The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 14 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 14 )

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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 14 )
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As someone came up on the coast and said, “Oh my lord! The crew has been killed! Except for myself and my dog. And perhaps some turtles.” The turtle’s head popped up, and he went, “Kuh uh uh huu, duh duh. Duh duh. Duhduhduhduh.” The man said, “My lord, please speak to this turtle or whatever it is and have him convey your message. My dog and I have been struggling for many days now.” The turtle said, “Give me three wishes.” The man said, “What are you going to wish for?” The turtle said, “I have suffered a great loss. My master died.” The man said, “Wouldn't it have been better if you'd wished for him to live?” The turtle said, “It was a grave mistake. He was just not good enough for me. Then I remarried and had my pick of all the women on the beach but one, the most beautiful and perfect of all. I determined that she was the one for me, but she said no and instead chose to marry some other man. I could hardly fathom her rejection. In a rage of jealousy, I attacked the new husband but lost control in my rage and almost killed him, drowning. But somehow he survived, and now he is here, on this island to seek revenge.” The man said, “Drawn by your own fearsome guyliner” (get it?) “I don't know whether to be afraid of you or to wish for another wife with a milder disposition.” The turtle said, “I can give you whatever you want – money or women or even just plain old happiness and laughter.” The man said, “Money and women would be nice, but what I’d really like to do is return home to be with my family. That’s not too much to ask, is it?” The turtle said, “It’s certainly reasonable. However, there's a catch. I’m not going far. I don’t want you to leave this island. I want you to live here, as my friend. I’ll be your servant and take care of you normally. Otherwise, even my wishes would be useless!” The man said, “I don't know what to say. But if I can’t return to my family and get a job washing dishes at the Chinese restaurant on the corner there, I will be truly miserable! In the meantime, we can talk about all those wishes. My dog can fetch those words right now that we need.” The turtle coiled its head around a small rock and started licking it. The dog brought back the words. The man said, “Thanks, old boy. You are truly a good dog. You know, though, I think you’re just trying to really get me to believe that we can go back home and be with our families. That’s not going to happen. And I think it will make you sad to hear about my wish for happiness and laughter.” The turtle said, “Maybe a little with time. What about you?” The man said, “I wanted my wish to do some good in the world. I wanted to make the world less evil so people would be happier. So far I have made the world more evil.” The turtle said, “Then it had better be a really important wish! Please tell us your wish!” The man thought for a moment and said, “This is very hard. We can spend our whole lives wishing and not get it right every time." 
The turtle gathered up some rocks with his razor-sharp shell and rolled them into a large ball. 'Very well then! I will give you your wish now. Know that you cannot return to the mainland. The spell has been cast, and I have been informed of it by our most powerful wizard friend. All you can do is live here in a small hut on this island. You know the town of Urchin? You must never go there, because if you do there is no way you can ever come back. You must not build a hut there or visit the ruins of any buildings built before that era. If you do, you will regret it. Your wish is that no one may ever have to hear the gossip of the town of Urchin and that there will be no way for them to learn it.' The man said, “I don't think I understand. How do I fix this?” The turtle said, “That's all you get!” And he winked out and went back into his shell.
The dog looked at the man and said, “I don’t understand either. What is going on?” The man wept like a small child.

Conclusion - Please feel free to share your thoughts or comments below.

At the time, my step-mom Rita was extremely ill with cancer and I was very worried about her and wanted to do everything I could think of to help her.
Shortly after that, my mom started spending most of her time at Rita’s house, so I went over there frequently too. It helped me to see just how much my mom was suffering and having to deal with all those things that you can only deal with when you’re the one living them.

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