The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 6 )


 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 6 )

A man goes shopping for a boat. The boat is perfect in every way; it's large and luxurious and comes with a huge price tag. But he can't resist, so he buys the boat.

The next day, he finds himself on the docks having just bought a rowboat, and his life - his entire comfortable life - has changed because of it. 

Now he rows around his neighborhood each morning before work to clear his head and have time to think about the things that matter most to him. He doesn't have a lot of money, but he is happy.

He can go where he wants in his boat. He doesn't have to ask anyone's permission. And no one can tell him what to do with his boat when he gets there; it's his boat and his choice. He decides where to go and when to get there, and it's up to him how fast he rows or when he stops rowing altogether — those are choices he makes every day that affect him, no matter the destination.

And he's never had that kind of freedom before. The only problem is he isn't doing much rowing lately, and his boat is slowly sinking. He roams the riverbank one day and sees a group of rowers on their way to a destination: their destination. They're almost there.

He's tempted to join them. He can hop in the rowboat, follow them and be there in no time at all. But he resists. He doesn't want to go there. He's happy where he is and his boat is still afloat, so he watches from a distance and cheers them on as they make their way over the horizon.

Time goes by. It's been two years since he bought his boat, four years since he started rowing, but today is the day that it sinks and he can't help but think back to where it all began: the one day when he wasn't even sure if he could stand up in something other than a rowboat. The day when the world seemed limitless so far away from wherever he was at that moment...but very close in proximity to the next step, the next row, the next destination.

He's happy with where he is now. It's not where he wants to be, but it's a better place than where he started. His life has changed so much because of that one decision to buy a rowboat and go where no man had gone before. It was a decision that forced him to take action, and without action there can be no change; without change there can be no new direction; without a new direction there can be no boat; without a boat there is nothing at all.

Until someone buys another boat.


"When your dreams are big enough and your heart is strong enough, you can make the decision to change your world. And once that decision is made, the world can never be the same."

If you want to go any further than this article, I would recommend reading some of the other articles on this site with similar themes. They all offer a different approach to making positive changes in our lives. The only way we will truly rise above our current circumstances is by taking action on something we believe in and that makes us feel good about ourselves.

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