The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes


 The Secret -  Collection Of Inspirational Quotes

Ever feel like you're just not good enough? It can be difficult at first to believe that the sacrifices and hardships that we go through in life will ultimately pay off. But by looking back on the past, sometimes it cuts through all the noise and reveals a path of hope. For more inspiration, check out this collection of quotes from some of history's most influential people. These quotes are sure to help you overcome your self-doubt and move toward your future with earnest determination. 

-Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4 Hour Workweek

"Think positive thoughts," "Do not give up," "You can do anything in life if you really want to. You can do anything, if you just make up your mind to do it."
"Do not let obstacles get you down, try to jump higher than they are."
"I have learned that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is able to adapt to change."
"It is never too late to start again, and there are no mistakes except those we end up making along the way."
"It is when we think our work is complete that we know it has only just begun. We must let our ideas be born from within ourselves instead of being told by others." To learn more about how you can develop your own "most powerful idea," read on...

"Our plans are but dreams unless we live them."
"...make yourself a necessity in your future. You must surround yourself with people who know you well and love you. There is no substitute for this." -Dorothea Lynde Dix
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Mahatma Gandhi "You will never be satisfied if you continue to search for what happiness means. You need to find out what it is that you want, to determine if your idea of 'happiness' will bring you joy or agony, success or disaster. The only way to do this is to live your life as if your future depended on it. Each day you should do as much of the job that must be done today, as well as tomorrow."
"When we conquer fear, we will be strong."
"There are two ways of looking at things: one is to see them in a positive light; the other is to look at them in a negative light. Both ways are wrong but only one can profit you." -Earl Nightingale
"Opportunity has no boundaries. It knocks on every door that has yet been opened; it is heard by everyone who has ever opened their heart and mind and soul in order to live fully. You have not really begun living, until you have gone beyond what you are to what you may become."
"Do not let someone else's bad behavior change your attitude. If a person is negative toward you, it is because they only see a reflection of their own negativity. You are not responsible for other people's inability to be positive."
"There are but two ways of meeting the challenges of life: One is to face them boldly; the other is to run away from them. Both ways bring their own reward, but only one brings success." -Robert Collier
"To find out your true potential, go beyond your past successes. Take every opportunity now to distinguish yourself, because you never know when it will be your last."
"What you focus on grows. Focus on the opportunities and possibilities in front of you. That is the best way to go from where you are to where you want to go."
"It is only when we discover a hobby that becomes an absorbing passion that we find time for other things. When interest and enthusiasm are uppermost, we can always find the time to do other things." -Lord Chesterfield
"Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is a talent for excitement and it must be born in you. You can't go out and get a Ph.D in it, although you can display it." -Walt Disney
"Yes, life is short; but perhaps it is long enough for those who know how to use it." –Ralph Waldo Emerson "As you serve today, so will your life be tomorrow." –Elizabeth Cady Stanton "Be what you wish to seem. "–Aristotle "We become what we think about. "–Theodore Roosevelt "It is never too late to be what you might have been. "–George Eliot
"Every negative situation, every failure, every heartbreak has within it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit." –Napoleon Hill "You are the master of all situations. You can turn a problem into an asset; a stumbling block into a stepping-stone; a loss into a gain." –John Maxwell
"There is in each of us all the makings of genius. We are like diamonds in the rough." –Daniel Webster
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Go after it with all your heart. Work like your life will depend on it. Never give up." –Robert Schuller
"Opposition is as necessary to success as water is to the tree." –Napoleon Hill
"The opportunity of a lifetime comes once in a lifetime." –Arthur Somers Roche "I may not have been the smartest, but I did what I love, so that was good enough for me." -Esther Williams
"All of us have the power to make the world a better place. All of us have the power of choice and choice creates possibility. And choice creates opportunity. And when we look at it that way, then you know, what is possible for you to do? What choices could you make? How could you contribute? And how can you say no when there are so many possibilities that are just so exciting?" –Tara Westover
"Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear." –Walt Disney "We must dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be." -Rainer Maria Rilke
"A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for." –John A. Shedd "A ship that cannot be heard is not a ship." -Samuel Johnson
"You can't keep your average up if you're not in motion. And you can't get any motion out of your average if you're caught up in the whirl." –Motto of the Birmingham Barons "Don't let the fear of striking a wrong note hold you back." –Paul McCartney "You can live as we were meant to live, as long as you make choices to do so." -Robert Adams
"That which does not destroy me, makes me stronger." –Helen Keller "The Universe constantly encourages us all to grow and change.

"To be successful, you don't have to be a slave to the notion that you must be right at all times. If you can't tolerate the possibility that you could be wrong, then your life will look more like a prison cell than it does like a kingdom." –Dale Carnegie
"You have nothing to fear as long as you have everything to hope for." –Anne Frank
"The only time courage seems cowardly is when we lack the knowledge." -Dr. Stanley McChrystal
"A mistake is not half made twice. It's twice made once!" -Erwin Schrödinger
""Don't be afraid of making mistakes. The very thought will make you more cautious and careful in future.

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