The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 4 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 4 )

What is the secret to success? Is it trying hard enough, being good enough, or being lucky not to have blocked goals?

What people admire about successful people is their ability to focus on their goals and ignore other distractions, as well as their ability to find creative ways of getting around barriers.

Successful people talk less and do more. They delegate work that others are better suited for. They make themselves experts who don’t need advice from anyone else. And they don’t wait for opportunities but create them with persistence and determination.

The best way to succeed is to learn from the people who have already succeeded. So read as many stories and biographies as you can find on how these people became successful.

"Shouting your opinion is an easy way to make something difficult happen". 
People want their opinions heard, but they don’t want decisions to be based on the opinions of others.
When someone asks you if they should pursue a particular career, ask them what they’re passionate about in addition or instead of answering the question. This will give them an opportunity to talk and share their reasons for pursuing this goal.

Successful people are not always good looking, rich or exceptionally intelligent. They simply have a drive to succeed and a refusal to accept failure. 
I once had a boss who was overweight, ugly, and mentally incompetent. He was fired when he came to work smelling of alcohol having got drunk the night before. His replacement was equally incompetent as he’d been let go before for being drunk at work too often. I decided this is how I wanted to be treated by my employers so left to join another company before the year ended. 
Sometimes it’s better not to know how things will turn out. Because then you have no choice but to succeed and to follow through with your plan.
You have to have faith in yourself, or else you have no chance at achieving your goals. The only thing that can change a bad situation is you. You are the solution, not someone else. Keep reminding yourself of how capable you are, and do what’s necessary to bring out the best in yourself.

The first step toward success is to know exactly where it is that you want to go and why. Then, write down this goal and keep it somewhere visible so that it constantly reminds you of the steps that need to be taken in order for you to achieve it. Then, take action. It’s not enough to be motivated; you have to make it happen.
If you want to succeed, then you’re going to have to learn how to be good at failure.
Be persistent. But never give up – regardless of the situation, or how hopeless things seem today or even in the future.
The harder you work and the more you plan for success, the sooner it will come true. 
Success involves going through fire with a full tank of fuel at hand so that when flames come around your shoulder you can still set them alight and stay warm by their heat.

"There are three types of people: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder 'what happened'? Choose to be in the first group".
Never allow an obstacle to keep you from attaining your goals. If you run into a barrier, just walk around it or climb over it. You wouldn’t want to reach the top of a mountain and have no view from the peak. Don’t let anything get in the way between you and your goals. 
Starting a new business is like finding a treasure chest on a beach. Your treasure chest could be filled with gold, silver, a lot of junk, or just something worth very little. If you rush out to the beach trying to collect as many treasures as possible, you leave yourself open for a lot of damage and loss. You can get hurt when you try to investigate something that might not be very valuable. But if you spend time looking around in the sand and digging below the surface, you can make better decisions about what it is you’re looking at. 
There’s no set path toward success in any endeavor; there are just different ways of getting there. Some people travel in straight lines, while others use curves and detours. At one point in your life you may have been a straight line and done very well for yourself. Then in the next stage, you may have chosen to take a detour based upon something else you had learned from the experience of being straight. And then, after another period of time, you could find that you’re once again headed on a straight line toward success. 
Success grows within us like a tree is known for its roots. You have to have some roots to stand on; so put your efforts into forming a solid foundation from which other successes can grow from. Keep things simple; learn from everyone and everyone will learn from you.
People are capable of great things, but they have to be given a chance.
You never know what you can achieve until you try.
The best way to look at life is that it is all a series of steps leading up to, and away from, success… all of which can be made successful if one does their part.
My son told me, "Dad, I want to be just like you!" I thought about that for a moment and replied with "Well son, I'm glad that you want me in your life somewhere along the way". 
If you believe in yourself and are determined to succeed then your success will follow soon behind.
There’s a huge difference in thinking you can do something and knowing that you can.

"You need to learn how to love yourself before you're able to love others. Because, if you cannot be happy with who you are, no one else will be either". 
Successful people don’t wait for an opportunity to get what they want. They make their own opportunities or create their own luck by doing whatever it takes before the opportunity presents itself. It's not the opportunities themselves that are important, but what they allow us to be and do; however, we can only become and do something if we make an effort and take action first.

"When you fly off a cliff, if you don’t fly, you fall. If you flop down at the bottom, no matter how hard you flail your way up again, nothing will ever be better than what it was in the beginning."
One of the most important skills to learn for success is self-management. Successful people are disciplined and organized in all areas of their lives including their careers. They realize that discipline is a positive form of self-control and that with it comes empowerment within oneself. 
It’s easier to accept failure than to avoid failure.

To be successful you have to have a strong goal and strong determination. Once you have set your sights on achieving what you want then nothing can stop you. You must be focused with determination and work hard to achieve that goal. Finally, always keep learning and growing in your field so that you will never become obsolete or outdated in your field of expertise.

"My life is my own – no one else's – but I am responsible for the choices I make".
One of the most important things to do before starting a new business is to know yourself and what type of person you are.

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