The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 22 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 22 )

After a period of time you'll find that you've learned the concepts and can do it on your own. This is when you should take the 'walk on water test'. If you're ready to start doing it on your own, then try this; stand in water up to your ankles, with nothing to hold onto. As long as there's no place else for the energy to go, what happens? You won't sink and will easily be able to walk across the pool or lake. If you do sink, it's because you're not ready to do it on your own. Pay close attention because the lake will give you a strong message about why you're not ready.
For instance if you sink in the lake it will tell you that what's holding you back is fear of failure and/or fear of succeeding. Once you figure out what's holding you back, then the next thing is to let go of those feelings and then try again after resting a few minutes (as the water will tell you). If there are other things holding your back, like feeling a lack of love, or feeling unloved, trying to get more love by thinking more affirmations etc. then you'll sink in the lake and will quickly get a strong message. If you feel yourself losing energy, then it's also a signal that there's more to be done on your spiritual path.
If you feel your spiritual energy drain, then it means that you're still holding onto some of your old beliefs. For instance if you believe that you need to work hard at the spiritual path to get results, then this will drain your energy and so try and train yourself to think differently about how the path works for you.
If you're doing this and happen to sink in the lake then stop and look at what is holding you back. For example, when you sink in the lake, simply look at the water, see it's clear, calm and serene. This will tell you that it's about time for change.
This is all about awareness. Simply training yourself to have an open mind so that when a message comes from the universe as to what is holding you back (like sinking), then accepting it without resistance will help clear your path and keep you on track with your destiny.
If you're still having a hard time and going through the pool, then try and let it go. Once you can walk on water, then try and do it again wearing different shoes - think about it as learning how to walk in different shoes.
Once you've learnt how to walk on water from experience, then put your attention into the things around you in life like your relationships with people. Make sure that you're giving love to yourself first before giving love to anyone else. There is nothing like walking on water when there's a lot of love already in your life (from other people). If need be, try and get some more love by thinking positive thoughts, but always remember your purpose first and foremost.
Once you've learnt to walk on water, then you can start having fun with it and learning how to do many things. For example; if you're thinking about getting married one day, then try it out with the water. A few days later you'll find that you're walking in the water without any fear or problems at all. Try getting into the water using a kayak - this will give you an idea of how easy it is when everything is perfectly set up for success .
Put your thought power into everything you do and it will come to you without fail. Remember that when you're walking on water with the kayak, then it's all about the mind. Being confident in yourself will give you the discipline to follow through with your goals.
In this way it's easy to see how anything is possible and how easy it is if you've got a positive attitude about life. A positive attitude is like having great life insurance because as long as it's there, then there'll always be a light at the end of the tunnel.
This type of attitude will attract people who are also in harmony with their lives like yourself - this is how relationships are formed and strengthened along your path.
For instance, if you like someone who has a positive attitude and they like you back, then this is how the first seeds of connection are planted. Then as things move along with the relationship, it's more likely that you'll go through life in harmony with each other because that's what is causing the relationship to work.
The same works with every aspect of your life. Once you're walking on water (or doing whatever life practice), then your thoughts are connected to what you want and nothing will get in your way. You'll be able to choose your destiny without any interference from others or even yourself .
For example; many people say that 'life happens' or 'it's not my fault'. This is all about the power of love versus that of fear. You'll notice that when you become more aware of what causes the negative thoughts (the problem), then you'll be able to choose your thoughts much easier and so get rid of the negative energy which is powering those thoughts (the problem).
If you don't like a situation, then focus your attention on it and see what's causing it. For instance if you go out to a restaurant and it's not good, think about why. Sometimes there are things wrong with the food or with everyone around you. This will give you a great idea of what to do next time to make sure that you find a great place to eat.
If you think that a relationship is not working then ask yourself why and then see what's holding you back from achieving a greater harmony. It's all about how your thoughts are connected to your feelings - this is one of the things that make life so easy for you once you've learnt how to do it!
When you're trying to manifest something with your thoughts, work on changing the energy and vibrations of what it is that you want. For instance if you want more love in your life, then work on thinking about love when others are around. This will help connect to them and bring them into awareness of what love is like in comparison to their lives.
Remember that if you are focused on loving yourself first, then you'll automatically have more love to share with others. You'll also find that your loved ones will draw close to you like a magnet because they're connected to you spiritually as well.
If it's time for change in your life, then simply think about learning something new or doing something different which will help you get the results that you want.
For example; one of the things that I've done is train myself to look at life in a different way and so understand how change happens for me now.

The water is the best way to train yourself to work with your life and so understand the cycle of change. This is because it's always changing, yet it's always the same. How it changes depends on where you are and your thoughts about how it should be.
Then as you walk on water, simply let things go without resistance and learn to love yourself so that you can love others more easily.
This is all about putting your attention into what you want and letting go of what you don't want - this will empower your life with happiness, health and harmony along the way!
Remember that nothing happens by accident.

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