The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 5 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 5 )

The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 5 )

Motivational Quote: "When looking for a job...think about the search as an interview. Who are you? What are your qualifications? How do those qualifications match what the employer needs?"
-Seth Godin, Author of "Poke the Box"
How to Achieve Anything You Want in Life! 
As someone who has been a CEO, entrepreneur, and an angel investor, I learned something really important. The key to achieving anything is understanding that there is always a way. The question isn't can it be done; it's how can it be done.
- Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of Paypal
"The Secret" says that if we do the right things, then some positive events will occur in our lives. "The Power" is where we realize these things are happening, and they are literally controlling everything that happens. The Power is simply realizing the Truth of what you have set in motion.
- Seth Godin
What's kept me going for 25 years is not this or that health plan or a new car or a new bathroom or anything like that. It's not money. It's not anything. It's the Power of belief in myself. The Power that if I only stand up and do a good job, I will be successful. In every situation I have ever been in, that's what my biggest problem has been: the fear of failure. That's all you need to do is realize and believe that you are the master of your fate. That you are the captain of your soul, and someday, if you play it right, you will get there.
- Joshua Lederberg How To Attract What You Want Into Your Life!
"The Secret" says that when we attract success into our lives, we cause it by believing in ourselves. "The Power" says that when we attract success into our lives, we can cause it by simply knowing what we want.
 Our thoughts are the primary source of our life's energy.
- James Allen
Our beliefs create the reality that surrounds us and governs the way in which we act.
- James Allen
We create our own reality by the thoughts and energy with which we think and feel.
I am responsible for the energy I bring into any situation.
- James Allen
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.
- Mark Twain What Is Your Greatest Fear?
"The Secret" says that because we attract what we focus on, we must remove all fear from our lives. "The Power" is removing the focus on what we don't want, and replacing it with a focus on what we do want. If you have no fear of poverty, then you have no poverty. If you have no fear of illness, you will have health. That's the power!
- Michael Beckwith Get Anything You Want In Life! Everything in this universe starts as a thought. When you think about something, your thoughts create a vibration. That vibration gets a response from the universe. So the first law of magnetism is: "Like Attracts like." What you think about – your thoughts – attracts what you want into your life. If you want cooperation and success in business, then start thinking cooperation and success.
- Seth Godin The Law Of Attraction - Learn How To Use Your Thoughts To Have What You Want!
You get what you focus on. When our minds are not on what we want to attract into our lives, we get the things we don't want in it. The universe is not interested in our wants or desires; it's only interested in what we send out as energy.
- Joshua Lederberg If You Want To Be Rich, Think Positively!
If what you want isn't there, then you have to find a way to become who you must be in order to attract what you want. If your thoughts are not on what you want to attract into your life, then the Universe is not interested in hearing about it, because the Universe is only focused on what we put out. So if we're not putting that out and thinking about it…the universe isn't going to give it to us!
- Bob Proctor In "The Secret", I've shared with you all of my deepest secrets. These secret's have been revealed to me over the past 25 years by The Universe.
- Dr. Joe Vitale, Host of "The Secret"
How to Attract Anything You Want in Life! By Taking Responsibility for Your Fears and Doubts!
I had this thought one day that I should be able to get rid of these things, and hang up some pictures in my head instead. That's when I discovered that if you are in tune with The Universe, it's going to listen to what you want, and then act on it. It's going to give you everything that you ask for. The Universe is saying "Yes" constantly; you just don't know what to ask for.
- Dr. Joe Vitale The Power Of Your Thoughts - Notebook (Part 1)
The Law of Attraction is the best kept secret on the planet. Every person is using it but few understand how it works and how to use it effectively. Most people are unaware that by using the power of their thoughts and feelings they can attract anything into their lives. 
- Bob Proctor, Self-Help Guru The Secret - A Guide To The Laws of Attraction!
Secrets In Plain Sight: You create your own reality... therefore I knew that whatever I wanted in life, I just needed to think about it and make it happen. The power of thought was all I needed.
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer If You Want To Be Rich - Buy This Book!
As an entrepreneur, if you are not a self-starter...if you need constant motivation and direction from outside yourself, you will be just another statistic. Those who are successful are the ones who get up in the morning and say, "I'm going to make a difference today." They do what they have to do even when they don't feel like it. If you have that attitude, nothing can stop you.
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Secrets In Plain Sight: You Create Your Own Reality!
The problem is you don't know how to think, because the way you were taught to think was wrong.
- Wayne Dyer The Secret - Abundance Within Reach - You Deserve It!
I discovered that if I could hold on to a thought long enough and give it my full attention, it would start to take me towards the place I wanted to go. I found that people who are successful are not always successful because they do what they do well; they are successful because they simply want it more than others do. If you want something badly enough, you can make it happen, no matter what the situation may be.

The Law of Attraction is a simple yet extremely powerful law that guides us towards achieving anything we want in life. It tells us that whatever is going to happen in our lives first happens in our minds and thoughts. Therefore, if you want to attract wealth, love, happiness or anything else into your life you have to think about it first!  
Let me know if you can relate to any of the above example's and whether they resonate with you or not. Leave a comment below if you have more examples so I can add them to this post!
I highly recommend that you read the books above because they all highlight the importance of thinking positive thoughts and believing in yourself at all times.

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