The Secret - Interview With John Harricharan (Q2)


 The Secret - Interview With John Harricharan (Q2)

Hello, my name is John Harricharan, and I'm one of the creators of the app "The Secret." This interview is a follow-up with me to add more clarity on what we're doing and why we're doing it.

Since my last interview, I've been working hard to help build "The Secret" and make it happen. The app has been going through some major developments that are shaping up into something great. In this article, I talk about how these things have been changing in detail. We believe in transparency which is why we want you - our supporter - to know the updates for yourself.

What's new in the app?

Some things are going to be really different, and some things are going to be improved. Here's a run down of what we've got:
Traps For Players
In order to play games properly, it's important that you're not being tricked into giving up your money. It goes against our vision of "The Secret" to have players blindly make choices without being fully informed on what they're getting into. We want you to make smart choices based on how each game is explained and the gameplay itself. So - for the time being - we've made a few traps for players that will occur when they first join an app.
App Advertising
In the past, ads were very limited and subtle. Now, they're more prominent, but with a much better feel. We've also put in some conditions that will occur if someone isn't playing games long enough to make money of it. These are for the players to see and learn about so that they can make their own choices.
Updated Privacy Policy
The new privacy policy is a big deal for us because we want you - our supporter - to be completely comfortable with "The Secret" app and what we do with your personal data. It's also important that anyone interested in this app know about it and where to find out more about our policies before downloading it. We appreciate your support.
We're grateful for the opportunity to have you as one of our supporters. We're working hard to deliver a great gaming experience, and we hope that you'll stick with us and help us continue to improve "The Secret."
You can find out more about our progress on "The Secret" by:
Signing up for or submitting ideas at our Idea Portal: Joining us on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram):
Thanks for your time, and enjoy the game!
John Harricharan
"The Secret" Creator
Related Posts : Android Games, John Harricharan, The Secret, The Secret - Interview With John Harricharan (Q1) , The Secret App, Two-up

So sorry I haven't written much on here in a while... I've been really busy getting ready for my holiday to Turkey. I have so many plans that I'm excited about going to Turkey. There's so much to do down there that it's hard to write about them all but I will try my best.
I've been trying to get an update on my app The Secret out. This will be a huge update and I want to get this right before I go away so I'm writing a new post and updating some of the old ones.
The Secret:
So first things first, this doesn't just involve me anymore, but the whole team that has been working on The Secret over the last year. We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported us, we really appreciate every single person who continues coming back and playing The Secret, as well as spreading the word about it.
This isn't the end of it though, there's more to come very soon. We've been working on updating The Secret and want to let you know what we've been doing.
The Secret was doing pretty good when I left it a year ago, but now with the team working on it, we're really excited by how much better it's getting. I'm really looking forward to seeing what people think of the new version after everyone's had a chance to try it out.
We've added a load of new features that I'm dying to share with everyone… Here are just some examples:
Animated Goals: Our goals have been animated, which makes them look and feel cooler. We'll be adding more animated goals in the future.
User Accounts: With user accounts, you can set different accounts per game and switch between them to play with different rules. This allows you to play games differently each time, so you're not playing the same game with the same rules over and over again.
Achievements: We've added achievements that help show how well you're doing consistently at a particular game. You get these by playing long enough, and I think some people might find these useful to keep track of progress over time.
Leaderboards: We've added leaderboards so you can check out your ranking against other players who have been playing long enough..
Events: We've added events to The Secret, which give you bonuses if you complete them. These are special things to do in-game that reward you at the end of a set period.
You can see all of these new features in the screenshots below.
We'll be updating more as we work on The Secret, so keep checking back for more updates over the next few weeks... and remember, The Secret is free to download from Google Play and IOS (Apple) App Store.
Thanks for your time, see you soon and goodbye for now! John Harricharan
"The Secret" Creator
So I'm going straight back into development after my holiday. I've been waiting to write this post to give a little more info on what's being done with the app. I'm still working on updates with The Secret, but I've also taken a crack at other projects for my own thing. It's going to be a fun year!
I've been getting stuck into the development of two-up, which is a game that I'm really excited about. I've got some ideas and concepts together for this game and it's really coming together soon.
This is another puzzle game: one you can play against your friends or try to finish under given time constraints. It's called two-up because it involves betting on a coin toss and trying to win by getting the correct result.
I'm fully focused on this game for the next few months, so updates on The Secret will be happening from time to time, but this is a big project that I really want to launch.
I'll keep you updated with any details as they come along.

Conclusion: My Writing Process
I write a lot - or at least, I feel like i do, but I actually never think about it. When I'm writing, it's something that just flows out of me. I'm not thinking about what I'm going to write or how good it will be.  I simply start typing and see where it takes me. When that happens all the time, you get into the habit of writing a certain way. As a software developer, and someone who moved away from journalism after university, you learn to develop your own style and work towards what you want to achieve with your pieces (in my case: getting feedback on my writing and improving).

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