10 Tips To Resign Your Job With Professionalism And Pride


 10 Tips To Resign Your Job With Professionalism And Pride

Thank you for your interest in my blog. I am an aspiring author and blogger and this blog is meant to be a guide of sorts for new writers who may be looking to step into their own writing career. Many years ago, a potential client told me that he/she had no aspirations of becoming a writer themselves–but they were struggling with the idea of giving up their corporate career and wanted me to help them see the light at the end of that tunnel.

One thing they did not want was for people to get any ideas about what they are doing. Naturally, I agreed to help with their dilemma. As a result, I was able to offer them this invaluable piece of advice:

 *If you don't have time for your family, then don't join the corporate world either. It's simply not humanly possible for anyone to be present for everyone who needs them and at the same time do good work at the same time it too!
 This is the reason why clients who are in a position to resign from their jobs are often very successful in doing so . . . because they have given the matter the time, consideration and thought it deserves.
Resigning for professional reasons is not about hanging on to one's job or one's seat at the workplace table. It is about making choices that are aligned with your personal or family life. 
As I've said before, everyone has a choice when it comes to resigning from a job. Choose wisely! Maybe you'd like to leave your place of employment for other reasons–maybe it's because you just don't feel as though you are being treated fairly and perhaps in an environment that does not nurture you as a person . . . in which case, there is nothing wrong with finding another job.
Resigning from a job is not always easy but it should not be something that is filled with stress, chaos and anxiety. As a matter of fact, it should be something to look forward to as a new beginning. Here are ten tips that will help you resign your job with professionalism and pride!
First: Do not resign remotely or suddenly. Let your employer know well in advance that you would be leaving so they can prepare for the transition process. 
Second: Treat your resignation like any other professional task on your list. Have one final meeting with the key players at your workplace . . . i.e. the supervisors or managers you report to as well as your co-workers. You may want to say a few words to everyone present at the meeting but it's wise not to blurt out your future plans when you are being escorted out by security!
Third: Be kind and considerate of your colleagues and other professionals who work in the same area. As for your employer? Well, let's just say that although they will no longer be receiving direct reports from you, they should still be treated with the respect their position calls for.
Fourth: Pick a day and time for leaving that does not interfere with anyone else's work schedule or production goals. And while you are at it, please do not resign from your position immediately before an important holiday or special event.
Fifth: Determine how you feel about taking severance pay and all other monetary benefits that may be due to you. If it feels right to take them and if your employer is also willing to let you do so, then by all means, pay yourself first. If not then perhaps that's a sign for you to explore other options.
Sixth: If there's anything special about your job that has made it a career of choice for you and the people who work in close proximity with you . . . be sure to let them know how much these things mean to you and what they've taught you over time. Maybe you were the first person a co-worker reached out to when they needed help with a project or if they are a writer, you're probably the first person they turn to when they want some feedback. 
Seventh: Be sure to send them a note of appreciation. Even if it's not a big deal. Or maybe you know how to write heartfelt messages and feel this is something that would make you feel good about yourself . . . in which case, have at it!
Eighth: Use the incident–no matter how bad–as an opportunity for growth. If you've been fired from your job, tell your employer what you learned from it and what you plan on doing differently moving forward. This will help you to move forward in life with your head held high.
Ninth: Be sure to write an e-mail that is short and sweet! This will help you to stay focused on how you feel about the people who once worked with you side-by-side. This is not the right time to tell your whole life story or to make excuses for why you left your job.
Tenth: Make sure that you move on with dignity intact. As one door closes, another one opens. But remember that only you can decide if a new path is really in your best interest or if this is just something you are doing out of desperation . . . in which case, perhaps it's time to search for a new job!
The " Career Coach "   P.S. It is important not to make any rash decisions when it comes to resigning from your job. If you're feeling like "I need to get out of here before I go crazy. I don't care how I do it – just let me get out!" then you need to take your time and consider all of the options carefully.
Posted by Michelle Schoffro Cook at 2:00 AM
Wow, this was a thought-provoking read. I've resigned a few jobs here and there and it was never easy - to start with, in my early career, I never felt ready! Now that I'm about to move on again, at 55, to something completely different - Yipes! A whole new world. But not without fears and trepidation. Plus the guilt of leaving the staff behind in a very difficult situation (department downsized).
Be sure to take your severance pay, but I have a rule: never take it until the end of the month. I've always been able to manage the bill payments even though I never had a big payment coming - and now, each time I've taken a few dollars out of the stash, it's been an enormous mistake.

Conclusion: I'm going to do it again: resigning. Not tomorrow, but soon. And this time, I'm going to write a letter of thanks to the team and my boss who worked with me so well, got me on the right track in my career development, and prepared me for these upcoming changes.

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