The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 26 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 26 )

How it Works
If you find you are constantly struggling to stay afloat, this post is for you. It's a step-by-step process that will guide you towards an improved sense of confidence and self-worth. You will learn how to transform your self-talk from negative and pessimistic to positive and optimistic. You will gradually change your expectations of yourself so you are more likely to experience the success you crave. By the end of this post, you will have a stronger sense of worth which will serve as an ongoing foundation for positivity, success, and happiness.

What is the Secret?
The Secret is a powerful tool that helps individuals find peace with themselves by focusing on making daily positive affirmations in order to develop a healthier mindset. It emphasizes three key steps: getting clear on what is important to one's self, defining their dreams in concrete terms, and then taking action towards achieving those dreams. The tool is modeled after the process developed by Napoleon Hill in his work titled Think and Grow Rich .

Time To Get Real
First, you need to identify what it is that you want. What are your dreams? Where do you want to be in life? What does success look like for you? Do you desire a new car, a promotion at work, a bigger house, more money? It's important to get clear on what it is that you ultimately want and then work out a strategy for achieving them. Here are some examples:
" I want _____________" "My goal is _____________" "I will do whatever it takes to reach my goal. "
" I can _____________" "I deserve _____________" "Other people are achieving their dreams and I can too."
"I will not settle for less than __________."
It's important to write down your goals and keep them somewhere where you can review them on a daily basis. And remember, these aren't just ordinary goals written in pencil – they are written in red ink and signed with your blood. These must become a part of you – an integral aspect of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
" I am ______________" "I will _____________" "I deserve to ____________."
This is the part where you have to be brutally honest with yourself. You need to look yourself square in the eye, and acknowledge your flaws. Well, if they really are flaws, then we don't call them flaws anymore; we call them traits. And we call these traits positive ones that help you achieve your dreams.
Yes, you want to become a better version of who you are right now. You want to overcome shortcomings and challenges because these are what make us stronger and more disciplined individuals. We learn from our mistakes – from our failures – and this is how we become better people .
"I will _____________" "I am _____________" "I deserve to ____________."
Here is where you need to tell yourself that you can do this. Whatever "this" is for you, know that you can tackle it. You just need to take that first step and the next ones will follow. We all have the power within us to achieve success and happiness.
How To Walk On Water
Walking on water – isn't that a bit like walking on air? Well, not really. If we were to look deeply into our own hearts and minds, we would find that it's more like sitting on a boat in the middle of a raging sea with no oars or paddles in sight. And you know what? That boat is called Doubt , and it's a dangerous place to be.
When you live your life according to this short-sighted view of positive thinking, you will find yourself unable to move forward – tethered indefinitely by a sense of hopelessness and despair. For example, if someone were to ask you: "Why does your life suck?" what would your answer be? "I don't know." "Haven't you ever tried to change things?" "I have no idea how."
" Why do things never seem to go your way?"
In the end, walking on water seems easy compared with not sinking.
A shaky boat filled with negative thoughts, self-doubt, and excuses is not going to get you very far. In fact, it's going to keep you right where you are, trapped in circumstances that you don't want. You will find yourself unhappy and unfulfilled with life.
Putting It All Together
It's time to take action by executing the steps laid out in this post. It's time to walk on water. Here is a 3-step process that will work for you:
Each morning when you wake up, the first thing you are going to do is write down one affirmation .  
The second thing is think about your dreams from last night . When you find yourself faltering or struggling, go back to the list and choose one of those goals . That's it – just pick one .
Once you have done that, decide on a plan of action . Will you start your day with a cup of coffee? Is there someone you can talk to? Are there going to be any obstacles that need to be overcome that day? What are the certain things you need to do in order for this dream to come true ?
When going through this process , it's important not only that you write down your affirmations and dreams , but also what action is necessary for them to come true. This way you can see your dreams in the form of a plan, develop the right mindset, and start to experience the wonderful benefits of a positive and self-affirming life.
Step 1: Commit
To commit to this process , you must become serious about it. You need to be willing to change and make adjustments if necessary. Don't just write this off as one more thing you will try today that you won't keep up with tomorrow . This is not about creating short-term motivation for yourself – this is about creating a positive mind which will serve as an ongoing source of optimism, hope, and joy for many days and years to come.
Step 2: Choose One
Identify one of your dreams that you want to work towards right now. This may be the dream of going on a dream vacation , starting up a new business, or retiring early. 
Step 3: Write It Down
Write your goal down in red ink and sign it with your blood. See that you are serious about it – so serious that you'd rather die than fail to achieve this goal . And then take action . That's all there is to it.

If you're ready to take action and change your life, then there are plenty of resources at your disposal.
But remember that this is not going to be easy . If it were, everyone would be doing it. It's going to require a lot of effort and willpower – but without the effort, there is no reward. That's why the greatest rewards come from risk-taking and a willingness to weather bumps along the way.

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