The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 15 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 15 )

The secret to happiness is simple. Tell yourself everything is okay, then break the rules and make it so.

-Bertrand Russell

This quote can be interpreted in various ways. On one level, it suggests that we underestimate our ability to change things when we are unhappy or unsatisfied with our current situation and that we should stop making excuses for why nothing can change. On another level, this quote might imply that happiness is a personal choice—that certain things (e.g., overeating) might not make us happy in the short-term but will do so in the long-term if they make us feel better on some deep emotional level.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

-Mark Twain

In simple terms, this quote might be interpreted as: "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." On a deeper level, this quote might be taken to mean that the key to success is taking the time to break down difficult challenges into smaller problems, and to make sure that you take the time to start working on each individual piece of the problem. This quote emphasizes taking positive action in order to achieve any goal or objective, rather than letting obstacles hinder our progress.

The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly deceived.


This quote can be interpreted in many ways. On one level, it could be taken to mean that if you are willing to be fooled, you will be happier for it. On a deeper level, this quote might mean that if you continually allow yourself to believe things which are not true (such as the belief that everything will turn out okay), then you may feel happier as a result. The choice of "terribly" in this quote also might imply that there is some measure of ambiguity or uncertainty involved in believing something in which one is not completely certain.

The secret of happiness is not finding a perfect person but creating a perfect relationship with oneself.

-Roy Croft

This quote suggests that the secret to happiness is to look for value in our own personal life and in our own relationships. We should focus on internal rather than external sources of happiness and should seek routine growth or development, rather than immediate satisfaction or pleasure. This quote also suggests that we find meaning and purpose in our lives through self-reflection, reflection on others, and focusing on long-term goals rather than short-term stimulation. Finally, this quote stresses the importance of honesty and openness with ourselves so that we can make informed decisions about how we want to live our lives.

The secret to creative thinking is that you must first be creative.


This quote suggests that we often use reason to solve problems that we do not feel or experience: "if I'm feeling blue, then I'll think about reasons why I'm feeling blue." However, for most people, the only way we can get more information about our own feelings is to experience them directly and learn from those experiences. So this quote suggests the need for us to take action in order to solve problems rather than to use logic or debate. This quote also emphasizes that creativity should be a part of both our personal and professional lives (and not just an artistic endeavor).

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.

-Groucho Marx

This quote suggests that we should be honest with others and ourselves in order to solve problems. Indeed, the truth often hurts, but it is usually best to be honest with ourselves if we want to make progress in our lives. We should also strive to conduct business in an equitable or fair manner because other people will be more likely to trust us and to do business with us if we are fair and honest with them. Pre-meditated lying or deception will usually cause more problems than it solves by starting a cycle of mistrust between individuals or groups. This quote also suggests that we should make sure that we are willing to face the consequences of our actions in order to be happy and make progress in our lives.

The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

-Benjamin Disraeli (1st Earl of Beaconsfield)

This quote is somewhat ambiguous—it has various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. On one level, it suggests that change often occurs because we have lost sight of what goals or dreams we once had for ourselves. On another level, this quote can be taken to mean that we should seek to maintain a sense of solidity and commitment in our lives in order to feel satisfied and happy. Finally, this quote can also be interpreted as the importance of being true to ourselves and our values by remaining consistent with our experiences, behaviors, and lifestyle choices.

The secret to success is constancy of purpose. Never deviate from your objective. The object you are pursuing may change but the purpose must remain constant. Keep your eye on the goal.

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

This quote suggests that we should keep our eye on our priorities and goals in life in order to be happy and successful. We should also try our best to remain consistent with what we want, even if an external event or circumstance makes it difficult for us to maintain those goals in the short term. This quote stresses the importance of keeping your eye on a long-term vision for yourself, knowing that it is better for you to have goals which are difficult to achieve today than goals which are easy to achieve but promote a long-term lifestyle which does not support your ultimate goals or aspirations.

The secret of success is constancy of purpose. Keep your eyes on the stars, and you'll go where you belong.


This quote emphasizes the importance of maintaining a long-term vision for yourself and your life. It has a similar meaning to the previous quote, in that it means that it is better to have a goal which is difficult to achieve today but will lead you to a fulfilling lifestyle in the future than an easy goal which will not lead you towards your ultimate goals and aspirations. However, this quote also suggests that we should be clear about our goals so that we do not become distracted from them and forget about them for long periods of time or give up on them altogether.

The secret of happiness is not to set our aim too high, and not to set it too low. The golden rule in a sense is just this: Make friends with yourself by treating yourself decently.

-Eckhart Tolle

This quote suggests that we should try our best to be content with what we already have in life. It also suggests that we should avoid focusing on the negative aspects of life, because doing so will not help us to make progress or solve problems. This quote can be interpreted as the need for us to treat ourselves like friends. We should be nice to ourselves and avoid causing ourselves harm or trying to obtain pleasure from things which do not promote our long-term goals or aspirations.


Understanding our own emotions and learning how to manage them is extremely important in life. Our behavior is often motivated by our emotions, and the way that we react to situations will usually determine whether we will be happy or not. The main lesson from all of these quotes is that it is important for us to understand our feelings so that we can solve problems in an effective way and use reason rather than emotion when making decisions about our lives.

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