The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 21 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 21 )

The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat (Part 21)

Ever wonder what really goes on behind the scenes of the movie industry? How do they make movies so you can enjoy them without even realizing it? In this installment of our ongoing series , we will examine some of the secrets behind a movie's production. From most people's perspective, Hollywood is just another place to get work done and just occasionally shoot a film. There's so much more to it than meets the eye! Let us introduce you to these hidden world underground—and let us share with you how these stories can help open up your own creativity.
-The series of the Secret - When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat , is from the book The Secret . In this particular article, we will be sharing some Hollywood secrets and how it applies to you in your life.
-There are two ways to read this article:
1.) Read through each paragraph, reflecting upon its meaning and possible application in your life.
2.) Just sit back and relax as you scroll down. Enjoy the article for what it is meant to be—a fun read!
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I really do not know what other people are thinking. I'm just one person who has her own thoughts, and I don't necessarily have to be thinking the same thought that somebody else may be thinking. If I could just keep myself in my own mind than life would be much easier for me, because if I'm always trying to live up or do what other people want me to be, than it makes my life difficult rather than pleasant.
-I was born gay, and I was never the same since I was a child. When I was just three years old, my mother died in a drunk driving accident. When she passed away, her mother and my father divorced each other. They wanted me to stay with my grandmother in Michigan, but I wanted to stay with my father in California.
-I've never really been able to talk about myself and why I'm different than most people because I feel that if they don't like it they should not be reading it. But some people are afraid of the truth and want to feel comfortable in this world when they spend their money on a book or magazine that contains information that is different than what they believe is right or wrong.
-So to put it bluntly, I'm gay. I'm not ashamed of it like most people are. They're afraid to come out and express their feelings because they're embarrassed about who they are as a person. I've been judged for who I am and how I act on many occasions throughout my life. People ask me "Why do you think you're gay?" or "What made you want to be gay?" and sometimes, I just want to scream because those questions make me feel so inferior in the eyes of other people.
-My mother was going to adopt a baby from Vietnam, my father and grandmother come along with her to look at the child while she went into Women's Liberation Hospital in Los Angeles. They did a lot of things to her while she was there, and when she woke up after giving birth to me on July 10, 1969, my grandmother had changed her mind about adopting the baby. The doctors were going to take me because they couldn't find anyone that wanted a child.
-So my father took me home and he said that I looked like the baby they were going to that's how I got the name Kim Nguyen. Everybody calls me Kimmy or Kim for short. I just wish people would stop asking if I really am a Vietnamese girl trapped in a white girl's body!
-I just started acting when I was around 9 years old when my father moved us from California to Michigan. I'm a very shy person, so I was afraid of doing anything. I was made fun of a lot because of the way I talked and walked.
-The only thing that made me feel good about myself was when I sang, danced, or acted. It's weird because before my mother passed away she told me to "be happy with who you are" and that's what I try to do today.
-I haven't always been happy with who I am sexually and mentally. When I was small, my father would tell me that he wanted me to be with a man like himself and have children just like him...he didn't want me to be with another woman like my mother.
-I have had a very difficult time in my relationships when I was younger, but now that I'm in my late 20s and early 30s, I've learned to rely on myself more and love myself more. It's a lot easier that way.
-When I was going to school at the University of Michigan, which is located in Ann Arbor, there was this girl that wanted to come home with me to study one night because she didn't want to go back to her dorm room. We were sitting on my bed talking when all of the sudden she leaned over and kissed me! It was very unexpected.
-I told her that I was already in a relationship with someone back home and that I had no interest in her. She said she wanted to be more than friends with me, so one day in early May of 2000, we went to the Hotel Blakely, which is what we called our spot at the end of campus. We were lying on the bed talking when all of the sudden she leaned over and kissed me again! I pushed her off of me and told her to get out. That was it!
-I didn't think much about it until a month later when my father asked me why I wasn't dating anymore. After he asked me that question, I started to think about it more and how I was feeling. I told my father that I was gay and he said "You'll be okay." That's all he said to me because he had been waiting for a while to hear those words come out of my mouth so he could say them.
-I joined the Gay and Lesbian Association at the University of Michigan because I wanted to try something new, something different. After a while, I decided that it wasn't for me...I felt like by joining the club or getting involved in any sort of organizations or associations was going to help change who I really am deep down inside...and it hasn't.

-I think about myself a lot. I will really be happy when I get married in the future, but right now I'm not worried about it because there are other things that are more important in my life than a man or a woman.
-It's kind of funny because all of my friends want to go home and get married...but they haven't found the one person they would want to spend their life with.
-No matter what path my life takes, I know that everything happens for a reason and that God has his hand on me like he does on everybody else.
-My father told me that there is nothing wrong with being gay...

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