10 Tips for Successful Ezine Advertising


 10 Tips for Successful Ezine Advertising

In order to make money publishing a blog, you need to know how to advertise. However, it’s not as easy as just putting up a few ads. In fact, effective advertising requires insightful strategy and careful planning on your part.

Here are 10 tips for successful ezine advertising:

1) Include an opt-in offer in your ad that interests prospects – this will help you find your target audience right away!2) Prep before you publish - plan out the best way to promote yourself by strategizing on what type of content people like best and what topics might be popular in the industry at the moment.3) Treat ads as a test market - you need to learn how people react to your ad in order to improve on it for the next round.4) Choose the appropriate ad size - do not use an ad that over-promises and under-delivers!5) Make sure that your publication is well put together - you want people to come back, so make sure your website is easy to navigate and promote.6) Create a detailed description of the product or service being advertised – this will help visitors decide if they want more information or not.7) Online advertising is often seen by internet users as annoying and intrusive since they tend not to trust e-mails. An email opt-in offer is what most readers are looking for.8) When setting up the email service, double check that the email address you provide is actually valid - this is the most common failing.9) Ensure that your product or service is something of value to readers - if it’s irrelevant or just a waste of their time, then they won’t bother to read your ad.10) Use an effective headline/copy – keep these short and sweet, but still attention-grabbing so that people will want more information.
[/ARTICLE END]In order to make money publishing a blog, you need to know how to advertise. However, it’s not as easy as just putting up a few ads. In fact, effective advertising requires insightful strategy and careful planning on your part.Here are 10 tips for successful ezine advertising:1) Include an opt-in offer in your ad that interests prospects – this will help you find your target audience right away!2) Prep before you publish - plan out the best way to promote yourself by strategizing on what type of content people like best and what topics might be popular in the industry at the moment.3) Treat ads as a test market - you need to learn how people react to your ad in order to improve on it for the next round.4) Choose the appropriate ad size - do not use an ad that over-promises and under-delivers!5) Make sure that your publication is well put together - you want people to come back, so make sure your website is easy to navigate and promote.6) Create a detailed description of the product or service being advertised – this will help visitors decide if they want more information or not.7) Online advertising is often seen by internet users as annoying and intrusive since they tend not to trust e-mails. An email opt-in offer is what most readers are looking for.8) When setting up the email service, double check that the email address you provide is actually valid - this is the most common failing.


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