10 REAL AdSense Secrets


 10 REAL AdSense Secrets

What do you know about AdSense? Probably not as much as you think. While the idea of Google's revenue-sharing network may sound easy and everyone's doing it, in reality it's more complicated than that. When writing an article about how to use AdSense, I thought I would share some secrets that I just learned while investigating this platform. So without further ado, here are the 10 REAL secrets of using Google's revenue-sharing network:

1. The "organic click" is a myth

Google has created a lot of ways for advertisers to get traffic and fill up their coffers. In fact, there are many other qualities of the AdSense website that you should know about. But what you might not be aware of is the fact that this is simply a myth. The "organic click" is a term that has been thrown out there as an alternative to traffic from an ad network, but it's so far from being true. In fact, when I looked at my own personal statistics for a few days, I realized that more than 50% of my clicks came from paid advertising sites.

2. Important things to know about image ad formats

If you take a look at the AdSense website, you can see the different AdSense ad formats. Below is a list of some of the most important things that you should know:

2.1 Text ads have been around for more than 20 years

2.1.1 The text has been on Google ever since its inception in 1998. As time goes, more and more features are being added to all these text ads, such as text formatting options (bold, italic and underline). 2.1.2 The text ads come from Google's AdSense publisher network. These are websites such as this one, which in turn offer these ads to their users. 2.1.3 Because of the size limitations of text ads (you can only place a maximum number of 128 pixels), you will have to resize them before inserting them on your website with an AdSense ad service provider like UDEMY .

2.2 Image ads are only for banners

Image ads are used by Google for its banners (click-through pages) and not for text or links. You can't use image ads with an AdSense ad placement service or in an article or blog post.

Conclusion: You can only use image ads with the Google AdSense service. Use AdSense to monetize your banner ads and not to insert them in articles or blog posts.

3. People on a tight budget can choose the Plus Edition

If you want to enjoy the AdSense revenue without spending too much, you might want to consider purchasing the Plus Edition as your Google AdSense monetization service. The money you get will be significantly higher than that of the Basic Version. Although basic ads may help you make some cash, these are not very profitable for any website's owner who wants to make money online fast with Google Adsense ads.


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