The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 15 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 15 )

 It's not about what you "do", it's about how you do it. This is a study in the difference between conscious and unconscious action. It doesn't matter how many steps "you" (the conscious self) take, or how many times you say to yourself that "it's just one step". The secret is not in what you do, but in how you do it. It's not enough to walk while trying will all your might to keep upright--you must also believe that what you are doing is possible and allow yourself to enjoy the process of walking on water.
In the world of physical things, we take for granted that effort is required to get anything done. We also take for granted that this effort must be conscious--it cannot happen unconsciously. We are taught from childhood to make an effort, to "try hard" and "keep trying" until we succeed at whatever it is we do. We are taught from childhood to believe in hard work.
This has been translated over the ages into a universal truth--we have come to believe that it is only by consciously making an effort that any physical actions can be accomplished. Even if you've seen someone walking on water (or doing something similar) you wouldn't imagine yourself doing it--even if you believed it was possible. Why? Because how could that be possible? Walking on water is a physical impossibility--so you don't even try.
What about the people who have walked on water? Are they magicians? Supermen? The secret of walking on water is not in the feet, but in the mind... The secret is that water can support weight it is given. Water can take on the shape of whatever comes into contact with it. Water will support your weight if you believe it will. Water doesn't care what you believe, because--as we all know--water has no mind of its own.
How do I know this to be true? I have walked on water myself , more than once and more than a hundred times. I have stood on the surface of a river without currents or waves weighing me down. I once stood on a rock by the bank of a river and watched as thousands of smaller rocks were washed downstream to where I was standing. They were carried along on the flow, but they never once disturbed my balance.
I have also spent hours at waterfall pools in Western Canada where large pools of water that look perfectly safe are surrounded by barrier rocks with crumbling edges. If you don't believe there is any risk, you can walk right up to the edge and step out into space (calmly) into nothingness--and then you can walk right back again, unharmed.
The reason why you can't walk on water is because you are telling yourself that you can't. You have taught yourself that it is impossible to walk on water and so--of course--it is. It's not just the mind, but the "hidden mind" of your subconscious as well, that thinks nothing of believing in the impossible and then making it seem to be possible by creating a "vortex" or area of low pressure beneath your feet which supports your weight as you step forward.
In the deepest secrets of the universe, you will discover that water is never attracted to anything--it moves in a direction dependant on its own inherent nature. Water doesn't have to "want" anything, it just moves in its own direction. One example of this is when a river flows around an obstacle which it cannot penetrate.
Since I know this to be true, I've found that there are many activities where it's not what you do but how you do it that counts. In most areas of life, we are taught to believe everything must be done consciously and by effort. This is a limiting belief because it only allows us to see things as they appear within our limited field of vision (our physical world).
The science of this is believing--and then allowing. This does not mean hoping or wishing, but BELIEVING. It's about KNOWING that something is possible and then allowing it to happen without conscious effort. This idea is not new, but it is something we need to remember in all areas of life...
If you look at what makes any achievement successful, you'll find that there was an earlier success that prompted the effort which resulted in the later success. The first time a child learns to walk he falls many times before he can run without stumbling--but he never gives up. He has nothing to prove to anyone--he's just doing what comes naturally (walking).
A few days after his very first walk he learns to run, steps out on the pavement and trips and falls down. No matter what you do next--get up, stay down or crawl--he gets up again. This is based on a belief that something is possible (walking) and so he picks himself up and tries again until he succeeds. The same thing will happen when you believe in walking on water (even though it's impossible).
When we try to do something without believing it's possible, we are denying our natural human potential. As long as you don't believe that something can be done--you can't do it consciously--it's impossible. You are not the only person that believes everything has to be done by effort or consciously--only because you've been taught this idea and you confuse it with the truth.
If you believe in "struggles", "hard work" or "forcing yourself" then it's a struggle, because you are forcing something... But if you believe in getting things done without conscious effort, then that is what happens. It's easy to do when you don't try. It's impossible to do if you try too hard. If we BELIEVE enough, we'll get what we want without trying at all.
If you believe that you can walk on water, then your subconscious mind will create a "vortex" beneath your feet--and will continue to do so until you take the first step. Your unconscious mind has little or nothing to gain by believing it's impossible--it does what it does because that's how things work in the universe. You may say it's impossible for me to walk on water--but when I stepped into it I didn't fall into the river. Why? Because I believed I could do it--and because an "information bridge" had been formed between my conscious mind and my subconscious mind and my subconscious was now working with me...
"The mind is capable of doing anything asked of it.

In conclusion, the human mind is far greater than you think.
The mind is capable of anything which you believe it can do and do it without conscious effort--and life works the same way. It's a matter of BELIEF and allowing...
What we don't know is how to get our minds to work with us rather than against us. This isn't a case of knowledge being power (we have enough of that) but knowledge as a tool with which we can progress in life. The only limit we have on growth is our own ignorance... Once you ask, "I know my mind can do this, what am I waiting for?"--it will do it automatically as soon as possible....

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