Thoughts Become Things


 Thoughts Become Things

One of the most powerful ways to manifest your desires is through your thoughts. You see, thoughts are one of the raw materials of creation. Everything you have or lack in life is a direct result of the thoughts you’ve thought about it.

For example, if you’re struggling financially, that might be because you have a constant stream of negative thoughts about money and worry about not having enough. But if you start to think positively about money and all the amazing things that could happen if only had more, things will begin to change for you in this area – even though they might not appear obvious now.

As the late Dr Wayne Dyer often said: “Don’t wait to think it; just do it!” As he also pointed out, you might be surprised at how much things change. This was certainly true for me.

As a young man, I had a dream – my dream job was to become a stand-up comedian. I had no real training in performing, and I wasn’t funny at all, but I thought it was cool and wanted to have the same job as some other famous comics. I thought it would be cool to have one of those jobs where I just sat around in a suite, cracking jokes and making people laugh.

Well, fast forward to today and I’ve just had my 30th anniversary at the company I work for. As a matter of fact, it’s the only job I’ve ever had for more than 20 years! But I realize now that it was almost certainly a dream job that God gave me.

I used to get these little warm fuzzies inside whenever I thought about how much time working on my dream job meant – not only how much money was involved but also how happy I was making others happy. I would often feel this warm, loving energy all over my body.

But, I wasn’t that good at it. In fact, I was awful! But guess what? No matter how hard you work or how talented you are – anyone can be good at anything they practice, including being a stand-up comedian (or whatever your dream job is).

There’s no doubt that persistence, dedication and practice are necessary in order to master the art of comedy but I discovered something even more powerful. I found the secret of creating things just by thinking about them – not just a great job but also a loving relationship and all the awesome experiences that came with them.

I wouldn’t have had a job for 30 years without God, who led me to it. Without any training, I just thought about it continuously and in my own life, things started to change!

I was led to think about great things that came into my life – the fact that I was able to experience the ultimate (and you can too) in the form of a very special friend and then marry her.

It’s difficult to put into words exactly how this worked but I can tell you that certain thoughts really needed to be repeated over and over again before they could manifest – as if you were saying them out loud every day. Some people think that repetition is working but they’re mistaken – it must be the right thoughts!

The secret is to make sure the thoughts are affirmative and meaningful. If you want a better job, start thinking about it as if it already happened. Keep thinking about it until you start to feel good on a deep physical level – you’ll know your thoughts are turning into reality.

You can manifest anything in life by just repeating affirmations – I’m not talking about falling prey to voodoo psychology or believing that positive thinking is the only way. You can find yourself stuck in a job you don’t like, just repeating affirmations about how much you love your job.

In reality, most jobs are torture for most people. However, the deeper message here is that if you want to get out of a situation that isn’t good for you, it’s best to start by repeating positive thoughts about how great things would be if only...

I said this before and I’ll say it again: If you want something different to happen, imagine all the good things that will result from it – then just believe them over and over again until you experience them!

The secret is so simple – but it never gets old. It’s not just about thinking positive thoughts. It’s about putting the right things into your mind so that those positive and meaningful thoughts become real. That’s what creates miracles in our lives.

You have to believe it first – and then you create it with your thoughts!


Chapter 1: Where Does Thoughts Come From? Thoughts Are Real

My Thoughts are Powerful, but I am Not the Person who Controls my Life in the End, God is.

Never be afraid of a thought, because thoughts are real things.

All things that exist were first imagined in the mind, and then brought into existence. The world is what you make of it.

All things are possible, when we have faith in the process of creation. Thoughts become things.

We manifest what we think about most. Thoughts create our experience of life, consciously and unconsciously.

Conclusion: Thoughts are real. Thoughts create our experience of life, consciously and unconsciously.

Therefore Thoughts and ideas are fickle, unreliable and uncontrollable by the individual. But it is not so when we become one with the Universe.

This is the blind leading the blind; This is ignorance destroying the world, this is not wisdom, this is just ignorance!

So long as you live in a world that cannot create reality, you will be subject to all manner of negative emotions.

The secret of changing your life in a positive direction lies in your ability to change what you think about most.

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