The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 2)


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 2)

The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 2)

Introduction - The first part of this article was about the collection that began to form in a man’s mind and he eventually did the thing to make it possible for it all to happen. I hope you found that part very inspiring and motivational. It is always good for a person to know how other people succeeded in their life, even if they didn’t “attempt” something comparable. There is always hope, no matter what obstacles a person has to face in achieving success.

The below stories are from the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. Below is the introduction and chapter 3. You can read the rest on


There is a Law of Attraction in the universe that manifests all events and circumstances, whether it be physical or emotional, to you throughout your life. It's an unwavering certainty that attracts to you those things, people and situations that are in harmony with who you really are at your deepest core – your innermost values, desires, and intentions.

Your thoughts and feelings draw people into your life based upon what you think about the most; their actions simply mirror your thoughts and feelings. You can't attract exactly what you want in life, but you can attract something that is close to it or better.

A sentence I've heard all my life states: "Each action has a corresponding reaction; each thought produces an emotion". This means that the quality, frequency and intensity of everything we think about, feel and express determines our experience of life.

You can receive...and just by focusing on your desire for it and believing that you receive it. You can stop smoking with the same power. You can get yourself into a safe, loving relationship with another person using this same principle. You can do anything you want to in life by using the Law of Attraction.

This law is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect" or the "Law of Karma". The effect comes first. What you give (action) will be returned to you multiplied (effect) by this universal law that never fails. You can use it in your life right now, because this is not a hypothetical concept; it is something that has been proven true and that can be experienced by anyone who takes the time to understand how it works.

The Secret was brought to Earth hundreds of years ago to help people understand their power, but no one knew how or when they should apply it. People were too busy looking for ways to get rich quick or for some secret shortcut to success. Now that we have understood what the true source of human power is, we can use it in our lives as easily and consistently as breathing.

If you go through life constantly struggling to create what you want instead of simply allowing yourself to receive it, then you are denying your potential and making yourself very unhappy. Your life will be made up of a repetitive series of events that have no meaning or purpose in your eyes if you haven't allowed yourself to be the creator of them.

There is simply no other way to live your life than to be the master of your own destiny. If you're not a creator, then you're a spectator and you will always feel like a loser, who can't win because life chooses for you. You have the power to create that which you want in life; it's always within your reach, but only if you believe in yourself first.

First and foremost, this is about, faith and belief in yourself as sufficient for all that you desire, in fact much more than sufficient for all that you desire. Don't struggle and focus your life on something you don't want; focus on what you do want.

If you trust that what you ask for is always on its way to you and then take consistent action toward it, it will show up in your life. The Secret is about learning how to live a satisfying, happy life by attracting into your experience those things which already support your deeper desires.

It's not only about money or other external things; it's about bringing a new level of joy and meaning into every aspect of your existence. The goal of The Law of Attraction is to get into alignment with this divine energy that can help us manifest our dreams and's about becoming a conscious creator of our own reality.

If only the limited people who woke up to this secret a few centuries ago had been given the opportunity to live their lives in harmony with it, you and I would never have even considered living in third-world countries or Africa as we do today.

There is no better time than now to embrace this truth and put it into operation. We are at the beginning of a new era where you can "have it all"...full time employment, abundant financial resources, loving relationships and lots more; if you just believe it's possible for yourself first and foremost.

Since time began, humans have always wanted to know what their purpose in life is and how they can create it. This secret is the answer to both of those questions.

You see everything you want in your life, you ask for it and then you take action toward getting's that simple. There are no tricks or shortcuts; there is only what works consistently for everyone who applies the law and that is the power of thought backed by faith in yourself and your desire to create something wonderful in your own life.

The Law of Attraction is the key to success in all areas of your life, but it can't work for you until you start using it consciously and intentionally. Learn how to apply this power properly and watch as your life takes a dramatic turn for the better.

I have no doubt in my mind that I would end up living in a house without running water and electricity if I didn't use this law. There are all kinds of things that are beyond our control, but we always have this divine power with which we can create our lives on any level we choose.

I believe you'll find that the more you use it, the easier it will be to do so and the more results you'll receive. If there's something in your life that you have been consistently struggling and failing in, then realize what it is you're struggling with.

Your mind and your subconscious are powerful forces that can help or hinder our attempts to realize our dreams. We all have a leader inside of us but this is a leader who is constantly running around getting distracted by every shiny object we see on the road called life.


The power of The Secret is available to all, but we have to know how to tap into it and we need to believe that it's possible for us. If you simply take the time to really understand how The Law of Attraction works, then you'll find that everything in your life becomes a lot easier.

It's easy to take action when you know what action needs to be taken. As long as you are confident that the actions which are moving things forward are working and will continue working, then there is no reason not to continue doing so.

The Law of Attraction is the key; it's never been easier or more effective than it is today.

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