The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 32 )


 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 32 )

It's tough to find the perfect words when you need them. But, do not fret! We have compiled a list of inspirational quotes for you. Search through our "The Secret" collection and find something that inspires you. We are confident that our words will inspire you to be, do or have anything that you set your mind to.
If you are feeling down, let one of our quotes uplift you. There is always a lesson in every trial. No matter how many lessons life throws your way, persevere and remain positive because it will be worth it in the end.
The love that you give out will be returned to you. Be kind and forgiving to those who need it. Because that is the same love that you will receive someday in return. Let our quotes guide you and motivate you to greater things!
"Be thankful for what you have; You'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. Be thankful for what you have. "
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of fight in the dog that counts."
"You can't connect with me. You will never know me. I am invisible. I exist only in your dreams and I live only in your heart and soul."  Wrapping myself up in some blankets, I remember being a kid and listening to my mom read these quotes to me. They were always so comforting and inspiring. 
I hope you enjoy our quotes as much as we do!
"We are not human beings on a spiritual quest; we are spiritual beings on a human quest. And that quest, if we are to fulfill it, must begin with us. We must be still and listen, we must give up the desire to have answers and knowings before we can receive them. Do not fret because you cannot know yet. There is no point in fretting over what you do not yet possess. What you do possess is your peace of mind, which means you already have all you need." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"To do our best is to strive towards perfection...but in many cases it does not work out according to plan." -Our Lady ofidad 
"The greatest ability women have is the ability to love unconditionally and without limits. " -Our Lady of the Rosary
"It is not that we did not love ourselves, it is just that we do not love ourselves enough." -Our Lady ofidad
"There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn't matter how dark it gets because no matter how dark it may seem there is always something worth living for right around the corner, even if you can't see it." -Our Lady ofidad 
"The people who you help along this road will be what pushes you to your destination." -Our Lady ofidad
"Never let something that needs to be done put off until tomorrow if you can help someone else today. " -Our Lady ofidad
"Sometimes you have to stop and smell the flowers in order to get some good out of life." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"Every cloud has a silver lining; every glass is half full." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"Patience is a virtue that most people do not possess, but one you'll want to be able to master. " -Our Lady ofidad 
"The universe does not revolve around does not care about how we feel. It is something that we must learn to make it care about us." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"There are three things you should look at before choosing a boy: his heart, his legs, and his shoes. " -Our Lady of the Rosary
"Better to be alone than in the company of someone who brings you down." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"When we begin to seek love, it seems only to seek us back!" -Our Lady of the Rosary
"You never know what you have until it's gone; you never know what you need until it's been fulfilled." -Our Lady ofidad 
"You cannot control everything. The world will still have its way. But what you can control is how you handle it and make the best of things." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"You shouldn't cry over spilled milk, or run around in it! Sometimes you just need to pick yourself up, wipe the tears off your face, and keep going. " -Our Lady ofidad 
"Sometimes in order to find something good you must first let go of something bad." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"We cannot change what has been done in the past, but we can change how we choose to remember it." -Our Lady ofidad 
"You are not defined by what happens in your life but rather how you react to them. " -Our Lady of the Rosary
"Sometimes you must search out to find the answers; sometimes the answers will come to you." -Our Lady ofidad 
"You will always be able to find a way if you look hard enough." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"If your heart is beating then there is still hope. Even in the darkest night, one star shines brighter than all others and that is hope. " -Our Lady ofidad 
"As we grow through our lives, we change. Old habits and old ways no longer fit us like they used to and it is important that we learn new ways. But, there is a way to go through life's changes that preserves the essence of who we are. For as long as you can remember, you were loved by someone you could trust. And that one special person has always been with you every step of your life. That is the person that holds your heart and soul. When we begin to lose them, we begin to realize what is most important in our lives." -Our Lady of the Rosary
A wise man once said: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." -Our Lady ofidad 
"No matter how dark the night may seem, there is always a star in our lives shining brighter than all others. That is hope." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"No matter what the world may think of you, you know who you are and that is all that really matters." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"High expectations lead to high rewards. If you don't expect anything, there's nothing to worry about and no reward to strive for. " -Our Lady ofidad 
"You can let fear control your life or you can control your fear." -Our Lady of the Rosary
"When a relationship ends it is not always bad. It can be a blessing in disguise if it shows us who we really are or who we have grown into without that person there to influence us anymore.

These quotes have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and I hope that you take something out of them as well. These words can be very powerful if we choose to let them be.
Happy Valentine's Day!
P.S. If you like these quotes I would suggest checking out this other post I did about love and life!
    Image from Google Cache ://

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