Think positive when you reach your lowest point


 Think positive when you reach your lowest point

If you've ever felt that feeling of discouragement, you know how debilitating it can be. It's like a dark cloud has settled over your head, and your whole life just feels hopeless. But some people actually find motivation in those moments - they know they are stronger than those feelings. Some people even believe that the lowest point in their life is where they're destined to achieve their greatest success. It's not easy to get through times like these, but whatever you do - never stop trying! You'll soon see things start to change for the better. You'll soon see that you're stronger than you ever thought possible. And then, well, then you'll see things start to change for the better.
Think positive:
When you feel like giving up - when life seems overwhelming - try to think positively about your situation. Try to remember the things that have caused you to overcome these obstacles in the past. If there's something great about your current misfortune, think about it! Think of how this negative experience will help strengthen your character and help shape your vision of the future. This can really help you change how you look at any problem that's standing between you and your goal. Think positively because it's one of the only sure-fire ways to get over something. It's not as if you'll have to do it overnight - you won't. You've already done it so many times; you knew how to get through what was going on before, and here you are now, with a problem even worse than the one that you just overcame. And yet, somehow, it's only made you stronger and more determined!
Living life in a positive manner is something that can never be taken for granted. It's just not something that happens overnight. No matter how low your current situation is - don't give up! The truth of the matter is: when things look their bleakest, it's when they really start to change for the better. Don't give up on yourself! Don't give up on your dreams! Don't give up on your goals! And especially, don't give up on the fact that you can change your life for the good!
I know I'm not going to.
- Stephanie, age 13, Chicago, IL
"I've been bullied all my life. Bullies suck you in and make you feel like there's no hope in this world. They take away all your confidence and everything good just leaves you in a pile of misery. They were like a disease that infected me. But I've been fighting back against them ever since I was little. "My confidence was never an issue before they came around. But, I didn't know how to express myself before them. I didn't have the confidence to stand my ground and tell them off. And now, I do. "I've had friends that have stood up for me against them as well. It's awesome how much power one person can have against someone who wants me gone just because they don't like me for who I am."
- Nicholas, age 10, Los Angeles, CA
"When you're feeling down and out, there is one thing that you can always do - it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing; all it takes is a little effort and love. "I'm not saying that you should love yourself for being so negative. That's just stupid. I'm saying, spread the love around. "Giving to others can make you feel good inside AND it will help the people you're trying to help in the process. It doesn't matter if you don't know them; even strangers are happy to know that someone else is thinking of them - that they have your support... "Just don't forget the bigger picture - give because it makes YOU happy and because YOU want to do something good for someone else. The feeling of giving should just be refreshing and nice, so don't let others convince you otherwise. Giving should be the best part about living."
- Stephanie, age 14, Chicago, IL
"I can confidently say that giving to others has definitely helped me out of my rut. I used to be so negative that it was hard to find good in anything. It was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. "When I started giving back, I found something unique - it made me more positive and determined. Giving made me feel happy inside - like I was doing something important."
- Nicholas, age 10, Los Angeles, CA
"It doesn't matter how many times you give to someone else - they will never be able to repay you what you have given them by just thinking about it. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world, not only because you're doing something good for someone else, but because you're getting something back for yourself. "But it's even better than that - giving puts emphasis on your own life. It doesn't matter if you use it to help someone else; it just matters that you help yourself in the process! I know that sounds weird, but once you give to someone else and let them know how they've helped you, by feeling good inside and all that, things start to change for the better. "You'll notice how happy you are inside; how much more determined and ready to fight back against all odds - once again - YOU'RE BEING STRONGER. And then, eventually, you start remembering how you were before that whole ordeal happened and your life is so much different from the lowest point to the highest point."
- Stephanie, age 14, Chicago, IL
To do something good for someone else is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It's something that can change your outlook on life. It can help make you feel confident and determined - but it can only happen if you truly believe in yourself that you're capable of doing great things. You have to realize that whatever negative emotions are plaguing your life right now are a temporary issue and will be temporary. They will never last in your life if you don't let them stick around.
"You have to learn how to fight back against the bullies inside and out, that's what it really comes down to. No one likes being bullied and every person has their own way of dealing with this problem. "There are probably many people out there who need help - no matter how old or young you are. Don't be afraid go out there, find those people that need help, and then HELP them! Even if they seem like they're much stronger than they actually are... Though you may not think that they'll ever need your help now; someday, somehow, someone close to them will change their mind about it and need something done. "The worst thing you can do is not help them; worse than that, is to tell yourself that you're too weak to try. If you feel like someone needs your help - give it to them. Don't let their attitude change your own."- Nicholas, age 10, Los Angeles, CA
"There are a lot of people in the world who'll hate you and will want to see you suffer - no matter what they say. They'll even go as far as wanting to see you dead. "They're the ones with all the negativity inside them; they don't really know what they're saying because they're just too focused on how bad they are...

"That's why it's so important to know how to deal with the negativity that you see around you. When you know how to deal with negativity, when you know how to tell someone else that they're wrong without them saying anything back, then it won't matter what anyone says about you - and chances are, no one will bother talking about you anymore. You'll have helped out a lot of people in your time; and the people who need help too many times even though they've been given the chance to change won't choose the path of sadness and depression - because they'll realize that there is happiness after all.

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