The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 6 )
I'm sorry... I thought this was a blog about how to find inspiration. You've got some interesting stuff here, but I don't think it's the post that I was looking for.
The Secret (collection of inspirational quotes, part 6)
Surround yourself with people who support you and your dreams. Avoid those who try to discourage you because they are jealous of your goals and success in life. Surround yourself with people who are optimistic and supportive, as these qualities will motivate you to be better each day that you wake up! As Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said: "Find a need in the world around you and then fill it. That is the meaning of life; that is success. You must make a living, but if you aim to do something worthwhile, something that will benefit others as well as yourself, then you are a success."
On the other hand...
"The world has enough for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed."
William Jennings Bryan - 1859 - 1925
"If I had paid attention to those who failed I would have lost my chance of success."
Unknown - circa 1835 - circa 1906
"Thousands of people felt they were doing well when they died just before their time arrived. They forgot how much better it was to be alive and doing fine than dead and forgotten. Many a man has died of cancer when his disease could have been cured by a transplant. Many a woman has died of cancer when her disease could have been cured by surgery. I would hope such people had the courage to survive long enough for their fate to be reversed through the help of a friend or family member."
"I have seen many people that were better than themselves in spite of their failure."
John D. Rockefeller, Jr - 1863 - 1937
"An old and true saying is that no one knew what tomorrow would bring. Each day is new, every moment unfolding with new possibilities. However, if you know what tomorrow is going to bring, then you will have time for each moment to be enjoyed. Beware of those that wish the past was different."
"The secret of success consists in looking danger squarely in the eye, and deciding after due consideration whether it is to be feared or not. All else is mere detail."
Napoleon Hill - abt 1889 - 1970
A little bit about me... - - - - I want to say that this post has evolved over the years as I've learned more and more about life and God's will. In fact, I originally wrote this post when I was much younger (I'd been searching for inspiration my whole life). I didn't understand the meaning of most of these quotes, but I knew that God had used each one in his own way to shape my perspective and give me a little more insight on how to live my life. In retrospect, I realize that some of the quotes are known by others, but I have included them because they each have a special meaning to me and are precisely what I needed at the time in which they were written. But I'd like to say that this post is a work in progress. It's not where it's going yet, but it's getting there! And just like anything good out of life... it can change. It always does! And maybe you'll see something new here that wasn't there before... but that's okay too. My hope is that this post helps you gain a little insight and inspiration into your own life. - - - - Thanks again for stopping by. This will be the last post of "The Secret" series, but I plan on continuing to write my thoughts as I am inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit as I think about what He wants me to write about. Thank you again for reading! Until next time...
"Having children makes us more human."
Unknown God has never commanded us to be happy, but he tells us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Mark 12:30
"My joy is in the law of the Lord, and on my law I meditate day and night."
"Stop looking DOWN at life. Look UP, so you can see what's going on around you."
Unknown - circa 1808 - circa 1883
"It is not difficult to find oneself, provided one knows what one wants."
Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1803 - 1882 - - - "The only way out of a difficulty is to pursue a new course." Unknown - circa 1933 You did not come into this world alone. You came with a purpose and a reason. God put each of us here for a reason, and it will be discovered through our trials and tribulations in life. "There is time enough for everything in the course of the day, if you do but one thing at once, but there is not time enough in the year, if you will do two things at once." William Penn - 1644 - 1718
"When doing anything from which you intend to derive benefit in future, even though it may be difficult or laborious now, execute it at once."
"When walking with two other persons they are sufficient company, but if you walk alone you are forced to entertain yourself. It is the greatest of hardships to be forced into action." Unknown
"Whats done in the darkness will soon be seen in the light." Unknown "There are always two ways of being deceived; one by prejudice, another by knowledge. Prejudice is a bias on account of which we make a wrong judgment, without having sufficient evidence against it. Knowledge is supreme or complete truth, or the highest degree of truth, i.e., what is independent of all human authority, and admitted by all rational people to be so." Thomas Jefferson, The Jefferson Bible - 1779 - 1826 "Whosoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in matters concerning religion...ought to know that the time is not long in which he will be left to kick his heels in contempt." Sir Matthew Hale - 1609 - 1676 "There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham." George Bernard Shaw - 1856 - 1950
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson - 1743 - 1826
"It is more difficult to organize hundreds than it is to organize thousands, for one finds it easier to acquire adherents than keep them faithful. Once a portion of the multitude assumes a dictatorial attitude, there is no telling how soon the whole mass will be infected with the same ideas." Napoleon Bonaparte - 1769 - 1821
"A man, who has to support himself by his own exertions, will not waste anything on his pleasures and amusements." William Hazlitt - 1778 - 1830
"The secret of getting on in this world is to have no principles." Samuel Butler - 1835 - 1902 "We do something every day without knowing we are doing it. This can be worked into a system that will keep us busy all our lives, if we want to be busy.
Conclusion: "I shall always try to do what is right, though it should kill me."
Unknown "Man can not live at ease and be honest in a communion of lies." John Ruskin - 1819 - 1900
"If you give up doing the thing you love or can make a living at, you do so only because there is so much in it that your heart yearns for. I wish it were possible to enjoy your work as you would desire it to be enjoyed by someone else, but nobody can manage this. The dissatisfaction which is felt by your admirers when they do not get their due out of what they admire comes from themselves.