2008 Top Work At Home Opportunities for Canada


 2008 Top Work At Home Opportunities for Canada

The internet is a vast and fascinating place, but it also has its dangers — like the various scams on offer. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most common ones you should be aware of: from bogus jobs to fake products! We’ll also show you how to avoid these scams, so that the internet can be your best work at home opportunity.

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Last updated: August 23, 2013 | by Trusted Reviews Top Work At Home Opportunities for Canada
116 reviews, 74 percent positive (11 answered). Rating: 8.8 Reply to this review Was this review helpful? Report abuse | Permalink
May 12, 2008 I got a job as a paid crafter through Elance.com and it was lucrative and I was able to work at my own pace. I was paid by the project and there were lots of clients looking for crafters.
Why did I quit? Well, my daughter had a terrible accident that left her quadriplegic. In order to be near her, I left my home and moved to Texas and accepted a job as an aide in a nursing home. I needed the health insurance and $13/hour job much more than I did the $10/project on Elance. So for me, this was an opportunity that worked out better than I ever could have imagined!
You can get Nurse Aide Certification from from ProCert-Online . The course is self-paced, and takes about 3 weeks. Their free trial can get you started for a few days, which will help you decide if this is something that is worth investing in.
You can also find a lot of information on nursing homes at the Find A Nursing Home Online website. There's an Ask Elance forum right there on the site to answer any questions you might have, too. So think it over, but keep in mind that this company may be pricey if you're considering becoming a nurse aide.
That's why I switched to Elance.com from JustAnswer . I wanted to start a side business and needed something to make some money on the side, so I looked on Elance.com for opportunities.
Many people are intimidated when they hear about Elance.com because they think that you have to work 40+ hours a week and be available at all hours of the day. This is not true at all!
I've found the best jobs on Elance were those where I could make my own hours and work around my schedule. So if you want to aim for an online career, but aren't sure if it will fit into your life, then consider working with an online company like this.
Here are a few of my favorite side business ideas on Elance:
Fiverr is a marketplace for small services that you can sell for just $5. The idea is that you're able to make money doing things like voiceovers, photo retouching, short animations, etc.
The reason why this works so well is because you can work on your own schedule, and it's kind of the perfect hobby business. You don't have to worry about making an income; you only do the work when you feel like it. The other great thing about Fiverr is that prices are set based on demand, so if there are lots of people looking for someone with your skillset, they'll pay more.
If you want to try Fiverr but have no experience or skills, then I recommend taking Mike Kamo's Fiverr training course. It will walk you through how to choose a niche and how to market yourself as a seller. The course includes a complete Fiverr blueprint and teaches you everything you need to know to get started.
Do you want a way to earn an income from your computer while sitting in the comfort of your own home? If so, then translation services may be the perfect opportunity for you!
Translation services are perfect for online businesses because they don't require any special equipment or locations. You can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection and computer.
If you have a blog or website, you can use this to promote your translation services and provide clients with a professional website that showcases your work.
There are tons of people who pay for translation services every day. It's just that not many of them realize it, and most often don't know where to go for it. I recently found out about online translation services when I was searching the web for ways to make extra money online, and solved the problem by reading through some reviews on Google.
I'm not a translator myself, but I do sometimes freelance as a writer or an editor on other people's websites. For those who are interested in that line of work, here is an example site to follow: My editors . When it comes to this particular type of work, I highly recommend you try the crowdsourcing model. It works like this:
You find a project that you think will be valuable (in my opinion, translation would be a good place to start), then simply ask if anyone is interested in working on it with you. This is not a direct translation of the word "crowdsourcing," but it's what you should do if you want some help on your project. Once you've posted your project online and secured enough people who are willing to work together with you, they will each contribute a small amount of time per day (even $1 will do) and divide up the work among themselves.
It's not a big secret that translation work has been doing really well lately. It's a field in demand, and you can get some pretty good dollars for the amount of time invested in it.
If you're interested, then I'd suggest looking at this list of translation jobs on Elance .
Browsing the Internet and finding websites is a great way to make money. I made about $500 this past month simply by locating various sites on Google and writing articles about some of the things I found while searching. You don't need a lot of skills to do this kind of work; it's just like finding something you think people might be interested in, then creating content around that topic or product. If you'd like to learn more about this, here is a great article on how to get started: Make $1000 A Month From Clickbank .
This is the perfect side business for someone who wants something that kind of works on its own. Once you have the website up, it's simply a matter of creating quality content and waiting for search engine traffic to start rolling in.
You can apply to specialized writing jobs through a website like Elance or Freelancer.com , but that would not be my first choice if I were you. Those types of sites are known by many to be full of scams and low-quality jobs, which pay below market value (or even nothing) in some cases.

I hope these ideas have given you a few ideas on how to make money online. I know there are many more ways out there, and I hope to find some time in the future to post about those. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!
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Using Elance can be a great way to supplement your income and earn some extra cash on the side. However, it's important to keep in mind that this is not a full-time replacement for most jobs.

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