music; if you are a saint, then it would be to help as many people as possible find their inspirational path; or if you are a salesman, then success means making millions of dollars. No matter how you define success, it is a bar to which all people aspire. But, again, what is the ultimate prize?” ― Robert Bringhurst, Sex and Social Skills 
13. “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it will be opened.” - Matthew 7:8 
14.  “It takes tremendous courage to live the ideal life, but it takes even more courage to live the real one. Some of us are afraid that if we are not successful in our profession or business or career, we will not have any purpose in life. The problem is that money and success do not give you any meaningful purpose; they often distract you from the things that make life valuable. The truth is that much of life is about finding meaning, which takes courage and effort.” - George Leonard 
15. “The most important thing in life is to have a reason for getting up in the morning, and a reason for staying alive at night.” - Albert Camus 
16. “Do not be afraid to start out with new ideas; in order to succeed you must leave the old behind.” - Hans Selye
17.  “Success is a means, not an end. As you pursue it you must commit yourself to living the type of life that is worth living and to putting your whole being into the pursuit. Many people think of success as a short-cut to happiness, but once they achieve the goal - however great or small it may be - they have lost the very thing that led them toward it in the first place. It was not attainment of their goal which brought them happiness; rather, their goal was a means to happiness.” - Henry Ford 
18. “It's our attitude about what we're doing that matters most in life. For example, a man who is born a success has exactly the same chance of being a failure as one who is born poor.” - Mark Twain 
19. “You know happiness. It's not about having a lot of money or many possessions, although those things will help you to be happy. It's about being happy with who you are and what you have in life, and having faith in what you do have now.” - Victor Frankl 
20. “In my opinion no one can afford to live without regretting what he did not do. For the present regret is still better than the agony of remorse for years to come."- Aristotle 
21. “Happiness is something you are, not just something you do.” - Henry David Thoreau 
22. “In life there are no failures, only opportunities to learn and try again." - Henry Ford 
23. “Don't let the past determine your future. Instead, focus on what you want in the future and set concrete goals based on your values and ideals.” ― Zig Ziglar 
24. “Joy is not a fruit to be tasted; it is a flower to be lived!” - Leo Buscaglia
25. “Nothing in life is to be feared but ignorance and cowardice; pride and weakness; sloth, idleness and folly.


“We win when we realize that success can only be achieved by working with a team.” - John C. Maxwell
It is now time to work with a team of people you could meet every day, because they are there right in front of you in your mind and heart, and that is the place where all true success begins.

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