The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 18 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 18 )

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." -Unknown.

So many incredible people and personalities from history have spoken these words — but it is worth repeating them again and again. If we can't do something large or extraordinary, by all means we should not give up on what it is that's within our reach. We can still aspire to make our mark on the world with simple daily actions if given enough time. So here are 18 more quotes for your inspiration!
Go forth-and-make-a-difference!

Write an introduction to a blog post titled "The 9 best ways to start your day".

A piece of advice that everyone needs to hear.

Find a quote which shows the importance of using an iPhone.

Many people find their lives more enriched and meaningful when they are able to make use of an iPhone during their busy days.

Look through your wardrobe on a ten-o'clock binge and then begin to purge your duds into the trash bags. Maybe you'll have time to sort out some items for donation or sell them off in a yard sale or consignment shop!

Open up a new document and start writing a list titled "What my life could look like if I actually had free time.

The life of every human being is full of questions. It's important for us to be able to dream about what we want and need in our lives.

Actually, this is the first step to making any changes that we want.

Donate old clothes that you don't wear anymore to charity. If your living space is feeling cluttered and you're feeling overwhelmed, then it might be time for a "throwing away" ceremony like the one seen here!

Get up an hour earlier than normal in the morning and spend some time meditating. It will help you feel focused and much more calm throughout the day.

Have a freezer raid. Find ten things in your freezer that were bought on sale or cost at least $1.00 and begin to cook it or eat it today!

Begin to go over your credit report and look for any errors. Look up how you can dispute any information that is incorrect — and then get busy with your credit card accounts!

Begin to think about ways you can add more happiness into the life of someone close to you. Even an action as small as making their favorite dessert could mean the world to them!!

Add a new flavor-packed topping to the dish you're cooking at home like these Easy Healthy Taco Bowls .

Making changes to your diet is always a good idea — especially for more health-conscious people.

Replace a couple of items in your house with new versions that are better and more environmentally friendly.

Take the time to make a grocery list as comprehensive as possible, so that you don't run out of anything when you're out shopping.

Spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out and catching up with old friends or members of your family. It will be fun to spend some quality time with them!

At night, turn off all lights but one in your house and then begin to write down things that made you feel happy or sad during the day.

The idea is to evaluate what went well and what didn't.

Learn to live a more frugal lifestyle.

It's worth it to save money and learn how to live a responsible, healthy — and even fun — life.

As much as we love our friends and family, we sometimes tend to forget that they have lives of their own too. So say a quick hello when you see them!

Think back and reflect in the morning on how you were able to change something that was bothering you throughout the day.

Make a list of everything you're thankful for. There may be plenty of things worth being happy and excited about — so don't forget to recognize them!!

Put on some music while you're eating dinner tonight, and close your eyes and just listen. It might be even more enjoyable than watching TV!

Create a donation-and-tip jar. When people come over, they can make a donation or put in any loose change they want to give you in the jar.

Re-access your financial situation and identify where some costs can be cut out or reduced.

Take a look at your calendar and see if there's anything that you'd like to spend more time doing.

Begin to fill in any cracks or holes in the wall with spackle or patching compound.

Use a small portion of the money you receive to treat yourself to something nice, whether it's a new toy, your favorite music album or a cup of delicious hot chocolate!

Find creative ways around the things that are bothering you. Worried about the morning traffic? Go for an early morning jog!

At work, begin to set aside 10 minutes for some light stretching before your lunch break. It might help you feel much more relaxed.

Take some time to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy nature. It's always worth it to spend some time outside!

Get a free consultation with a financial advisor so that you can figure out what your next steps should be.

Write down anything that's bothering you about your house or job — even if it seems silly or ridiculous. Then, think of ways that you can improve these aspects of your life.

When someone asks for your advice, take the time to offer it. Even if it's something you don't have much experience with, it could still mean the world to them.

Begin to learn about a new and useful skill — like playing the ukulele! — that can help you feel more fulfilled and less stressed.

Visit your family doctor for a checkup and discuss ways to reduce your stress levels. Also, ask him what other services he offers that might be worthwhile for you!

Give yourself enough time to finish a task before you get started on something else. It'll make your day much more relaxing and enjoyable!!

Set aside an hour before bedtime to do some stretching or meditation. It could really help you to sleep better and feel much more relaxed and happy!

Get back in touch with an old friend, or start a new one. It may be difficult to find someone who is willing to be friends with you -- but it doesn't have to stay that way!

Begin to stick to the healthy eating habits that you've always wanted. It'll make you feel a lot more healthy, energetic and happy.

At night, write down any dreams that you have had — either from the past or from the future.


Have you gotten the most out of this "21 Day Stressbuster Challenge"? If not, make sure to check out the other tips and techniques that I've set up throughout this website.

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