The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 22 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 22 )

- "The secret of life is to enjoy it. Don't wait for the days when you will feel better about your life and appreciate it more."

- "A successful person is someone who gets up one more time than he or she falls"

- "Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to learn from the uncomfortable unknown."
"It's always too soon until it's too late." - Anonymous

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The Secret: Book Review by Michael Murphy from

As a person approached his or her goal, the terms they chose to attribute it to would go on to become "the secret," increasing their belief in the importance of reaching their goal. The more the weight of this secret is placed upon someone's shoulders, the less likely they are able to see past their current situation and look towards attaining greater goals for themselves.

The Law Of Attraction Teachings Of Abraham - Book Summary

"There is an enormous amount of pressure on people in our society for them to be successful and wealthy. This pressure becomes overwhelming when you're living from paycheck-to-paycheck and are simply trying to keep your head above water. The Law of Attraction teaches that we can tap into the power of our subconscious mind to create our ideals. There is a wealth of information in this book that will give you the tools you need to help you succeed.

This book offers an abundance of information and guidance to getting exactly what you want out of life. It is a simple, easy-to-read book; very well written and not overly complex in its nature. It does not dwell on religious or spiritual doctrines nor does it purport to be an explanation for how the universe operates behind the scenes. The author simply states how YOU work with your mind to create the world around you.

In the book, Abraham states that he has been trying to get through to us since the dawn of man. That is why we have religions such as Christianity and others. He proves this by beginning the book with Genesis and describes how vividly we are described in Genesis. He shows his readers how God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed before they had to work for it. They had wealth, abundance, power, and knowledge of the future. But God did not give them eternal life because Adam was not listening.... in fact he was completely focused on his own desires.

The Law of Attraction teaches that we have power over our own creation, and that we can use this power to create the world we want. It offers clear guidance on how to take action and achieve happiness. The best part is that you don't have to be rich or a genius to do it! This information is presented in a clear and understandable way."

Click here for a FREE downloadable version of The Secret in PDF format!

Why You Should Get "The Secret" by Gary Morehead from

What if you could take the secrets of the universe and turn them into a fortune? That's the premise behind The Secret , a blockbuster best-selling book that has become a cultural phenomenon. Utilizing the same principles as The Law of Attraction, this book shows you how to create anything you want in life. In this exclusive excerpt from the newest edition, you will learn why it is important to be grateful for what you have and share your joy with others. It is an easy read with some real valuable information for anyone who is serious about creating their life into what they want it to be.

Start By Learning Gratitude, Not Laziness

By Gary Morehead

The Law of Attraction states: "Like energy attracts like energy." When you start to focus on what you do want in your life, the universe will begin to make it happen. The Secret , reveals the Law of Attraction in action. Although not all that is presented in the book is in alignment with our personal beliefs and values, there are some wonderful insights here.

You have heard that time and time again; if you want something bad enough, you can have it. The problem with this reasoning is that it is focused on the power of desire rather than gratitude for what exists right now. The Secret presents a different perspective. The author proposes that instead of focusing on the creation of more wealth and success, we should focus on being free from the thoughts of scarcity and want. This means that we must learn to be grateful for all that we have, not focusing so much on what we lack.

The new edition of The Secret includes an expanded section on gratitude and how to practice it in your daily life. It suggests cultivating five different types of gratitude practices:

1) Gratitude for Our Surroundings - When you wake up in a room full of beautiful furnishings, surrounded by things you really like (like flowers or music), you are grateful for your surroundings. This is the first step to feeling this way.

2) Gratitude for Your Body - This type of gratitude recognizes that your body serves as a vehicle for allowing you to experience life. You can be grateful for your legs that carry you around all day, or your eyes with which you are able to see everything around you.

3) Gratitude for Your Relationships - You can be grateful for your friends, family and loved ones. Being grateful in our relationships helps us enjoy those interactions even more than we would without gratitude.


The Secret offers insights into the nature of how our thoughts and beliefs affect our reality. This book offers clear guidance on how to tap into your subconscious mind in order to create your ideal life. It is a simple, yet powerful read that will help you change the way you think about yourself and the world around you. By understanding The Law of Attraction, people can begin to make positive changes in their lives. We are including some information from another review that appeared on Amazon:

The Secret is incredibly practical, easy to follow and understand, it really works! It has been a long time since I have read a book and felt such excitement about putting its principles into action in my life (I am nearly finished with the book).

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