10 Steps To Running A Home-Based Business


 10 Steps To Running A Home-Based Business

For many people, the dream of running their own business is exactly that--a dream. Some of us might have a hankering for being our own boss, but feel like we lack the funds to start one. Some of us feel as though it would be too difficult to build a social media following from scratch or maintain an engaging blog. Others might feel as though they don't have the time to spend developing their new business.
There are a variety of reasons why people give up before they even get started. But if you're just starting out and have no idea how you can manage having a full-time job AND running your own business, here's 10 Steps that will get you on your way!
1) Write It Down
Writing down your goal can be the beginning of the end for an idea that seems too lofty. Toss a couple bucks into an online invoicing system such as PayPal and create an "Invoicing" journal so that you can track expenses (gas, internet, paper, etc.) as well as income each month.
2) Make a Budget
I know, this one sounds boring. But it's an important part of being your own boss. Even if you have no money to start a business, you can always make a budget for it! What does the budget look like? How much money do you need to make each month? When is it due? What expenses will you have now that you're potentially working from home?
3) Set Deadlines
No matter how small your business is, there are still deadlines--and for some reason businesses seem to be more successful when there are deadlines. As the business owner, YOU are the deadline.

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