The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 30 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 30 )

The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 30 )

#1 There is no such thing as a finished article. 
#2 The success always comes with the struggle. 
#3 Be careful of those who promise you easy solutions because they are usually experts in chaos; they thrive on controlling and manipulating people's emotions. 
#4 When you feel like giving up, remember that your decision to keep going is the only thing that will make those around you happy. 
#5 Your greatest value is not in what you do; it is in who you are. 
#6 Be careful of those who tell insecurities about themselves, it is a sure way to expose them for a fraud. 
#7 Your mind and feelings are your most precious treasures and should never be taken for granted. 
#8 When surrounded by negative energy, it is important to change the energy around yourself so you don't add to the negativity by behaving in bad faith. 
#9 Doing the common thing is what makes you feel tired. 
#10 A good life is about being who you are. 
#11 If you are living a lie, know that sooner or later, it will catch up with you. 
#12 You should always surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you to be a better person. 
#13 Life will never give you anything better than friends, those who are there for you when things go wrong and the only people who will show unconditional love in the worst moments of your life. 
#14 Learn and explore because people can teach us so many things if we just take time to listen to them. 
#15 Having a family is the most important thing in life because without them, you are nothing. 
#16 The most beautiful moments of life are always when you look at the problems with a smile, when you face them with love and with happiness. 
#17 Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. 
#18 The truth is that life catches up with everyone, we live it in different ways but the end result will always be the same. 
#19 Life is a game and if you believe that happiness and success come from achieving materialistic things then it will never be enough for you to be happy. 
#20 Everyone can face their fears as long as they believe in themselves first. 
#21 Success does not bring you happiness, it just gives you a chance to point out who is fake and who is real. 
#22 You cannot always be kind, but if you are kind, the pain of those who are mean will always be greater than the pain of those who are mean. 
#23 I remember a teacher telling me that doing what your told to do it was learning but looking at everything with an open mind was growth. 
#24 Love yourself and never lose your true self. 
#25 The power of communication lies in finding the right words when emotions run high and people need to share their feelings but they are not used to it. 
#26 There is a big difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. 
#27 We need to understand that ambition is a driving force, it pushes us to move forward but we should never be ambitious for materialistic things; instead we should be ambitious for the time we will have with our loved ones. 
#28 There is one type of people that you can never be sure about, the people who are afraid of being alone. 
#29 The first step to become successful in your life is being able to look at yourself without being embarrassed by your past and without being ashamed of anything that has happened. 
#30 The greatest human quality is human compassion and empathy. 
#31 The difference between a good life and a bad life is the way you decide to approach things in life; if you decide to be happy and positive then it will be hard for a negative person to break through your soul. 
#32 A lot of people who want to achieve greatness don't want the fame that comes with it. 
#33 There is not much worth in having money if you are not able to help those around you in their time of need. 
#34 You can always start over, but remember never give up because it is when your heart becomes cold that you lose all hope for happiness. 
#35 There is no such thing as failure if you don't lose hope and there is no such thing as success if you cannot realize your dreams. 
#36 You will always wish to come back to those who made you happy and gave you a reason to smile; even in the worst moments of your life, there will always be a part of yourself that wishes to see love again. 
#37 There is always a way out; it may not be what we expect but it is worth accepting because every path has a meaning and all paths lead us towards our dreams. 
#38 When you are loved unconditionally, it feels as if you are the happiest person in the world. 
#39 Some people feel that they need to be loved but they do not feel worthy of being loved. 
#40 Nobody will ever be able to make you happy if you don't make yourself happy first. 
#41 It is important to keep pushing forward no matter what happens because that is the only way to achieve greatness in life. 
#42 Life is a game and if you want to get ahead then be sure that you understand everything about it. 
#43 It is always better to know how you want to go and then to do it. 
#44 It doesn't matter what anyone says, the only thing that matters is whether you believe in yourself. 
#45 We should understand that life is a struggle and we will never be truly happy until we let go of all the things that hold us back. 
#46 When you are unhappy, it's really hard to stay because your negative thoughts will bring only pain and suffering in your life; but if you find peace within yourself, then even those who have wronged you won't be able to make you sad. 
#47 To make a life worth living, you must know how to give it meaning; happiness is meaningless if there is no purpose in it. 
#48 It's good to dream but it's better to have a plan and understand that sometimes you have to fail before achieving your goals. 
#49 The most important thing in life is being able to see the good in everything and everyone. 
#50 Every person has the power of choice, even if they don't recognize the fact that they still have that power. 
#51 It is better to feel pain than nothing at all.
#52 The greatest gift that we could ever give ourselves is finding peace within our own hearts.


In conclusion, the writer of the book says that "You should be proud to be a human because it's very hard to be one". The writer would like everyone to remember that we all have different abilities and different circumstances but we should always find ways to accept people for who they are, as well as ourselves.

Following the publication of this book, in 2014 two other writers decided to turn its contents into a novel entitled "Single and Free: A Self-Help Guide". 
On November 2015 a third writer started working on a screenplay for a film based on this book. As of late 2017 these projects remain in progress.


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