The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 27 )

 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 27 )

There are really only two possibilities here: either the author is using a boat as a metaphor for life and saying that when things are going well, you should be happy with what you have and not risk it by trying to fix problems that don't exist... or he's living in an alternate universe where the River Jordan flows backwards.

While the first explanation sounds more plausible, I choose to believe in the latter. Here's why: "The Secret" is a 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne that promises readers will learn how to manifest their desires into reality. It exists because of us--because every time we tell someone about our dreams, we're planting a seed for them. They could be someone at the gym who looks up out of curiosity and says, "Hey, why is that person walking their dog on a treadmill backwards? I want to do that someday."

Eventually, they're going to pass it along to one of their friends and that friend will probably tell a few other people and then it will eventually get around to someone who's struggling in life and there will be a pivotal moment where they realize what they need to do.

"The Secret" is just the Universe's way of saying we're not going about things in the right way. It's a natural law that life is interconnected. There may be good days and there may be bad days, but our actions and reactions to the world will create what we want in our life.

If you wake up and feel like crap, take a look at your life and make sure you're doing things you love so that you can feel good most of the time. It's easy to fall into a rut when we have crappy day-to-day lives. We need to be careful that we're not falling into negative habits; ones where whenever we get angry or disappointed with our lives, we don't have any signs or reminders that show us what needs to change.

Don't be fooled by the negativity you see in your life. Know that everything is connected and that you have the power to change any of it. You simply need a good reminder and inspiration; a little bit of faith in yourself and your circumstances.

It's all about balance, I guess.

By now we should all be familiar with the "Law of Attraction" (or "The Secret") and how it pertains to our lives. I'll be honest: it's my least favorite thing in the book. Why? Because when someone is having a really bad day, they're likely to read this section and walk away thinking that something horrible is going to happen- ESPECIALLY if they're a naturally anxious person like me. "The Secret" is just a bunch of vague promises that are pretty much the same as the ones other self-help gurus give out. It's so broad that it can be interpreted by almost anyone. The most successful people in life know how to read between the lines and use this knowledge to form positive habits and addictions (in my case, video games) as well as positive thoughts/feelings/emotions. [END ARTICLE START]


It is easy to live in a world of uncertainty, with dreams that seem unattainable due to lack of evidence for their reality or potential reality. Our minds may still be entangled in the minds of others, and the inner turmoil that ensues can offer a clear indication of how easily we lose sight of our truth, peace and true desires.

It is easy to be deceived by our own emotions and even more difficult to find a path out of them. We are astounded by our own thoughts and convinced that they're relevant facts to base our actions on. Since we trust every thought without question and take them at face value, we are left vulnerable to manipulation. A simple mind with a dream of freedom may find themselves trapped by external forces into situations which could affect their dreams or worse, threaten the creation of something new altogether. Our minds can take us in countless directions and are easily swayed to believe that the only path we can tread on means life without purpose.

Most of us will go through a period of great internal conflict where we cannot seem to move forward - in the midst of our troubles, we may find ourselves unable to help loved ones, overcome physical ills, or embody the potential hidden within. We may feel as if someone has stolen our dreams and are unsure of how to live without them. The greatest fear that comes from this is the fear of not believing in oneself- a fear that will rob you of all hope for your future as it takes away your very reason for living. In this state, we may feel as if we are destined to walk a life of despair and misery.

What most do not understand is that the life they are meant to live is not one of unhappiness, but instead, one of great peace and happiness. We can begin by taking the first step - we have to believe in our own power and ability. We must believe that the universe has sent us a sign. The spirit within you knows all the answers - it knows how to find peace, love and success - but you must learn how to listen without judging or analyzing your thoughts too much. Your spirit will tell you what you want if you just stop for a moment and listen for it. The most obvious sign is to ask yourself what you truly want. The answers lie in within - they are the tools necessary to being your best self. The answers are inside of you, and they exist in the universe - your mind is not the center of it all.

The universe has sent us signs aplenty: there is no such thing as coincidence. We live on another planet, in a solar system about 20 light-years from our closest neighboring galaxy and out of all the things that could have happened, our planet was sent precisely to suit us exactly as we are. What were the signs? I could go on and on.

There are many things that you may have already noticed but have the tendency to ignore: the universe is full of signs, and if we choose to ignore them, then we run the risk of missing out on our own dreams. Acceptance and permission are powerful concepts - they can help you embrace your truth and living a life that's true to yourself. All you need is a sign from the universe to get started. Of course, once you've taken that first step toward realizing your true potential, life will open itself up to be a whole new world - one that's filled with possibilities and opportunities for all.

Conclusion . . .

I hope this short article helped you understand that your life is not over, nor is it set in stone. There are many different paths to take and multiple ways to live. The world is full of options for us all - although we may not know what path to take, it's important to trust your intuition and follow the path that you feel will lead you to where you want to be. The truth is that there isn't really a way of "becoming successful," rather there are so many different ways people can be successful in their own lives.

I don't think I need to review much more than this as far as advice goes (although I probably should).

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