3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job


 3 Points You Should Negotiate When You Are Losing Your Job

It’s never easy to lose your job, but it can be a lot easier to deal with if you know how to negotiate. In this article, we are going to cover three points that most people don’t know about and will help increase your odds of getting the best possible severance package.

1) ask for a letter of recommendation or at least an informational interview with one or more managers in the company; 2) ask for any unused vacation time or sick days; 3) ask for a reference letter and list of contacts in their contact database.

Here is a little more information on each of these points and why you should ask for them.

1) Ask for a Letter of Recommendation or at Least an Informational Interview

The first thing you need to do when you are losing your job is to make sure that you don’t burn any bridges. Asking for a letter of recommendation or at least an informational interview with one or more managers in the company will allow you to stay in touch with people inside the company, which can possibly turn into future job leads. At the very least, it will let them know that your experience and skill set is still valuable and they won’t hesitate to recommend you to their contacts.

2) Ask for Any Unused Vacation Time or Sick Days

This one is pretty straight forward. You are being let go, so you might as well get something out of this, even if it’s just some unused vacation time or sick days. If you worked for the company for more than a few months and were fired without cause, then you should be able to claim unused vacation time and unpaid wages through the state labor board. Check your employment contract or talk to an attorney if you have any doubts on whether or not this is possible. This will also force them to pay out your final paycheck immediately instead of waiting until the end of the month.

3) Ask for a Reference Letter and List of Contacts in Their Contact Database

This point is not about making you look good; it’s about protecting yourself. Asking for a reference letter and a list of all the employers that they have in contact with will (1) give you something to show potential future employers, (2) let them know that they are not getting rid of you against your will, and (3) make them think twice before firing anyone else. This is especially important if they are still planning on rehiring someone who worked at the company less than a year or has been fired with immediate cause.

We hope this article has been helpful and that you are able to get the best possible severance package when you know how to negotiate.

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The next time you are let go with no severance, make sure that you know how to negotiate. Hopefully, this article will help you get a better severance package when the time comes and make this transition much less stressful.

About the Author:

Andreas C. Müller

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