10 Steps to Christian Success
Are you looking for a way to conform to the values of the Bible in your everyday life? Are you curious about what it would be like if Christians got their way? What better way is there to find out than by following these easy steps!
Step One. Rely on God's Guidance. This first step will help you stay focused on what is most important in your life and keep Christ as your main priority.
Step Two. Be Grateful for What You Have. The simple act of being grateful can help bring more joy and meaning into our lives, helping us focus less on what we lack, and more on all that we have been given by God...
Step Three. Be a Respectful Listener. So often, we think we have the answer before others even have a chance to finish what they are saying. By taking the time to listen respectfully, you will gain a deeper understanding of the issues and views that are important to those around you...
Step Four. Treat Everyone with Respect (Even Those You Disagree With). It's so easy to get offended whenever someone disagrees with us and our way of life. However, when were respectful towards them we can often find common ground and work together...
Step Five. Work Hard to Achieve Your Dreams. This step will help you achieve your goals and dreams in life, by helping you break down your big goals into small, achievable tasks...
Step Six. Give to Others. By giving to others when we have it in abundance, we show the world that our faith has real impact on how we live our life...
Step Seven. Respect Your Parents (and Other Authority Figures). By respecting and honoring our parents and other authority figures who are over us, we show the world that we can be trusted with power and authority as well...
Step Eight. Be Generous with You Time & Talent. By giving more of our time and talent to the people around us, we show others that we are willing to give of our resources and to help them achieve their dreams...
Step Nine. Help Others (Without Being Asked). By taking the time to listen, be respectful and offer a helping hand to others, we demonstrate that we recognize that others have a need or a problem...
Step Ten. Give Back: To God! This last step will honor God's name and help you lay down your life for Him as a living sacrifice... [END ARTICLE]
Take control of your life with these ten simple steps! If you need more inspiration or would like me to send you free gifts or free weekly emails then visit: www. successguru.com/Self-Help-Fitness/10-Steps-to-Christian-Succes s/Article.html
For the latest updates on my 10 Steps to Christian Success, I invite you to join me on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/successguruonline and you can follow me on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/successguruonline .
Sincerely, David Strom
New York Times Best Selling Author (Success Guru)
Questions? Comments? Ideas for articles? Inspirations? Feel free to contact me at successguruonline@gmail.com ! -David Strom (a.k.a., "Success Guru") P.S. Don't forget to check out my uplifting and motivational new ebook: God's Answer for Every Problem in Life!
"10 Steps to Christian Success" is a copyrighted work of David Strom (Success Guru). This web site contains affiliate links.
© 2016: David Strom (a.k.a., "Success Guru")
All content including, but not limited to, text and pictures on this web site © 2016: David Strom (a.k.a., "Success Guru")
All rights reserved . All other content, pictures or otherwise, available at www.successguruonline.com are the property of their respected owners. Please ask permission before using or copying any information or pictures from this website. May God bless you and keep you always!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
10 Steps to Christian Success is a copyrighted work of David Strom (Success Guru). This web site contains affiliate links.
© 2012: David Strom (a.k.a., "Success Guru") All rights reserved . All other content, pictures or otherwise, available at www.successguruonline.com are the property of their respected owners. Please ask permission before using or copying any information or pictures from this website. May God bless you and keep you always!
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Copyright © 2016: David Strom (a.k.a., "Success Guru") All rights reserved . All other content, pictures or otherwise, available at www.successguruonline.com are the property of their respected owners. Please ask permission before using or copying any information or pictures from this website. May God bless you and keep you always! Blogging Tips +10 Blogging Tips: For the latest updates on my 10 Steps to Christian Success, I invite you to join me on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/successguruonline and you can follow me on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/successguruonline .
Conclusion As a preacher - I analyze debates and find the best arguments for both sides. But who would win in a debate? If I had to vote right now - I would have to vote "abstain" because there is no clear winner. The debate is inconclusive, or stalemated, like a tie. It's really interesting that they use the same arguments as each other against creationism. For example - Genesis Chapter 1 tells us that God created everything in 6 days, but modern day science tells us it took millions of years....