The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 28 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 28 )

In this post, we will provide you with more motivation, wisdom and words of advice from people who have been where you are now. Inspiration is abundant everywhere you look; just make sure to open your eyes and see it. You might be surprised at how easy it is to find. 

"You cannot solve a problem that's real." -Jackson Browne

This quote reminds us that sometimes there can't always be an easy solution or quick fix. But the good news is that by accepting and acknowledging the problem, we can start figuring out solutions for it.

In this quote, the speaker tells us that we can't always figure out the solution to a problem right away. We are sometimes supposed to take our time in figuring out solutions and coming up with ways to fix our problems. 

"The secret of life is to appreciate the small things." -Alanis Morissette

This is a great reminder that all of those little things that you don't usually notice are often actually pretty big deals. This quote reminds us that no matter how small we think something might be, it's important to appreciate it while you still can. 

"We keep looking for the wrong things. We keep looking for happiness in all the wrong places. We keep thinking that somehow, if we look in the right places, we'll find happiness. The truth is, happiness lives in the place you least expect it." -Unknown

This quote reminds us that people are often looking for solutions to their problems in all the wrong places. This is why a lot of people don't seem to get better even when they're trying so hard. They're always looking for solutions outside of themselves and focusing on other things instead of on themselves during these times. 

"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." -Carl Sagan

This quote reminds us that sometimes things don't really come easy or quick. They might take a long time before we can finally see any results or changes. But eventually, if we're patient and determined, if we know that things will eventually go our way, then it'll be worth the wait. 

"We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be." -May Sarton

This quote reminds us that we should always try our best to just be ourselves. We shouldn't let the pressures of society inhibit us from being who we truly are. It's when you're true to yourself that you're living life in the way it's supposed to be lived. 

"The mind is everything when it comes to achieving goals. If the mind is weak, the body will follow." -Serena Williams

This quote reminds us that for a lot of things in life, it's not just about what we do or what we have. It's also about our attitude and mental state. It's about understanding that our minds are as much a part of who we are as what we are. 

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear." -Mark Twain

This quote reminds us that courage isn't really about being completely fearless. Courage is more than just being able to face our problems without running away from them or cowering in fear. Courage is more than just fearlessness. It's being strong in the face of fear and not letting it hold us back or hinder us from doing what we want or achieving our goals. 

"Time loses something of its urgency if you have something to do; it opens up new avenues when you have nothing to do." -Robert Pirsig

This quote reminds us that sometimes we can become so focused on the things that we need to do, that we forget about the fact that time does pass by quickly. The way we spend our time is often a reflection of how happy and productive we are being in life. So we should always remember to live life a little less hurriedly. 

"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you are becoming that which you envision." -Steve Maraboli

This quote reminds us that in order to create the best possible future for ourselves, we should be able to visualize it. We should be able to imagine exactly what we want our lives to look like in the future and hold on to those visions. We should know exactly what kind of person we want to become and work towards it every day. 

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. In fact, they shouldn't stop you. If you want something more in your life, go through the obstacles." -Jack Canfield

This quote reminds us of the importance of not giving up when things get difficult and when we face difficult situations. Things will always get harder and tougher as we continue to go along on our journey towards achieving our goals. But we shouldn't let that stop us. 

"I am trying not to let my work become my whole life but rather my whole life becoming my work." -Maya Angelou

This quote reminds us that sometimes the most important thing for us is the work that we do. It can become the thing that drives our lives and shapes us into who we are. It's important to remember that sometimes our work is just as important as the people in our lives.

"Always remember who you are, and never let the world change that." -Philip Pullman

This quote reminds us that no matter what kind of situation we're in and no matter what kind of pressures or demands we face in our everyday lives, it's important to keep sight of who we are as people. We should always remain focused on what's truly important to us, rather than being distracted by everything else around us. 

"The mistake isn't starting down the wrong road—the mistake is staying on it. No matter how slow you move, you're still moving forward." -Unknown

This quote reminds us that in order to achieve our goals and live our lives to the fullest, we shouldn't let anything or anyone stop us from moving forward. We should always keep pushing forward and moving towards our dreams no matter what obstacles get in our way. 

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -George Bernard Shaw

This quote reminds us that we should never let anyone else control the way that we live our lives or define the person that we are. We should create and sculpt ourselves into who we truly want to be, not someone that others think we should be. 

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

This quote reminds us that maybe we haven't been getting the results that we want in life because we're always doing things the same way with no changes. We should learn from our mistakes and take a new approach to our goals if what we're doing isn't working for us. 

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." -Helen Keller

This quote reminds us that staying in our everyday routine, in the safety of our homes and jobs, rarely changes things for the better in our lives.


Life can be a wild adventure and we can find ourselves on an amazing journey filled with excitement, change, and challenge. We should all dare to be ourselves, to face our fears, and to accomplish our goals. We should always strive for the highest of achievements in our lives. After all, there's nothing better than living life to the fullest.

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