The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes


 The Secret -  Collection Of Inspirational Quotes

This post is meant to be inspirational in nature. Here are a few interesting quotes to get you started: "You Are Enough" by Zariya
"The right goals give the right energy, and the right energy helps you become more than who you could have been." by Dr. Oz
"Everything changes with time. Surprises happen, opportunities arise. The future is not a place but in fact, an attitude." by Oprah Winfrey 
"A person's true success comes from knowing how far they can go and when they should stop." 
-Jim Rohn-

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Job Loss - How To Stay Motivated". In your blog post, discuss how to stay motivated in life when a job loss occurs. You may write about any situation you have faced. The objective is to express your knowledge in a way that would get the reader to be interested enough to read on.
Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How To Prevent Heart Disease" (Health). In your blog post, discuss how to prevent heart disease. You may write about any situation you have faced.

Create a unique infographic on the subject of Social Media. Your infographic must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The infographic shall be submitted in JPG format. The image file name must be "Social Media Infographic". The file size must not exceed 15 MB
Create a unique infographic on the subject of Social Media. Your infographic must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The infographic shall be submitted in JPG format. The image file name must be "Social Media Infograph". The file size must not exceed 15 MB

The aim of this exercise is to get you thinking about how you can become more effective at networking. For example, you could write about how to network at conferences and seminars or you could write about how to use social media effectively for networking.
You should compose a blog post in response to the following topic: "How To Stay Healthy". In your blog post, discuss any advice you would give to people who are trying to stay healthy. You may also write about any situation that has helped you improve your health. Your blog post must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team. The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog post must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - How To Stay Healthy". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.
Write a blog post on the following topic: "How To Become A Successful Blogger" In your blog post, discuss how to become a successful blogger. You may also review any strategies that are helpful in making your blog more successful or you can write about what it takes to be successful in blogging. Your blog post must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog post must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - How To Become A Successful Blogger". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.

This is a team exercise where the team of one or two members will write the blog post titled "How To Stop Procrastinating". You should write about any situation that caused you to procrastinate and your thoughts on how to stop procrastinating. Your blog post must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog post must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - How To Stop Procrastinating". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.
Take a walk down memory lane by using the following picture for inspiration!
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.

Write a blog post on the following topic: "How To Make Honest Friends Online". In your blog post, discuss how to make honest friends online by avoiding fakers or encouraging people to be honest with you. Your blog post must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog post must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - How To Make Honest Friends Online". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.

Write a blog post on the following topic: "SEO Tips For Bloggers". In your blog post, discuss how to use SEO effectively in blogging. You may write about how to optimize your blog content or how to embed SEO keywords in your blog posts. Your blog post must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog post must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - SEO Tips For Bloggers". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.
Write a unique blog posting titled "What It Takes To Stay Fit" (Health). In your blog posting, discuss any strategies you use to stay fit. You may write about any situation you have faced. Your blog posting must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog posting must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - What It Takes To Stay Fit". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.
Write a unique blog posting titled "How To Relieve Stress" (Health). In your blog posting, discuss how to relieve stress using methods that work for you. Your blog posting must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used. The blog posting must be submitted in MS WORD format and named "Blog Post - How To Relieve Stress". The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.
Write a unique blog posting titled "How To Create A Blog" (Health). In your blog posting, discuss what it takes to create a blog.


The COACHING ROOM PROJECT team has never been about numbers. It is about providing quality coaching and training to those who seek it. It is about helping people understand their potentials.
Note: Do not plagiarize content from any source.

Write a blog posting titled "How To Succeed In Business" (Lifestyle). In your blog posting, discuss what it takes to succeed in business by providing interesting tips and suggestions on how to do it. Your blog posting must be original and based on the word count (200 words) limit set by the COACHING ROOM PROJECT team . The word count includes images, but excludes references, tables, and any other material used.

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