The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 12 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 12 )

Hello friends, and welcome back to the blog series on my insane experience with water. This is the twelfth and final installment about my amazing water walking journey.

I’ve been going through my old blog posts and seeing that I never mentioned how it was possible to walk on water. It’s funny, because it’s the most common question I get asked. So, here you go:

I will now tell you the secret to walking on water, and this is not a mischievous joke from me. Honestly! This is just as serious as all of my others posts; this secret has changed my life for the better in inexplicable ways (you don't know how much better until you try it yourself). Here's how it works:
A. The mind and body are two separate beings.
When most people read this, they probably feel like I’ve gone completely bonkers. Before we go further, I am offering nothing more than the basic secret to walking on water. A little research will lead you to my first post about water walking, where I mentioned briefly how the mind and body are two separate entities in the normal waking state (in dreams, or any altered state of consciousness for that matter, they are known to be one). One does not control the other — both have equal sovereignty. They both “perceive” equally, and together produce a unified perception in this three dimensional material world. The body is the master, the mind is a slave.
I think most of you reading this can agree with me on this point. Now comes the tricky part:
B. The mind and body are one in the deep water.
In the deep state of meditative concentration (where our consciousness is closest to the automatic pilot), one with a skill that has not been used for many years can suddenly be awakened and found to possess a new ability that was never present before. This is due to being in realigned with the true nature of being within, temporarily unimpeded by the stressful influences of waking life. It becomes possible to resume an old skill, as though born anew; more than that, it feels like you've always had this ability all along, as if you have always known how to do it. The ability seems sudden and natural but yet was never known before. In other words, an old skill is now reawakened.
It is commonly known that the mind has always produced thoughts, even when it was a blank slate in deep water. But could this mean that the body too has always had a mysterious ability to produce movement in the water by controlling thoughts? It's not so far-fetched after all. What if we could tap into this ability? What if the body and mind once worked together as one, with both having equal sovereignty? Could this be a clue to how things really are?
In the deep water (where thoughts are quiet), if you can learn to master your mind and body as one, then you can learn to walk on water.
C. Learn the skill of walking on water.
To the best of my knowledge, all of my experience in the water thus far, over all these years, was due to just this one skill, which I will go into deeper detail in later parts of this series. It’s basically just the ability to “choose” to move a certain way and stop instantly, at will. The point is not how it feels – this is something that will vary from person to person – but how it works:
You must learn to move your body in such a way as to instantly stop your motion when halted by thinking; you must also learn to walk on water using only pure imagination.
A human being is a moving energy field in motion. The physical body itself is pure energy, with electrical signals that have been measured to travel as fast as 186,000 miles per second. In fact, the fastest computer processor ever built can only handle at most 1/1000th of the speed of our own brain. This shows us that there exists a deeper reality than the material world which we live in daily. We could say that this material universe is built on information. And, in fact, there are many that believe our universe is made up of information.
One thing is certain: we are all part of this information field (we are all connected), and we can move our bodies at will - or at least we could in the deep state. What if you could direct the motion of your body by thinking? More specifically, what if your thoughts move your body?
When you’re standing in the water and looking around, you will see your rainbow colored aura (if not already visible). It's very visible in the water. Even though this may not mean much to some, it can help a great deal. I believe it helps with concentration. I think that it may be something to do with seeing yourself as a living, breathing being. It's as if you are aware of your own body in a way you never were before; and you start to appreciate your life on this planet in a different way.
It is simple, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective. You have to do it consciously (remember – this isn't mystical or incomprehensible) and concentrate on your body using the power of your mind, which is the most vital part of self-healing. I've found that this has often helped me get over emotional or physical pain in daily life, like back injuries and my asthma attack (after years of struggling with them). Very often I've noticed that our bodies are in some sort of pain, yet we can't feel it (we're caught up in emotions), and the pain is having a negative effect on our lives, but we don't realize it. The most powerful thing you can do is to appreciate your body – to love yourself. Trust me, when you meditate in the water and see yourself as a spirit within a physical form, you will find this very easy.


The mind, body and spirit are one.
If this is true, then the body is not separate, but actually a part of the mind. This means all you have to do is learn to control your thoughts by willing your body to be at peace, and you can walk on water and try any other idea that comes to you while in deep meditation.
It's a mystery that the human mind can be trained enough to take over full sovereignty of the physical body, so much so that with enough training it could become possible for us to have superhuman abilities like walking on water (or running very fast) or even telekinesis for that matter.

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