"Who's The Boss?" 10 Ways To Start Taking Control (Time Management, Goal Setting, Record Tracking)


 "Who's The Boss?" 10 Ways To Start Taking Control (Time Management, Goal Setting, Record Tracking)

You want to feel accomplished and successful, but there's something in the way. You don't know what it is, you just know that you need to find a way over, around or through it. And not only do you need to take control of your life and who's in charge of it all - but also how often people try to sabotage your success by distracting you with other things?
Writer’s block is actually more common than I thought. Nearly half of those surveyed for a recent study reported feeling the impact at some point in their lives. That might sound like a meager number (though still high) when compared with people who are feeling unfulfilled by their work – about 89%. But it is still much higher than I would've imagined.
What is a writer’s block? It’s a major disruption in your writing process. It’s not being able to finish a project or start anything new because you do not know how to proceed. Check out these helpful ideas for getting your creativity flowing again.
These are the obstacles that are keeping me from my success and happiness in life. Not just once, but over and over again – and as I continue to miss opportunities and fall behind in my goals, so my self esteem drops and my life becomes ever more stagnant. It takes real discipline to stay on the right path and maintain progress.
I have done a lot of research on goal setting and goal achievement, yet I still have so much to learn. It is my hope that this article will be very helpful in helping me to stay on course and keep moving towards my victories in life that I so desire.
It is much easier to set short-term goals (6 months or less), which are more achievable with focused effort over a shorter period of time. However, if we want something long-term (1 year or longer) it is much harder to achieve this. It requires patience, attention, focus and most importantly – courage!
This article is about taking control of your life. The first step is to find out what is getting in the way. Understanding what's holding you back is essential to achieving more of your goals and dreams.
It can be hidden obstacles, or it can be something that, if you take the proper actions and steps, will get out of your way for good. You need to analyze where all of your free time has gone so you know what areas of your life are taking up too much time, but also - understanding why this is happening; so you're able to stay on top of things moving forward.
Hopefully the tips I am about to discuss will help you build a positive momentum for success and self-improvement, but like with anything else in life, it does take time and patience.
Most of this is common sense, but if you apply yourself to these basics will finally learn how to be successful in your career goals. It all starts with the little things that make all the difference.
Learn more: How To Stop Procrastinating – 5 Ways To Get Things Done
What's The Best Way To Get Inspired?
"What is The Best Way To Get Inspired?" is a short  inspirational article focused on what is the best way to get inspired.
It can be a sudden inspiration, or perhaps more of a small spark to ignite your imagination. The best way to get inspired is to find the areas that inspire you most, and create goals around stimulating those areas.
The first step is to determine what is your greatest area of love or interest. Once you figure out what it likely will be, then you must begin by identifying those things that inspire you the most. Then, use this energy to fuel your creative drive; so that your creative fire continues strong and burns brighter than ever before.
Take action: How To Be A Better Writer (Part Two) [ARTICLE END] This article was provided by "Joanne Buckley".
Tired of sitting around in your comfort zone? The best way to stay focused and motivated is to understand why we're going after our goals in the first place.
I am not a person who likes to talk about myself, but it is something that needs to be done. Why? Because if you can understand why we are doing the things that we do on a daily basis then you are more likely to stay focused and motivated throughout the entire process.
Imagine waking up every day dreading what you are going to have to do that day? It could be anything from taking out the garbage, cleaning up after your kids, or paying bills as an adult. There are so many things that we all have to do. Most of us sit around most days allowing our stress levels to build up and up, but why? Is this really the best way to live your life?
The answer is no. I'm not saying that it is possible to completely eliminate all stress and work or home related issues; but I am saying it is possible to lessen them considerably. The first thing that we need to do is take control of our lives. Before you know it you will be in a place where you dread going each day because you are bogged down with having to take out the garbage, taking care of your kids or paying bills when you were supposed to be doing something fun.
By being self-aware of the areas that you are bogged down with, then you will begin to find a way to make that area of your life more productive. You will realize that you don't have as much time as you originally thought and that things are piling up on top of one another.
Next thing you know, it's time for another month or so to find a way to break out of this complacent place that we find ourselves in. The best thing is that once again, finding a way doesn't require much effort. All it takes is a little bit of self-awareness and patience.
It's all about finding the right balance. The right balance is different for everyone, but the perfect balance is somewhere in between being able to find ways in your life to save you time and energy, while at the same time finding a way to pursue your goals, dreams and passions on a daily basis.
Mothers need to take control of their lives on a daily basis as well. There are so many areas that need attention: taking care of kids, managing house work, cleaning up after others (husband/boyfriend/father), cooking every night and more.

Conclusion: The first thing that you need to do is work on yourself. Focus on things that would help you to get out of your comfort zone, but at the same time focus on making sure that you don't overload yourself. Once you find that balance then it is going to be a whole lot easier.
My favorite inspirational quote is: "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back." We all have issues, we all have stress, but there is no reason why things should continue to pile up more and more when it comes down to it.

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