"What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself: A Preparation To Self-Improvement

 "What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself: A Preparation To Self-Improvement

What makes you tick? This is a question that you should ask yourself in preparation for self-improvement. It's important to understand the different facets of ourselves and how they affect our daily lives. Even though it may seem daunting, be prepared to answer ten questions that will enable you to learn more about yourself and make progress towards your goals.
I want to help you begin your journey in self-improvement. If you're struggling with any of these issues, then read on. You'll be pleased to discover that they're not necessarily as bad as they seem. In fact, there is only one thing that is inevitable with every single one of them – they will pass.
1) Are you happy?
This question may seem simplistic. However, ensuring that you are happy must be a priority in your life if you ever hope to accomplish anything worthwhile or meaningful. The good news is that you can take simple steps to change this. Start by looking for ways to improve your life and get the most out of it.
Obvious ways to become happier are diet, exercise, and socializing in a positive way with friends. If you analyze your life, you'll find there are certain things that you can do to make yourself happier. It's not uncommon for people to be "stuck" in the same environment, doing the same things and feeling unfulfilled by it. This is known as the hedonic treadmill . It's not a very effective approach to life because it's like running in place: You're not actually moving forward but just staying in one place.
The easiest way to get out of this mindset is to find a new passion and pursue it. Make sure that it fits into your plans for the rest of your life. Getting started may be difficult at first, but once you experience the thrill of accomplishment, you'll never want to stop.
2) Are you healthy?
Being healthy means taking control of your physical and mental health. It's very easy for our busy schedules to get the best of us. In an effort to save time, we cut corners by skipping meals or not making time for exercise. Another common error is eating unhealthy food because it's quick, cheap and tastes good at the time – but later has long-lasting negative effects on our bodies.
We often feel like we don't have time to do the right thing, but we do – it's just a matter of making time and taking the initiative. Sure, you can buy unhealthy food if you want to. But why not take the extra 5-10 minutes to make time for yourself?
3) Do you have friends?
Being social is a key aspect of life. Humans are social animals, designed to interact with others in order to survive and thrive. It is no coincidence that nearly every religion employs some type of "gathering" where people come together for purposes including worship (church), celebration (weddings), education (schools), or trade (malls). We are social animals, and it is important to take this into account when trying to better yourself.
If you're not social, it's only a matter of time before you get bored. Speed up your life by joining an organization that interests you, a club, or even a social media-based community. You can utilize the Internet to make new friends worldwide. The good news is that in today's world there are no shortage of opportunities for meeting new people – just look at all the articles on how to meet people online!
4) Are you happy with your current job?
Everyone has been in situations before where they've had opportunities to change jobs or career paths but chose not to do so for whatever reason. Whether it was due to a "comfort zone" or lack of financial security, this is not necessarily the most ideal way for maximizing productivity. The solution is to find the job that you really want and get paid for it.
If you still work at your same place, start making yourself a more appealing candidate by putting in extra effort on your appearance, education (Computer Science is becoming a booming field for example), and skills. Just doing your job well won't cut it anymore.
5) Are you dating the right people?
There is a relationship between you and the person that's in your life. It may be a romantic relationship, a friendship, or just an acquaintance. No matter who it is, you probably want to be with someone who has qualities that line up with your values, interests and goals.
The problem is that sometimes we get stuck in relationships for whatever reason and continue to put energy into them for years on end – even though there may not be any benefits aside from familiarity. If this sounds like a problem you might have, try to think of this from the perspective of " What's the benefit?" .
6) Are you creative?
As a society, we have become lazy and have lost the ability to be creative. We are more concerned with being "productive", doing things faster and in a more efficient way. But is this really the best way? If you can't find creativity in your work, think about how you feel after using your imagination when creating something new.
Creativity isn't about being "unproductive". It's about using one's mind to create a solution that no one else could even imagine. You'll know if you are creative whenever you tackle something that others would not picture or might not believe could be done.

In the end, there are a lot of things that are out of our control. We can't change who we are, where we came from or how others will perceive us. But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying. If you find yourself struggling with any of these issues, then take a step back and try to find new ways to fix them.

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