The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 8 )


 The Secret - Collection Of  Inspirational Quotes ( Part 8 )

If it weren’t for the fear of going for what we want, how many of us would still be in this bed? We might not be where or who we are today if it wasn’t for the one thing that made us take a step towards freedom and an infinite life of possibilities. Fear is just another obstacle put in your way to stop you from living a happy and abundant life. The only problem is, it makes you wait until the next minute when you can pass the obstacles. So why wait? Why live like someone else and not your own self? Take a stand, do everything that scares you, go anywhere possible to do what feels right to you. You might be afraid of what people will think of you, but at the end of the day, that’s someone else’s stuff not yours. Ignore all that and do what feels right to you because in the end that is all that matters.
The more you live your life for others, the less you have and the less control you have over your life. The minute things are going your way, people will start coming out of nowhere to steal it back from you. The only person who can change this is YOU. You are responsible for your own happiness and reality, whereas if you live for others, they will dictate how things should be according to them. If you want to make the things happen, think about the things that you like and start doing them. If people have an issue with it, take a stand against them and prove them wrong.
" No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
You would have thought that looking at this quote would have made me become a person who is always happy and always smiling, but as usual, it didn’t work in my favor at all. I was never happy and i never smiled on the inside… I just faked it till I made it. No one hated me because of this; they hated me because of everything else that was going on in my life. Every time someone made me feel less worthy than them, my mind would go back to this quote and I would ask myself… “why?”…. why do they think they are better than me? Why can’t I be happy with the life I have and why did this person have to make me feel bad about what I had and who I was? After going through all of these questions, how could I let someone else take control of my life again for another second? With that quote in my mind, if someone said something bad about me or if someone didn’t like me, it wasn’t their fault anymore. I had become stronger and I no longer let people take control of my mind and my body. Nothing could make me change my mind faster than that quote.
The reason why we drink coffee is to stay awake, but I’m not sure if the same holds true for alcohol. The theory can be applied for both of them, but the main difference is that alcohol is only addictive to the body, which means the effects on your mind can be controlled easier with coffee than with alcohol. If you want to stay awake in an unconscious state instead of being able to think straight during a situation, coffee would be your best bet; though it might not seem like it, coffee is a drug and as such affects every single aspect of your life. No one has to tell you that alcohol affects the mind in a very similar way as coffee, but what i wanted to show you today is that although there are some similarities between alcohol and coffee, there are also some differences.
" The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary ." ~ Vidal Sassoon
I hate it when i see someone who isn’t successful going on about what they have done for their career or for themselves and how many people followed them. Yes, everyone thinks that you are successful during the time when you have achievements in your career, but once you’re finished with it and you no longer have achievements to show for them, what then? There’s always the exception of course so don’t get me wrong – just don’t think that it applies to everyone. I love seeing happy people who have achieved great things in their lives, or people who are on their way to achieve great things in their lives. They are the ones that inspire me to want more and come up with new ideas so I can achieve and be successful.
" You miss 100% of the shots you never take. " ~ Wayne Gretzky
I was never the kind of person to say this, especially when I was younger. Now I finally understand what he meant and it makes so much sense. The reason why people miss important things is because they don’t take the opportunity to get them. If someone comes up in your life with an idea that can be used for a future situation, you should jump on it as soon as possible; you shouldn’t waste time thinking about what others might do if you do or don’t do it. If something happens and it would benefit you in the future, don’t think about the past or what others might think about it in the future. Trust me, you will never regret a decision that can help you in the future.
" In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. " ~ Robert Frost
When you first hear this quote, it might make you realize that life is useless and that nothing matters. When I heard this quote for the first time, my mind was blown because of how relatable it was to me at that particular instance in time. My mom died during a car crash when i was 3 or 4 years old and from then on i always thought of her passing like another roadblock put before me in my journey to adulthood. I thought that there were things that were supposed to happen to me, but every year it seemed like i was pushed back because of something else. It got to a point that as a kid, i gave up on the hope of moving forward and progressed towards growing up. I wanted to grow up quickly so i had less obstacles in my way and I could decide what i wanted for myself instead of letting fate decide what is going to happen and when. I just didn’t feel like there was going to be anything worth waiting for.
" One never knows what will happen tomorrow in Life or Tomorrow for that matter . " ~  ~ Anonymous
I always loved this quote and this was the one thing that would make me say Wow at least once a day. It might not seem like much, but it is the little things in life that count the most. As we grow older and grow wiser, we learn to appreciate these small moments in life more so than when we were young. The reason why i love this quote is because it tells me to look around at what i have now before i start thinking about what’s going to happen in the future.

All these quotes are fizzy and hectic, but fun to read. They are life-changing quotes that will have you thinking differently about everything. They will help you think about things in a different way and make you realize that there’s more to life than just taking control of it or giving up on it altogether. The quotes that i have put in this blog post are not going to be the most inspirational ones for everyone, as everybody has their own kind of relationship with them, but i hope that they have opened your eyes and made you realize what matters most in life and helped you achieve more happiness.

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