The Secret


 The Secret

The secret has been a popular place of discussion for many years now. There are countless theories and guesses as to what the secret actually is, but only one is true. This article presents ten easy steps to realizing The Secret.

1) Let go of all your expectations and thoughts about what The Secret might be
2) Be aware that the path to The Secret is not always straightforward and may require taking some unexpected turns, getting lost in the process.
3) Write down a list of the things that are most important to you in your life. These might be your family, friends, the places you go and things you do.
4) Put your list away and take it out only when you need a reminder of what's really important in your life.
5) Help others every chance you get without expecting anything in return. You'll be surprised by how much this can change your life when practiced with intent.
6) Spend time each day doing something for yourself. Whether this is reading a book, going for a walk or watching television, make sure it does not involve sitting on the couch. Staying active is important.
7) Be wary of believing everything you hear and always consider the source. This gives you the ability to discern what is actually true and what might be a fabrication.
8) Do not be attached to how things turn out or attach your happiness to specific outcomes.
9) At this point, you should know The Secret, but if you don't and are still reading this then that means your expectations have gone stray again so go back a few steps and try again.
10) Do not continue reading in hopes of finding The Secret here in these words for that is what got you here in the first place, seeking something specific instead of enjoying whatever comes along as it does.
If completed with sincere intention, these ten steps will lead you to The Secret and a life that is complete and fulfilled. This is The Secret. [END OF ARTICLE]

The Secret website has expanded since the book was published, including articles by members of its discussion forum known as "The Secret Circles"—some of whom are also official contributors to the site. An archive of selected articles from before September 2006 can be found here .

On October 17, 2006, marketing director Becky Vanskike announced the launch of a new website aimed at kids 8 to 12 years old. The content is similar in nature to the main site but presented in a kid-friendly format. The new website was launched on November 7, 2006.

In May 2007, The Secret held the first annual "Secret Millionaire's Dinner". It was held in Sydney, Australia and was attended by around 100 people. Speakers included Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Peter Diamandis.

In 2005/2006 Rhonda Byrne commissioned film maker Michael Apted to make a movie based on The Secret. It is titled "The Secret" and was released direct-to-DVD on March 17, 2007 in Australia, UK and USA. The film includes interviews with well known people who talk about their experiences with the Law of Attraction including Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor and Louise Hay. Ben Affleck's hometown interview is also shown in the trailer for the film. Screenwriter and film producer Brian Bird has spoken about how he pitched the concept of "The Secret" as a feature film to Rob Friedman, the Chairman of Paramount Pictures, and said, "The script showed up on his desk two days after Rhonda sold over a million copies of her book in March. There were about four sentences in it... Rhonda was on the cover of "Time" magazine, she was a hot property, so it made sense to them".

The Secret spawned an international marketing campaign leading up to the release of the film in March 2007. The tagline is: "What The Secret taught me about manifesting my heart's desires... opening my mind... and finding true love. It's about the things you can control everyday in your life. It's about how to live your life and truly experience the magic that is already inside of you."

A movie trailer for the film was released on February 24, 2007. The main website for the film was launched in May 2007, but went offline on December 2, 2008. In November 2008, the website for the film was relaunched for a limited time.

On March 16, 2007, The Secret was released in DVD format worldwide. The DVD includes a Making of the Film documentary interview with Rhonda Byrne and several bonus features including "Rich Man Poor Man", "The Secret and Hollywood" (with appearances from Rob Friedman & Peter Diamandis from the movie), "What if Law of Attraction is a Lie?", "Movies that Teach us to Live", and "One Secret at a Time". The DVD cover also features Rhonda Byrne's personal story of her initial attraction to The Secret.

The film received mixed reviews upon its release.

Conclusion: The movie is quite relevant. Overall, it's a decent film. It is the kind of movie that you watch a few times and may only watch once to see if you liked it or not. However, I think that if you are into self help films this will be very good for you. My favorite thing about the film is that The Secret teaches us to completely trust our own instincts.

The secret itself does not present any kind of new information or reveal any new secrets in Rhonda's book. About 200 years ago, you would read an article about how money can't buy happiness or something similar...

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