The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 20 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 20 )

The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat (Part 20)
Number Five:
Trust Your Intuition And Take Action - Don't Wait For Inspiration.
I am not saying to go on a rampage of action and forget about your intuition. What I am saying is that you need to trust your intuitive voice and act on it. Trust your instinct to tell you what may be best for you, even if that means going outside the box or exploring creative avenues. If something feels right then do it! Always remember that we are all connected in some extraordinary way or another - this includes intuition.
Do not allow your ego to get in the way of your true path. Make decisions from a place of love and compassion for self and all beings.
Don't wait for a flash of inspiration or motivation, take action! Move forward when you feel inspired because you can't always be sure that those feelings will be there tomorrow. If you wait until you feel inspired then you may never take action, especially if inspiration only comes once in awhile.
The most important aspect is to have faith in yourself - trust that the right choices will always surface, even if they at first don't seem like they are the right choice at all. Remember, we embody all time at once. This simply means that things always have been and always will be as they are. We are to look back with our hearts, so we can see what has transpired for us to get us to where we are today. As well, we can look forward from this same position of heart space in order to make a choice that is based on love and trust of self.
This is an aspect I didn't fully understand nor did I practice until recently with my own writing - which was another example of how learning how I wanted my life to be was really quite simple.
I see now that my own writing journey was not one that took place in a linear way. It was more of a blueprint, I suppose, for the path I needed to take in my life. Writing is like art and it allows you to see things from all perspectives - both past and short, it allows you to have an awareness of what has unfolded for you in the past as well as what is unfolding for you now. What other lessons and opportunities will be revealed if I continue down this path?
And so the journey continues...
Number Six:
Trust Your Intuition And Take Action - Don't Wait For Inspiration.
I am saying that you need to trust your intuitive voice and act on it. Trust your instinct to tell you what may be best for you, even if that means going outside the box or exploring creative avenues. If something feels right then do it! Always remember that we are all connected in some extraordinary way or another - this includes intuition.
Do not allow your ego to get in the way of your true path. Make decisions from a place of love and compassion for self and all beings. Don't wait for a flash of inspiration or motivation, take action! Move forward when you feel inspired because you can't always be sure that those feelings will be there tomorrow. If you wait until you feel inspired then you may never take action, especially if inspiration only comes once in awhile. The most important aspect is to have faith in yourself - trust that the right choices will always surface, even if they at first don't seem like they are the right choice at all. Remember, we embody all time at once. This simply means that things always have been and always will be as they are. We are to look back with our hearts, so we can see what has transpired for us to get us to where we are today. As well, we can look forward from this same position of heart space in order to make a choice that is based on love and trust of self.
The most important aspect is to have faith in yourself - trust that the right choices will always surface, even if they at first don't seem like they are the right choice at all. Remember, we embody all time at once. This simply means that things always have been and always will be as they are. We are to look back with our hearts, so we can see what has transpired for us to get us to where we are today. As well, we can look forward from this same position of heart space in order to make a choice that is based on love and trust of self.
This is an aspect I didn't fully understand nor did I practice until recently with my own writing - which was another example of how learning how I wanted my life to be was really quite simple.
I see now that my own writing journey was not one that took place in a linear way. It was more of a blueprint, I suppose, for the path I needed to take in my life. Writing is like art and it allows you to see things from all perspectives - both past and short, it allows you to have an awareness of what has unfolded for you in the past as well as what is unfolding for you now. What other lessons and opportunities will be revealed if I continue down this path?
And so the journey continues...
The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat (Part 21)
Number Seven:
 Trust Your Intuition And Take Action - Don't Wait For Inspiration.
I am not saying to go on a rampage of action and forget about your intuition. What I am saying is that you need to trust your intuitive voice and act on it. Trust your instinct to tell you what may be best for you, even if that means going outside the box or exploring creative avenues. If something feels right then do it! Always remember that we are all connected in some extraordinary way or another - this includes intuition.
Do not allow your ego to get in the way of your true path. Make decisions from a place of love and compassion for self and all beings. Don't wait for a flash of inspiration or motivation, take action! Move forward when you feel inspired because you can't always be sure that those feelings will be there tomorrow. If you wait until you feel inspired then you may never take action, especially if inspiration only comes once in awhile. The most important aspect is to have faith in yourself - trust that the right choices will always surface, even if they at first don't seem like they are the right choice at all. Remember, we embody all time at once. This simply means that things always have been and always will be as they are. We are to look back with our hearts, so we can see what has transpired for us to get us to where we are today. As well, we can look forward from this same position of heart space in order to make a choice that is based on love and trust of self.
This is not a path that I am advocating you take quickly. What I am saying is that you need to trust your intuitive voice and act on it. Trust your instinct to tell you what may be best for you, even if that means going outside the box or exploring creative avenues.

In short, trusting your intuition allows you to live a life of purpose. It allows you to align with the flow of the Universe and sense what is correct for you at any given point in time. For example, if a person has been called to write a book and they truly feel that this is their "path" or "calling" then they are taking action by writing it. If that person quits writing because they think their work isn't good enough or if they lack motivation that doesn't mean that the Universe has changed its mind about them! It means that their ego has reared its ugly little head and has begun to get in the way of what the Universe wants for them.

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