The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 33 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 33 )

This is a collection of inspirational quotes. Reading these quotes can help motivate you, uplift you and help to inspire positivity in your day.

Each quote has been carefully selected from a variety of sources to provide you with the best possible motivation for your day! Enjoy!

Introduction To An Informative And Factual Blog Post Titled "The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes (Part 33)"

Hi,   I'm Anna from The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 33 ). This is a collection of inspirational quotes. Reading these quotes can help motivate you, uplift you and help to inspire positivity in your day.

Each quote has been carefully selected from a variety of sources to provide you with the best possible motivation for your day! Enjoy!

The quotes were sent by many people and also picked out by me. My intention was to draw a list from various source - blogs, magazines, books, newspapers etc that contained not only inspirational quotes but also some fact about who the person was and what they stood for. In this blog I will be sharing some of the most important quotes along with facts about each person. If you think I've missed any please le t me know in the comments below - I'd love to include it in this blog if you want it included. I hope you enjoy the blog - let me know what you think below.

Note: This is not my own work 100% it is excerpts from various sites around the web and of course some of my own ideas. I've written this post for anyone interested in finding out more about the topic of "The Secret". I just put all the facts together in one place for anyone who wants to read it - if you have any comments please feel free to share them below.

"The Secret" Collection Of Inspirational Quotes (Part 33) - Enjoy!

"Most people have no idea how powerful their thoughts are – they only know that what they think often doesn't seem to make much difference. As a result, they live their lives in fear and desperation rather than love. They don't know that thought is creative energy – or that we are all creators."

"With the Secret, you always get what you want. You see, the Secret asks for what you really want, not for what you think you want. When those two things are the same, your wish comes instantly true. "

David Icke – The Secret

"The world is so beautifully put together; it's such a shame that most of us spend our time worrying about what isn't in our life instead of being happy for all that we do have. Isn't that really a shame?"

"Just because you don't have the whole picture, doesn't mean you can't paint an exceptional picture."

Mike Dooley

"The Secret Of The Law Of Attraction And Success Is Knowing All The Laws! "


"One of the reasons we struggle to attract our desires is because we're afraid to admit them. We don't trust our own wisdom enough to think that we can judge if something is truly good for us." ~Unknown

"The most important thing in life you should do is follow your soul. If you do this, there is nothing you can't accomplish. "

Deepak Chopra

"You have to get clear about what your vision is and then let it guide you." ~ Deepak Chopra

"If we are to make the world a better place for our children, the most powerful first step must be for each of us to change the way we think about money." – Muhammad Yunus

"You can find happiness in anything - even something that causes you pain. You just have to look deep into your heart and discover why it's painful. "


"There is no security in this world, there is only opportunity." ~Steve Jobs

"The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do." ~James A. Michener

"Don't let it end without being truly grateful for every single experience you've had, ever. Anything good in life will be infinitely amplified by the gratitude you feel for having experienced it."- Marcus Aurelius

"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves." - Dalai Lama XIV

"Success is not owned. It is leased. And the rent is due every day." ~ Anthony Robbins

"You can choose to be miserable, or you can choose to be happy. It's your choice." ~ Bob Proctor

"The dream begins with you not wanting it badly enough!"


"If you truly want success in life, then I must warn you that the road to get there will never be a smooth one. Pain, setbacks and difficulties are inevitable for anyone who wants to live their dreams." ~Unknown

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." – Albert Einstein

"I can only know what I have been taught by my parents and by the environment in which I was raised. For example, a child brought up on poverty might find himself striving for money most of his life. Likewise, a child brought up in a rich family might find herself trying to get richer most of her life. This does not mean that it is not the child's choice to become rich or poor. It is." -Bobby Jon Drinkard Jr

'If you want to be successful in life then you need to do two things: 1) Find out where true happiness comes from and 2) Go there. Anything else is just chasing wind. " ~ Anthony Robbins

"If you don't like what you're doing, then change it. Don't complain about it and wish it wasn't happening. Demand that it change." - Unknown

"Don't get stuck on the issues in life that frustrate you because most of them have already been dealt with by someone who went before you." ~ Arnold Beckman

"The most powerful notion I could ever pass along is the simple, but elegantly simple, truth that all problems are solvable. That's what drives people to work all their waking hours toward solutions to problems that, at this very moment, are far from being solved. The most significant part of this realization, though, is that all problems are solvable" ~ Bob Proctor

"By following your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living." ~ Joseph Campbell

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves." - Rainer Maria Rilke

"Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality." – David J.

Conclusion : These quotes above are just a few that may help you to get your life back on track. If you want a better and more peaceful life, think of implementing these wonderful ideas that will change your life forever. I recommend you to read them carefully, ponder over them and then make the decision of what works best for you.

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