Tips to overcome Procrastination.


Tips to overcome Procrastination. 

If you've ever done something like "watched TV" or "cleaned the house" instead of writing your essay, you might suffer from procrastination.
What is it? It's putting off a task that needs to be done for something more enjoyable in the present.
It's easy to get into this habit, but it can lead to low grades and stress.
Procrastination is something that may seem like "I don't need to stop this behavior", but it will only cause more tasks to pile up and worsen your stress levels.
To avoid this, you need to learn the tips on how to overcome procrastination.
1. Identify what causes you procrastination
This is important because it's the fundamental reason why you procrastinate. Sometimes it's because we are busy and we have so much work that needs to be done, sometimes it might be because of a certain task you hate doing.
2. Set up a schedule
Since you know what the cause is, you need to set up a schedule that prevents you from procrastinating. When you are busy, there will be times when you "forget" to do things that need to be done, but if you have a plan of what needs to be done and when, then it makes it easier for you to achieve your goals and stay on track. Don't just stick with the same plan either, if some days deviate from the plan then make a new one!
3. Reward yourself!
Reward yourself after every accomplishment. Whether it's defeating a monster or getting homework completed or going an hour without procrastination. You need to make sure that you're rewarding yourself after every task, so that you can push yourself to continue on. You can even reward yourself a little too much so that it motivates you to do more tasks!
4. Stay off of websites or games while you're working
It is VERY hard to stay off, but it will cause procrastination more often than not. It's like a cycle; if you play games or go on the Internet when there are things to do, then it's easier for you to procrastinate on those other things.
4.5 Remove the distractions
If you can't stay off of it, get rid of the distraction. If you have the Internet on your computer, unplug your Ethernet cable or if you use a 3G laptop modem, turn it off. When you're working on homework, take out all games/DVDs/movies and throw them out of sight.
6. Take breaks
Try taking a break from whatever you're doing. It might just be something as simple as watching TV for five minutes or walking down the hall to get a glass of water. Whatever you need to do, do it for five minutes and then come back to your work.
7. Work in stages.
This tip is entirely about the way you work on your assignments. If you feel overwhelmed, break it up into smaller sections and tackle them one by one rather than having too big of tasks at one time. This will also help you get work done faster, because you won't have to spend so much time trying to figure out what to do next.
8. Reward yourself
Last on the list is rewarding yourself. This tip is entirely about getting yourself motivated and excited about doing your work. You know what's going to be coming up after that math class? An hour of internet and TV! That's not necessarily true, but tell yourself that it might be so that you can motivate yourself from finishing your math homework so easily. If you can't reward yourself then think about the goals you want to achieve or the things that make you happy!
Good luck and I hope these tips help!
9. Avoid the urge to procrastinate, even if you do plan on it
If you're thinking about doing something more enjoyable instead of your homework, just avoid it. Don't give into the urge to procrastinate. You should be able to do this if you have a plan laid out for getting homework done and have a reward system planned.
10. Work with a friend or classmate
Work with a friend or classmate that is not procrastinating as much as you are! Working with someone else will make the work seem less daunting, plus it's nice to sit and talk while doing homework rather than being lonely and doing your homework alone in silence.
11. Don't do the first thing that pops into your head
There are a lot of things that you can do to avoid procrastination and get things done. One of them is not doing the first thing that pops into your head. For example, maybe you have an essay to write, but you have an idea for another essay which could be better than the one you have to write. Don't do it! Remember that saying, "good things come to those who wait". Just work on the first essay and then move on from there.

12. Watch TV or listen to music
If you struggle with procrastinating when studying or doing homework, watch TV or listen to music during your study time. This is because you'll likely be distracted.
13. Don't use external motivation
This is a tip that you should use if you struggle with procrastinating when working. When you're trying to work, don't rely on external motivation. If your Aunt calls and wants to come over and help you study, don't tell her "Okay" and then spend the next hour on the computer while she sits there bored out of her mind!
14. Work on projects you enjoy
If you have a project that you're doing that you don't enjoy, try to work on it anyway. You might not like the format of the project, but there's always a way to make it work. The important thing is to make it work! If your math teacher wants you to finish an essay in one sitting, then try it and do your best in finishing it quickly and efficiently!
15. Create a "to-do list" for every hour of the day
If you struggle with procrastinating when working, create a "to-do list" for every hour of the day and set yourself small goals for completing that time.

Now you've seen the top 16 ways to stop procrastinating and get things done! If you have any tips that I need to add, please post them below.
Read more: Top 10 Ways To Stop Procrastinating
Tags: procrastinate essay writing procrastinate essay writing help stories phobia symptoms panic attack the last piece of homework homework facts homework smart work out family problems anxiety anxiety disorder anxiety attacks anxiety disorder statistics... blogg-brukere 23.10.2010 02:05 Those who struggle with procrastination find it difficult to complete any task, not just academic assignments.

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