Thought as a Vibration Toward Manifestation - Law of Attraction Classics: WW Atkinson


 Thought as a Vibration Toward Manifestation - Law of Attraction Classics: WW Atkinson

Have you ever found yourself wondering if it might be possible for our thoughts to become a vibration that attracts the things we want into our lives? What if it was possible?

Well, the Law of Attraction practitioners, teachers and supporters may have a clue. This post will highlight what they have to say about this particular hypothesis. We will take a look at the highlights of key theories and teachings on how thoughts can become vibrations as well as what methods are used in order to produce these results. We will provide examples of how this has been done effectively by others and also show you how you might go about adopting these same techniques in your own life on your quest toward greater happiness and fulfillment.

From Situational Attraction to Thought as a Vibration Toward Manifestation:

This Law of Attraction teaching was accepted much earlier than the 1960s and 1970s by thinkers who argued that everything is always already vibrating. This theory was first developed by Robert Hare, a well known writer on mind control techniques used in the Illuminati conspiracies. It was during this time (1934-1936) that he wrote a book entitled "Mind Control" where he described the use of a machine to create spiritually induced vibrations due to thoughts and feelings in order to subdue and control one's will-power. His book was so influential that other mind control theorists and teachers also began to use this particular concept in their writings.

Hare described the idea of thought as being a vibration as one of the most important concepts in his book. He presented evidence which showed that it is possible for vibrations to be created by thoughts, emotions and feelings. He illustrated the mechanism by which this was possible on page 17 under the title "Situational Attraction" - where he explained how one's thoughts could become entrained with certain vibrations:

"The first condition necessary is that the power be present from outside. Thought itself is an action, and it can do nothing without its two conditions, consciousness and will-power. Both are vibrations and must be congruous to the power producing the vibration, otherwise no results will follow.

The second condition is that the vibratory power must be magnified by feeling or emotion...This process of magnifying vibration has its effect on the brain, which acts in its turn upon the physical body. It may so alter that body as to cause it to undergo certain changes and become a magnet which attracts certain persons or conditions."

Hare also noted that people make the mistake of thinking that their thoughts only affect others and not themselves. He explained that both the sender and the receiver of any radiation vibration can be affected by it. He wrote:

"The sender of the thought which is a vibration must also be a receiver, for he has sent out a wave or wave motion and that wave motion has its repercussion upon him. So it is with any person who by his thoughts creates waves which affect others. His own body must register these waves, so that he will either enjoy or endure according to what he has sent out. But whether he likes it or not he has to endure it. He must register his own thoughts in himself and be affected by their repercussion."

The Law of Attraction practitioners who came after Hare picked up the idea of thought as a vibration and continued to develop the concept. They agreed with Hare that thoughts are vibrations and can affect one's life in a big way. It is their belief that everyone can learn how to harness their thoughts, focus them on something favorable, build up the excitement about having it manifested into their life and then turn those thoughts into vibrations which attract what they desire toward themselves. This process is known as "manifestation" from the Law of Attraction perspective. The reader can learn how to do this by applying the techniques in the next section. 

This Law of Attraction teaching is also supported by some other teachers and writers who use this same vibration theory. A lot of the visualization techniques practiced in these types of groups are taught as vibrations rather than visualizations. This is because the vibrational theory is used to explain how thoughts are supposed to become a reality by creating them into one's life (as opposed to just generating a mental picture).

Some of the other teachers and authors that have described thought as a vibration include Michael Talbot and Bruce Lipton. Their books contain references to the concept, and they have been fairly influential in spreading the idea that thoughts, feelings and emotions are vibrations in it's simplest form. Talbot's book "The Holographic Universe" has one of the most popular descriptions of thought as a vibration. He explained it this way on page 15:

"At this level [one] is dealing with pure consciousness, or spirit, which can be conceived of as an infinite sea of energy vibrating at different frequencies. The human mind is capable of registering only a few of these frequencies. The human consciousness is not the only one to be concerned with the movements of energy...These waves are thought waves, and each type corresponds to a different state of consciousness."

Talbot also defines the difference between vibrations in his book: "Vibrations are patterns in patterns. To paraphrase Einstein's words, a vibration is the measurement of change within itself." He describes them as: "The dynamic quality inherent in this dimension is referred to collectively as thought. Vibrations are partly experienced by scientists as brain waves. Thought vibrates the corresponding dimension, which consequently migrates into or out from our awareness depending on how it originated. Every thought is a vibrational pattern." (Page 102)

Bruce Lipton's book "The Biology of Belief" also describes thought and feeling as vibrations. He explained how thoughts, emotions and feelings are different forms of vibration and they affect all life. He wrote:

"We have been taught that the mind is uniquely conscious, but this is not true. Our minds contain more than thoughts; they contain every action, reaction, emotion—all the heartbeat of life in our cells and tissues—as well as our memory banks...This information can be used to modify our cellular structure by influencing the self-organizing processes that occur in cells. It can also be used to activate the self-organizing process in our cells directly. That is, we can use our thoughts to create, or influence, the very nature of living systems...These processes can be influenced by simple feelings, such as anger and love. They can also be influenced by complex feelings such as fear, anxiety and guilt." (Page 52)

Another author who talks of thought being a vibration is Joseph Newman. He wrote that: "The [human] mind is a vast but finite reservoir which thinks within time and space and beyond.


It is clear that there are a number of people in the world who believe that thoughts, feelings and emotions are vibrations. Many of these people seem to be under the impression that the vibrations they feel are controlled by an outside source or force and they are not their own. These people think or even know that they can actually change their vibrational state...that they should vibrate in particular ways to attract what they want.

This is one of the oldest concepts behind The Law of Attraction, but it has not been widely accepted as it should be because it is just too simple and logical for people's minds to accept.

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