10 Hot Tips On How To Cope With The Prospect Of Redundancy.


 10 Hot Tips On How To Cope With The Prospect Of Redundancy.

Many people worry about the prospect of redundancy, where they could be made redundant by a later decision to merge or shut down. There are so many things you can do – from applying for a new role to getting more training – but no one likes feeling stuck in their current situation. Thankfully this article contains 10 hot tips on how to cope with the prospect of redundancy. So make sure you know what you're doing before it's too late!

10 Hot Tips On How To Cope With The Prospect Of Redundancy:
1) Have an exit strategy: If needed, consider relocating your skills into other areas that are more likely to keep employing staff at short-term or long-term notice.
2) Be your own best advocate: Make sure you're doing everything possible to stay in the role. If you're not doing anything wrong, or you don't know what to do, it's better to be proactive and ask the boss for advice and training than feel stuck.
3) Prioritize your priorities: Think about the most important tasks that are essential for your organization or department's success. You should focus on those first. Once they are done, then consider other things such as career progression, salary increases and so on.
4) See what you can do to make yourself happy: Even if you're a little older and you've had a family, it's not too late for you to enjoy a new career. If there is something that you have always wanted to do, but never had the opportunity, then now is the perfect time to explore your options.
5) Try not to be sour about the situation: Redundancy can come as a shock because it brings with it lots of stress and uncertainty. The passing of the redundancy notice is a serious and emotional event. However, you should try to be as positive as you can. If possible, seek out training or other options that will make you feel more positive about your new situation.
6) Use your network: If contacts and knowledge are useful to you in your new career, then don't be afraid to share this information with the rest of the department and other colleagues.
7) Take charge of your future: Redundancy is a frightening time and it's tempting to give up on the situation because it looks so hopeless. But it really doesn't have to be a negative experience. If you have the ability to take charge of your future, then it makes sense to do so.
8) Look for the positives: Instead of dwelling on the negatives, use this time to look for opportunities that will help you move forward and feel better about yourself.
9) Learn new skills: You can learn a lot from training sessions run by your organization or even from an external provider. This will enable you to challenge yourself and maximize your career potential.
10) See what other people have found: There are many ways that people have coped with redundancy, so don't hesitate to seek out advice from them and see what they did. Share your news with others when you feel confident enough.
Related Article: 8 Tips On How To Survive The 'Redundancy' From Employer [ARTICLE END]
About The Author: -Business Coach, Career Consultant and Freelance Writer who is committed to achieving career success for her clients through helping them gain better self-esteem, forming better business attitudes and being able to articulate their ideas clearly. Because of my extensive experience in writing articles on various topics she also specializes in publishing articles on how to write a business plan and resume. She also writes articles on various topics that are related to careers and resumes. You can connect with Svetlana on Linkedin, Google + and Facebook. If you want to book a meeting or discuss any HR, HR Administration, Resumes & Cover Letters related topic then you can contact her at svetlana@aabty.com</p>
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