The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 19 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 19 )

It's been a long time since the last article. I feel like I may have lost my way, but don't worry because you can't lose something that never existed in the first place.

Let's go back in time to when they were still assembling the tunnels and bridges that would lead up to one of my favorite places on Earth. The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 19 )

I am so excited that finally, after all these years, my children will know this adventure we call life at an early age. Except I know how it ends right now. I've seen these things before, but the first time was the last time. This is a trick you see, not a warning. It is so easy to dismiss things nowadays in our modern world.

This secret came too late, so now it must be passed down to my children in order for them to prevent what I have seen happen before. Don't think my eyes are lying and I don't know what I'm talking about because you'll find out soon enough. The only way to stop this from happening is with The Secret . Let's get one thing straight though; it isn't the book that has the answers, it's us when we choose our reality with our minds.

It is important to remember that I am the one who will show my children this adventure and not some idol or authority figure. There are so many mind control techniques that can be used on us, it is best to learn these things from an adult instead of a group of people who are supposed to know better. I do not think I have to remind anyone about how easy it is for someone else to take advantage of your trust and play you like a puppet. This secret doesn't just have my children in mind but everyone we share our lives with.

The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 19 )

I am constantly thinking about my next move, it has always been one of my favorite things. I like to make sure to think everything out before I do it so I can eliminate the unknowns. As a man this is something that makes me more prepared for everything especially in a world where you never know what will happen next. This is also one of the reasons why I think ahead and take as many steps as I can to secure my future as much as possible. There are still a lot of things you cannot plan for but when you remove these unknowns, you don't have to worry about them anymore.

There are a lot of things that keep me up every night and take me to places where I have no choice but to face them in order to make sure they never happen. My life has always been an adventure, one that is filled with both successes and failures. I know there are people out there who will think my children will be mad at me for my past mistakes, but the truth is that they still know nothing about it. What really matters is not how you got where you are, but how you will get out of it. If a person cannot learn from their own mistakes then they need to learn from someone else's mistakes instead.

This is exactly what The Secret shows us and teaches us how to do. It is never too late to change your life for the better, it is never too late to take charge of everything that has happened so far. I know a lot of people who try to live with regrets and what if's but life is too short for such heavy thought patterns. If you are one of these people, then the time you spend thinking could be better spent on a much more productive thing. I'm not saying those things won't be useful later on, but right now they can take away from what's happening right in front of us.

Just look at how many opportunities have been passed up when someone decides to think about their life from the future instead of the present. This is a part of The Secret that will help you to expand beyond your wildest dreams. It is the reason why we are all here, to understand and find out what the purpose of our existence really is. Make sure you don't miss the boat because we only get one shot at this life and its more magical than most people would ever think.

The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 19 )

Not too long ago I was looking for a way to make my life better, something I could use in order to go on with the things I do in everyday life. I was watching a show about the supernatural and I saw something that struck me. I've seen a lot in my life but this was something else entirely. I saw a person walk across a frozen lake.

What I'm getting at here is that sometimes, you can literally walk on water, but you don't see it as such because it is natural to you. It becomes just one of the things that happens in everyday life and instead of stopping to see what's really going on, we keep going like nothing happened at all. We are so used to certain things in our everyday lives that we no longer consider the fact that they might be miracles happening right before our eyes.

I assure you that I'm not making this up and there is more to this than meets the eye. I know it sounds impossible but there are a lot of ordinary things that you can do every day that will make your life better. It is best to take things as they come and let them just happen because you already know what is going to happen next. Take a second and think about how this could work, don't limit yourself because people will limit your growth. It's time to break through these mind blocks and see the world through new eyes, it is never too late for those who have the courage to understand The Secret .

The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 19 )

I have always been a person who looks at life in different ways and one of the things I use to test my patience a lot was time. I understand that some people have trouble understanding how time flows, but it's entirely possible to do something different with your thoughts. Being aware of this is the first step towards living your dreams and believing that you can do anything is what makes everything work. This is why we need to change our mindsets, prepare for all possibilities so we don't go astray.

I am not saying that everything is possible, but that life has a way of surprising you. Oftentimes, you will find yourself living your dreams without even thinking about it. The thought process is the most important part because if you don't change the way you think, then it doesn't matter what else happens. We let our thoughts control a lot of our actions and this is actually the one aspect that can make you or break you.

I've been in situations where I had to get through a lot in a short amount of time but once I learned how to control my thoughts, things became easier than they normally were.


Being aware of what The Secret can do is the best way to ensure that you will be taking control of your life. There is a lot more to this than meets the eye and I can assure you that there are a lot of things you still don't know yet. In order to improve, we need to see every aspect of our life from both sides and this is why, I encourage you to think about all the possibilities. The only thing that really matters is what's in your mind, everything else will take care of itself.

If you want me to share some other aspects from this method or any other areas, then let me know in the comments section below.

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