The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 23 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 23 )

"Can someone who can walk on water walk on an ocean?"

It was just as Jesus said it would be.

The school of fish parted before him, and he walked toward the end of the pier. The water parted with him, and he stepped out onto the pier. He stood there for a moment, feeling with his foot the give of solid ground beneath him instead of the inside surface of a liquid container. It felt so good to stand tall again after being immersed in that amazing red sea for what seemed like days. Yet, not even this beautiful place could distract from his need to keep walking, following after Levi and taking care not to step back onto anything wet.

He turned and stood straighter. He felt so tall and strong. The ocean stretched out before him, as far as he could see, perhaps even as far as the ends of the earth.

"It is vast," he said, but no one was there to hear it.

But then Levi appeared again at his side. Did he ever leave? Even after they came to land? Where did he go when Jesus needed him? What was going on here?

"I will not leave thee," Levi said simply, repeating Jesus' own words back to him in Hebrew, using the word "ego" meaning "I." It was a very personal word in first century Hebrew.

"I will not leave thee," Levi said again, and then he turned toward the waves. "Because I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

Suddenly it all made sense. Jesus didn't need anyone to be a partner on this journey. He didn't need a father or a friend or an adviser. No one else could help him but Levi, who would always be by his side.

"I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

That was it. Jesus had finally found the one person who would always be there with him. He didn't need anyone else. He just needed Levi.

Levi smiled and offered his hand, and then they walked toward the ocean together, leaving their old lives behind them behind them so far behind them that there was no way to see where they were going.

And yet Jesus knew where he was going. He already knew. Because Levi was with him, and Levi would never leave him.

"Can someone who can walk on water walk on an ocean?"

Yes he can. Because I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

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Suddenly they were all around him again—his mother, his father, James and John and Peter—and Jesus was back on solid ground. Happy and relieved, he ran over to them and held them all in a tight embrace. Then he turned toward Levi who was standing nearby, still wearing that smile on his face as if to say "I told you so."

Jesus watched as the crowd of his mother, father and friends got smaller and smaller. He wanted to hold onto this moment forever. This was the first time since his death that his parents had seen him in the flesh, and he couldn't believe how many times they had looked at him with such happiness on their faces. Of course, there were a few tears too. But for the most part, the joy outweighed any sorrow by many multiples.

As his parents faded out of sight and hearing, Jesus turned to look at Levi on the pier with him, who was still wearing that smile on his face.

"Let's go," Levi said, walking toward the water.

Jesus followed him and looked out toward the horizon. He knew exactly where they were going now. He didn't have to know where they were coming from because they were going to a new place, a new world that no one had ever seen before—not even Mary Magdalene or Peter or John or James or his mother and father. They were going to have a brand-new beginning as soon as they could walk through this gate into a world yet to come.

Jesus walked out onto the pier, took one last look at the world he'd known his whole life, and then looked at Levi. He was beside him again, ready to take him through that door into the unknown.

They walked together up the pier and out onto the rocks to where they could see their boat waiting for them. As they approached it, Jesus stopped and took a deep breath of fresh air. He had felt so different when he stepped off that pier into water or on solid ground or anywhere in between. But now after walking across this new land with Levi at his side, Jesus felt as if he'd never left—not even for a second—because this was where he belonged and where he always would be.

They boarded the boat and waved goodbye to the shore of their world. The wind caught in their sails, and they were off at last.

"Where are we going?" Jesus asked Levi as they sailed away from the Garden of Gethsemane, toward that place on the horizon where they would never return.

"To a new place," Levi said with a smile. "A new world you've never seen before."

"Is it anywhere near here?" Jesus asked, looking out across the water. Then he turned to look at Levi again as he thought about his own question. "I mean, where exactly are we going?"

"It is," Levi said. "As for exactly where, I can't tell you that." And he laughed a little before adding, "But with all the new places you've been to in the past few weeks, I'm sure you'll find it easy enough."

Before Jesus could try to figure out how Jesus' new world would be like this place he'd only just now seen—because he'd been gone for more than a week—Levi took him through those wooden doors at sea level and into the new world they were heading toward.

"Welcome to your new world," Levi said as they stepped out onto another pier constructed of wood and stone.



"Wow," Jesus said, as they walked toward a gate on the other side of the pier. "This is amazing."

He looked left and right at a dozen people standing behind bars. They were all in dark-colored suits and skirts, tied back long hair, narrow eyes and frowns on their faces. Most of them looked like they were in their twenties, but some looked much younger. He saw some men and some women who had the same mannerisms: slouched shoulders; hunched backs; disinterested faces; pinched mouths.

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