3 Simple But Powerful Off-Line Advertising Strategies & 10 Classic E-zine Advertising Tips.


 3 Simple But Powerful Off-Line Advertising Strategies & 10 Classic E-zine Advertising Tips.

Whether it is targeting key demographics or getting heavy traffic, off-line advertising has a long and storied history. However, while it may be effective on paper, in practice many small businesses are left wondering what to do with their marketing budgets. One way to save resources is through e-zine advertising. This can help you reach a very targeted audience without wasting money on incorrect demographics and cheap results (or worse yet, nothing!). With that said, here are some easy but powerful off-line advertising strategies along with 10 classic e-zine advertising tips!

1.4.1 – Off-line Advertising Strategies

• Community Events – Get involved in community events and activities using off-line advertising techniques. Set up booths and tables to attract customers and earn visibility for your business. In addition, you can use fliers, postcards sent in the mail, pens, drinks and other giveaways as ways to get your name and business into the public eye. Additionally, when you participate in an event such as a fair or festival you will be exposed to potential new prospects who may not have considered dealing with your company before! Be sure to stick around after the event is over to answer any questions they might have about your business.

• Media Partnerships – Many local businesses will be interested in working with other businesses in order to advertise. This can be a great option for businesses who are located in smaller cities as you will be able to syndicate your message and reach a much wider audience. Try to be proactive when negotiating with other businesses by outlining what you have to offer, why you would like the partnership and how synergistic the relationship would be.

• Signs, Business Cards & Postcards – You can also use traditional off-line advertising techniques such as business cards, signs and postcards, as well as e-zines to promote your business. Postcards are excellent for reaching out to customers who are not familiar with your business. When you send these postcards out you can also include a short message with your contact information and a simple request to call or visit your business. Be sure to follow up on your postcard and keep in touch with the person who received it!

• Street Meetings & Appearances – Another great way for your business to get exposure is through appearing at public events (such as street meetings, open houses and community affairs) that draw in thousands of potential customers. During these events you should do an initial handshake, introduce yourself and tell them about your business without being too pushy.


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