The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 17 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 17 )

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." -Pablo Picasso

Aristotle said "we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." We are so good at telling ourselves we can't do things and they're just words uttered in the dark. Don't let this be you. Practice excellence and it will become a habit. Work on that beautiful picture or chapbook constantly until you're happy with it and then send it out into the world for review.

The great Victor Hugo said "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Things that you have been wanting to do for a long time, may be out of reach. Never give up and keep working on your dreams. Make them come true, keep moving forward in the direction of your dreams and eventually the time will be right. Your good work will have found the audience it deserves and it will find you.

Steve Jobs said "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." If you love what you're doing, then inspiration will be there every step along the way. And remember the word inspiration means to breathe in. You have to breathe in the world and its wonders. Take deep breaths and allow yourself to be filled with inspiration.

Eleanor Roosevelt said "Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others."

This is so true for all of us, not just women authors. Be fearless in trying new things and never give up because you made a mistake or failed at something once or twice. You'll find out quickly how much you can do and how much you're worth if you keep trying.

Steve Maraboli, author of Unapologetically You : Reflections on Life and the Human Experience said, "Rejection is God's protection. Before your work can be great, it has to move past you." The greater your desire to achieve a goal…the less likely that goal is to be attained as a result of trying to force it. If we all just accept our rejections as part of the creative process and move on…the likelihood that our true genius will flow forth is all the greater.

Don't ever give into or let others discourage you from reaching for the stars. Remember that those who are meant to see your work will. And the ones who won't will reject your work the same way you will one day reject theirs. Always keep moving forward!

Have a great day and keep creating,

Danny Goldberg

The Danny Goldberg Group, Inc.

Qualifications: I have been involved in the book publishing industry as an author, editor, agent and publisher for more than 20 years. I am currently the CEO of which is one of the leading on-demand publishing services in the world today. I have also served as Vice President of International for The Walt Disney Company, President of Gold Castle Entertainment, and CEO of Prelude Records.

I'd like to invite you to join me over at the Danny Goldberg Group on Facebook. I post inspirational quotes and related articles over there every single day. It's a great way to stay motivated and inspired on a daily basis!

I look forward to seeing you there! :-)

Danny Goldberg is the CEO/Founder of which is one of the leading on-demand publishing services in the world today. He has also served as Vice President of International for The Walt Disney Company, President of Gold Castle Entertainment, and CEO of Prelude Records.

Danny is a best-selling author and has written 4 books, including the #1 bestseller for writers entitled "Get Known Before the Book Deal." He is a sought after speaker at publishing conferences and author events. He also frequently serves as a judge for book awards, such as the Benjamin Franklin Award.

You can find Danny over at his website:

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Source: EzineArticles Main Page : http://EzineArticles.


With these quotes on motivation, you have the practical opportunity to become one of those drive intended people, who have always dreamed about becoming an author.

These quotes can support you in all kinds of aspects, such as your book publishing, book promotion and self-development process. So make sure to go over each and every one of them, completely and stop you from making any careless mistakes along the way.

You can use these motivational phrases to inspire yourself when it comes to: productivity in general, self-improvement and achieving your goals. These quotes will definitely help you to avoid making mistakes that could damage your contribution as a writer.

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