The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 35 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 35 )

He, who is afraid to ask questions as a learner, will never find the truth as a teacher.
- Anonymous

How do you deal with fear? Share your ideas in the comments below! 
- The Secret - The Archive of Inspirational Quotes Part 35 

1. “What we loved most about each other was what made us laugh and what made us smile.”― Chloe Phillipps 2. “You can't take men for granted or you'll end up with nothing but tears and regret."― Daphne Orenstein 3. "The moment you wake up and decide to put your energy into being grateful, thankful and kind towards others, everything changes. You will experience more joy and less pain because your soul is being satisfied, whether it's in your thoughts or actions. It's a direct connection to God and you are getting the energy to go out there and make things happen.” — Michael Bernard Beckwith 4. “Dreams are divine lies that enable us to see beyond ourselves and reach towards something greater than ourselves.” ― Paulo Coelho 5. “We all have responsibilities—the big ones, the little ones, the small ones, the big, little, small ones all put together—and we must meet them by working for what we want today so that we can feel happy with what we have tomorrow."― Mandy Hale 6. “You have never had a more powerful ally than your anger, and that ally will become the most important thing in your life.”― Marcia Clark 7. "What you resist persists."― Paulo Coelho 8. "Nothing is so wonderful as not having to do it at all."— Emily Dickinson 9. “There is nothing wrong with being afraid or nervous-as long as we use those feelings not to paralyze us, but to give us the energy we need to take risks and transform our lives into something positive." — Jim Carey 10. "Don't let yesterday's failure prevent you from succeeding today."― Abraham Lincoln 11. “We have to live not just for ourselves, but for our children.”― Maya Angelou 12. "You can choose to be happy or miserable, but you can't choose how you're born."― Stephen J. Dubner 13. “Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own" — John Lennon 14. “I am convinced that if we do not treat each other with dignity and respect, God will not allow us to experience the joy of love and peace in this world." — Mother Theresa 15. "The biggest blessing in life is to love and be loved." — Luciano Pavarotti 16. “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” ― Dalai Lama 17. “The good news is, we're not alone... The bad news is that we have to do something about it." ― Jeff Foxworthy 18. "You can't make someone fall in love with you, but you can make someone fall in love with your personality." Jay Maisel 19. “Be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." — Judy Garland 20. "You are not responsible for the happiness of those around you, but you can be responsible for your own happiness." — Oprah Winfrey 21. "You have the power to choose how you react to difficult situations. You must develop the habit of choosing differently." ― Swami Sivananda 22. “If you can’t feel good doing it, don’t do it." — Barbara Sher 23. “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”— Isaac Newton 24. “We are each connected to one another by a thread of love, not a chain of obligation.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson 25. "To be alone is to be with ourselves, which is perhaps the most gratifying thing in this world."—Mark Twain 26. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." —Mahatma Gandhi 27. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — E.E Cummings 28. "It's not what happens to you in life, it's how you handle it that matters."
Jasmine Thomas
29. "It is not what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” — Dale Carnegie 30. "All the gold that is mined yearly in the world could build a wall 25 feet high and 25 feet thick around the whole of England." — Benjamin Franklin 31. "Every intelligent person has a theory of his own, as to how much money it is best to make and how many books it is best to sell; and every one of these theories necessarily depends upon certain general ideas which that person entertains." — Mark Twain 32. "Independence is better than anything—even love."-Elias Canetti 33. “There is no sin so great as boasting.”—Alexander Pope 34. “If you are reluctant to change your attitude, you will find that circumstances will force you to do it.” — Bruce Lee 35. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer." — Walt Disney 36. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke 37. "We all have our crosses, and when we are unable or unwilling to carry them, another carries them on our behalf."— Martin Luther King Jr 38. “Give me three days to make a complete fool of myself, and I will know what love is” — Oscar Wilde 39. "The smallest act of kindness, by the smallest person, can change the world." — Meena Alexander 40. "Live a good story so that others can live a better one."— Maya Angelou 41. “Don’t love just anybody; love someone who will love you back.”— Audrey Hepburn 42. "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." — Joseph Campbell 43. “If you want to achieve something of lasting value in this world, then don't take the easy way out; don't settle for less than your full potential". — Oprah Winfrey 44. “The more people you meet, the more you realize how alone you really are.”— Jean M. Auel 45. "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." — Albert Einstein 46. "It's not what happens to you in life, it's how you respond that matters." — Dr Phil 47. “When one door closes another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”—Alexander Graham Bell 48. "A man who does not learn from his mistakes will never have any success in life.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I did it. If you have any quotes that you would like to add to the list, please let me know in the comments section. I will check out your suggestions and add them into this post if they are good enough. :)

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