The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 5 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 5 )

Faith is something that is needed to conquer the obstacles of life. The truth is that our faith determines whether we will go out into the deep, or stay on shore because of fear. This blog post will teach you about what faith really means and how it can help you overcome any obstacle in your life 

In part 5 of this series we're going to talk about how to get over fear and how fear can manipulate a person's decisions and make them do things they might not want to do. We'll also talk about how to start practicing those little baby steps, so you can eventually work up the courage for those giant leaps . . .

Take the boat and don't be afraid.  This video is an invitation to you to start making those baby steps of faith that will eventually lead you out into the deep waters of the Lord's love. As you learn to take little baby steps, your faith will grow and develop, until one day you can walk on water without being afraid. Trust in God, know who he is and whom he sent to you. When you have that knowledge of God as your guide and His Word as your textbook, then take a step into the deep waters of faith. Take that boat and start moving forward into your destiny.  God's got your back, so don't be afraid.  Take a step towards the Lord.

You can learn more about The Secret and Faith in God by visiting

Articles Feed: Faith, Motivation, God's Love, NLP, Psychology and Hypnosis
See this article on from trinachiavelli . . .  "A Success Story by Walkthewalkgirl"
God's plan for your life is to bring you back to the realness of who you are and what makes you happy. You don't have to let anyone get in the way of you finding what makes you happy.  God's plan for your life is to bring you back to the realness of who you are and what makes you happy. You don't have to let anyone get in the way of you finding what makes you happy.
Everything that pours into your life will be an inspiration, and a reminder that God has someone else looking out for you; someone else who loves you with compassion and mercy, who loves your best interest at heart.
God's plan for your life is to bring you back to the realness of who you are and what makes you happy. You don't have to let anyone get in the way of you finding what makes you happy. You were made for a purpose that only God knows, cherish your gift and share it with everyone you meet.
You are blessed.  You are loved.  You have value, purpose, and meaning.
In order to find God's plan for your life they key is to be still before Him, so that He can lift the veil off of your eyes and unveil His plan for your life.  Trust His plan and He will reveal it to you.  God's plan is perfect.  It's the best plan there is, and it will bring you the greatest happiness.
Cherish your gift and share it with everyone you meet.  Don't let anyone see that you have not found God's plan for your life by finding what makes you happy; by being still before Him so that He can reveal it to you.  Don't let any one get in the way of your finding what makes you happy, as God has something better for your life than anything else . . .
Articles Feed: Faith, Motivation, God's Love, NLP, Psychology and Hypnosis
See this article on from trinachiavelli . . .  "A Success Story by Walkthewalkgirl"
Today the Secret was released to the world, and it is now available to anyone who wants to know the secret of how to live life on purpose. This blog post is a review of how The Secret was created, how this incredible documentary came together, and how it's going to help people all over the world . . . As you will see in this blog post, The Secret is more than just a movie. It is a tool that will help change your life for the better by giving you a deeper understanding of how your mind works.
The journey that we've been on for the past few months has been a wild one. The road I took to get to this point where I could share this with everyone was an unexpected one, and it almost didn't happen. So let me tell you about the journey that led up to today and how The Secret came about . . .
It all started with the first part of The Secret, which I called 'What is The Secret?' This was a post written in October of last year. Around the same time, I decided to try out a new program that gives you access to your own personal online coach who guides you through daily affirmations.
I've always written affirmations and they have been simple words of praise that I would put on my Facebook wall, but this program has been more explicit and focused on specific things. It also has a section where you can write about the issues that are holding you back and then it looks for scriptures that can express what you're feeling or what's going on in your life.
I LOVE affirmation, BUT I don't think everyone realizes just how powerful an affirmation is . . .
For example, the first thing I wrote was something to the effect of:
"Today I will find peace with my inner child" and this meant a lot to me.


No matter how you do affirmations, the purpose behind them is to look deep into yourself and see what you need to change or improve. The affirmation has to be specific, and it has to be in your voice. This process helps you get in touch with what's going on inside of you and allows your subconscious mind to work on healing things that aren't working right. That's why affirmations can be so powerful. 
After I finished this first post in 2014, I kept seeing these posts popping up randomly on my social media feed everyday.

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